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Monday, January 31, 2011


Lynn has been very busy lately, or should I say is SUPER busy instead. Works piling, calendar is full on upcoming schedules, I even planning to cancel away my 2 days of CNY leave cos I believe I wouldn't be able to meet my deadline for the reports.

Base on the last update on my blog, I guess I should have tons of thing to update from there, but sadly, I just to busy on so many thing that I can't hardly recalled what interesting thing had happened, so I was rather active in Twitter instead, short update.

Basically dear had moved out for his condo, Sunny Spring, & move into HDB in the month of January. To most people feel they are doing a downgrading, but in actual fact, his dad was planning to buy a bigger house in the future, but at the moment, property price was too high to even consider, so they decide to move to HDB at the moment now. Anyway I gonna select my flat real soon, on 20 February 2010 :)

I'm kind of glad that dear shift over to somewhere so near to my house, walking distance, the most a 10minutes walk. After I visit dear's house, he will walk me home & head back home himself after that, so convenience, don't even need to drive. I like the feeling, is like we back into our teenager years, everytime we went out together, he will send me back to the doorstep by foot if possible & go back home himself, those are the days without transport.

Been doing quite a lot of shopping, thanks for Sharon accompany, she is the one who was there with me when I do most of the shopping. Not only shopping for ourselves, we still need to do the shopping for our partner, the 2 lazy bums.

♥T-Shirts I bought for Dear
Most of the weekend now, me & dear will spend our days at home, we are both so tight up with our work, only till last Saturday, we manage to have a "work-less" day. I woke up early & bought Dino for a grooming session, he need a new haircut for CNY too. Sadly, due to his skin problem, I can't request any funky hairstyle for him, basically it just a simple clear shave, total bald! The weather now is so cold, Dino wear his T-shirt & sock at home everyday, but he is shivering still, so sad seeing him like that.

♥Sloppy Dino before grooming

♥Seriously I tot the groomer pass me the wrong dog

♥Bald Dino

Later in the evening, dear came over to pick me up, as promise, he bought me to Sunset Grill for my flaming buffalo wings! The place was really hard to find plus it was raining super heavily that night, GPS doesn't really help as the map shown was rather out of date & the signal there was really lousy. A lot of disagreement started, but after 45minutes of search, finally we manage to find the place & we totally forget the argument we had earlier on & just get so excited over the buffalo wings.

♥Level 3 Buffalo wings

♥Our meal course steak to share

There 10 different level of buffalo wings for us to chose on menu, I told dear my friend tried level 3 & he could hardly take it, we should go with level 2 instead. But dear was super haolian, he want to start off at level 3 still, can you imagine such cold raining weather & we were sweating like mad. Lip burning, tongue numb & there butterfly in my tummy, it a good experience but also a horrible one at the same time, 1 time will be more than enough.

So mad dudes behind us even more yaya, they lick on their level 10 wings & say "ok la, so so lor", but minutes after me & dear turn out head over, BOOM!! They got super red face when they haven even finish their 1st wing yet, mad funny, me & dear was like laughing away.

After our late dinner, we had a drink at "Rain" pub & head back after a few drinks.

On Sunday, nice weather to sleep, but Dino wake me up early as he is scare to be alone in the living room with all the loud thunder sound. Need to let Dino in to my room & he happily jump on to the bed & squeeze in with me & dear.

No work done for me on Sunday too, dolling myself up, preparing to attend Cecilia's wedding dinner. Cecilia really look damn gorgeous after dolling up, make-up can really do wonder, I think she should start putting on some make-up even on the normal days, woman should look good always at all time.

♥Me & the pretty bride

Nice seeing & catching up with everyone, been so long since we last see each other. As expected, a table full of monkeys, I think our table is the nosier among all. Classic joke ever, pepper container drop into the shark fin soup, a fountain of coke landing on us coming out from Willie's mouth, the 4 girls went up to stage for the "yum seng" session realizing that we are drink apple juice instead of champagne. I seriously miss hanging out with those crazy peeps.

Thank you dear for sending me to hotel to attend the dinner & pick me up again after that, raining cats & dogs yesterday, if not guess I gonna be soaking wet when I got home.

Photos will be up soon after Jo upload them

Enjoy the photos :)

♥Our greeting to the couple

♥Me & Hannah

♥The Ladies

♥Me & Derren

♥Dinner time

♥Look at the smile on our face

♥There a joke behind all these smiling face

♥Cam-whore in the toilet

♥Rose among the torns?!?

♥Finishing & it time to call dear to pick me up

♥Taken in the lift

♥I love this photo

My 2nd blink garget :D
So proud of my art work

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