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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Shop till you Drop

My shoulder is aching, so are my back & my legs, but I enjoy my leave yesterday to the fullest.

I waited & waited, our 大小姐 taking her own sweet time, we finally meet up at around 1pm. The weather is freaking hot yesterday, I start "melting" even before I step out of my house.

♥Look at the crowd at the Taka fair♥

♥We are heading in♥

Reach Taka, our 大小姐 machiam like a "乡下老", she was amazed by the varieties of mooncake they offered there, she never been to any Taka mooncake fair before. Before we reach, she was still asking me why I insist to go all the way to Taka when everywhere else have mooncake fair.

Once we step into the fair, automatically the aunty 本色 come out of us, squeeze our way through the crowd (so typical Singaporean, sad to say, I'm one of them too, at time). Went to every shop, everywhere is offering samples, can you imagine I can eat the samples till I skip my lunch & feeling mad full?

♥This is what I bought for grandpa & dear's family♥

I decide not to get anything fusion stuff for dear's family this year, I'm going for something more traditional as I had a conversation with dear's mum over the weekend, she did told me she prefer traditional mooncake as compare to the fusion one (I have been buying all those funny favor for them all the past few years).

♥Early dinner at Thai Express♥

♥Our Foods♥

♥This is mad cute♥
♥You can choose your flash light colour♥

♥Say Cheeze♥

Ah cek reach not long after we done with our shopping for mooncake & Andy join us after he knock off at 4.30pm. Had our early dinner at Thai Express, as our 大小姐 keep complaining that she is starving.

As time goes by, I feel the 2 boxes of mooncakes is getting heavier & heavier, or should I say I'm getting more & more tired. I think the guys regret meeting us up yesterday, they are there to accompany for shopping or rather helping me with carrying my 战利品.

♥I'm so tired, finally can rest my legs♥

♥The KOHs sista♥

♥The ladies♥

♥The gentlemen♥

Till Cecilia reach, somemore shopping to do before we accompany her for dinner at TCC & this is the time we can finally rest our legs. I believe the number of steps I walk yesterday is equivalent to the number of step I averagely walk in a week.

Seriously, I miss Jo's trademark laugher (sometime you can hear those pig "koor koor" sound from her if you are "lucky"), ah cek stumbling with his words, Andy half "sian" face when his jokes back fire, I can't think of the words to describe Cecilia at the moment now. Anyway, what words used to describe them is not important at all, most important is I miss them all.

I miss the time we use to work together, I miss hanging out together with them after work, I miss the time we do silly things together as if there is no more tomorrow.

Those were the days that we can never get back anymore, it can only stay with us now as memories.
We end the day after we step out of TCC at around 9plus, the rest head back by train, while I took a bus & head over to dear's house. This time is not to look for dear (he is not home anyway), but is to look for his mum.

Luckily I got myself a seat in the bus. My hands are full with stuff & the bus is SUPER packed.

♥Lovely Tarts♥

Kathy help me to open the door & the stuffs in my hand, I'm so glad to load off the stuffs when I reach their house, everything just seems so heavy. Other than mooncake, I bought them some lovely fruit tarts (SUPER expensive, $10.80 each), chat with dear's mum & Kathy for awhile, so nice of dear's mum, she actually offered to drive me home as it getting rather late, but I don't wish to trouble anyone for my own convenience. I appreciate her offer but I still chose to head home by bus myself.

Reach home at 11pm, had my cold shower, on the air-con & I knock out straight on the bed. I love this kind of life, but I do not have enough "asset" now to enjoy this way of living, going in & out all those branded stuff shop. Till the day I become a 太太, I shall shop & swipe my cards with both eyes close (Dream on), whahahahah!!!!

Photos will be up soon, I hope so :) Photos are finally up!! I'm the last to upload my photos :) Enjoy the photos :)


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