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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dinner @ 星旺

Don't know if you guys have this problem, but this is a BIG problem to us, always!!

We always have this problem of thinking what to have for our meal. Be it is breakfast, lunch or dinner, seems like we are really rather sick of the food which we usually eat.

What to eat next?!? Well, after thinking for sooooooooo long, me & dear decide to head over to 星旺 at Siglap for our dinner.

When over to have a little chat with Tracy after our dinner. Seem a little scary ah, all married women around me start to "grow" side way after marriage.

Will that happened to me in the near future too?!? It really scary just to think about it. I pray real hard & hope that I will be able to mantain what I am now.

I don't wish to grow side way, I had try being fat before, it really rather depressing!! I hate to look at myself in the mirror, I feel that I'm so ugly, I feel no confident to present myself to other, I don't want this to happen.

If after marriage this gonna happen to me, I'm willing to pay a "price" to "transform" myself back to my usual self.

It just so scary to even think about it!!

♥Day Outta with Joanne♥

Stress level at work increases the same time with my pay. Higher salaries come along with greater responsiblity, that the fact, so I have to face it.

Been so long since I have this feeling again, so looking forward for weekend, so looking forward for rest day, all I want is a little getaway from work. I feel so worn out everyday.

Suffering from insomnia, once I closed my eyes, I see all the figures & datas flashing in front of me, I simply can't clear my my when I going to bed, I NEEDS SLEEP SO BADLY.

Sound a little crazy that even I need sleep so badly, I still wake up rather early to meet up with Jo for breakfast on Saturday.

♥Cartel Breakfast♥

She is crazy over Cartel's breakfast, so we went over to have that. The price are rather reasonable I think, it even cheaper comparing to eat breakfast meals for Mac. It yummy!!

After breakfast at Cartel, we head over to Flyer to registered for the Big Walk, no worry, I'm not the one signing up, I'm not so crazy to the extend till going for Big Walk, Jo is the one going for that.

We queue for at least an hour to sign up for that. Weather is freaking hot, we took a cab to Obolo to have our hi-tea there.

Love the place, but I was in a rush as dear came over to pick me up, I totally forgotten to take away my macaroons, what a waste :(










Monday, June 21, 2010

Missed home-cooked food

Suddenly I missed home-cooked food so much!! I miss my mum's cabbage rice, steam fish & steam tofu. I missed my Ah ma's curry mutton, braised chicken feets & duck's wings.

Looking at what I'm eating everyday, I'm really feeling sick & tired of the food out there. My everyday meals is all settle outside, either eating out or convenient food to fill my stomach at home.

Guess what I had dinner for tonight? Pasta from 7-11, but I did add some other ingredients to make it yummy.

Pasta / Cheese / Cheese Sausage

This is how the pasta look like

I add chesse sausage into the pasta

Add my favourite cheese on it

Time to tuck in

Passion for Foods

I realise that men love cars, women love fashion!! Lynnie love none other than my boyfriend, but I love food at the same time.

Problem with me is I love to eat, I love all kind of foods, but I just couldn't help it complaining that I fat at the same time.

I was browsing my photo album in my mobile phone, I realise that I have tons of photos of the food I eat. Looking through the photos in in Facebook (mobile upload), majority are on food too.

I guess my passion for food is indescribable by just a word or two.

Choose a couple of photos that I found in my mobile to share, those are a few out of so many of my favourite.

White Dog Cafe @ VivoCity:

The menu had just changed not long ago, but seriously I still prefer the old menu, there lot more variety that what they have now. I love their drinks & desserts, just by the look of it, it can make you drool.


Twister (Sour sop / Ice cream / Soda water / Jelly )

(Green Apple / Ice cream / Soda water / Jelly)

Black Pepper Beef pasta

Seafood pasta

Prawn aligo

P.S. Love

Warm Chocolate Lava cake

Other than those above, lately I'm so addicted to Macaroon!! I love macaroon, I can't describe how much I love it. I search so many places, tried so many macaroon, so far Obolo macaroon is the best!! Of cos, you need to pay a "good" price for GOOD food.

Each macaroon at Obolo cost S$2.20 each, if you are a fans of dessert & have sweet tooth like me, I beg you gonna love it. It really worth the price you are paying. Not only macaroon, they also sell alot of other lovely dessert.

I'm never a fan of dim-sum, but I start to eat "xiao long bao" cos dear love to eat that. We went alot of place, tried different "xiao long bao", so far Crystal Jade one is still the best, but I love their Spicy beef noodle more.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Night-out with MoMo & Yong @ Obolo


♥Spot Obolo from far♥

♥This is the one♥

♥Sinful Treat♥

♥Attractive outlook♥

♥Sweet Tempation♥

♥Where should he start off from♥

♥Yummy Yummy♥

♥Fighting for Heavenly Treats♥

♥Can we all stop playing & tuck in?!?♥

Friday, June 18, 2010

I don't wanna care

This whole week, I wasn't station at my normal work position, I was at Changi most of the day.

Well, not a good week for me actually, hectic days at work. Our position at the Regional department wasn't easy, the supporting role to the individual countries was tough, just Singapore itself is hectic enough for us.

Who will thanks us on the support we gave? People only take it for granted.

I was caught inbetween some ugly misunderstanding, I HATE THAT!!! Both party are important to me, I don't wish to lose anyone of my friends. Why I can't have the best of both world whenever there is a situation?

Because of all this issue, I had a few argument with dear. I don't want to get involve in this, this is none of our business, I DON'T WANNA CARE AT ALL, I already wash my hand of everything why get me involve again?

At the mid of protecting the person you care, you hurt a lot more of the people around you, I think that a very wrong way.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Having a headache & running nose now, not exactly running nose, but after bathing Dino & drying him up, I guess that the cause of my sensitive nose, Dino's fur.

Mahjong & laughter filled my house, guess this is gonna be our weekly Sunday activities now. Can you imagine if we got our own house, guess it gonna be more frequency than now.

Talk about house, April's BTO result was out last week, guess what queue number we got this time?!? Make a guess!!

We had downgrade our expectation from a 5room flat to a 4room, but worst thing is, we don't even get a queue number this time. My queue number is 300% beyond the flat supplies, scary right?!?

So disappointed ah, with the rate of so many application, I really wonder till when than we can get a home of our own.

Yesterday we went out to watch "Karate Kid", it wasn't a fantastic show to me, the storyline was a little too draggy. I'm feeling so restless sitting in the cinema for 2 & 1/2hours.

Went for some chilling out session at Yishun damp after movie, like back to the old days, eating ice cream at the road side & enjoying the night breeze.

Gastric pain after the ice cream, maybe had too much food yesterday.

Oh ya, dear was asking me what I would like to have for lunch today, I suggest to go Joo Chiat for some Bak kut teh.

Actually I wasn't really craving for Bak kut teh, but I jus lured dear to bring me to that area, so I can get my favourite MACAROON!!!! 1 for 1 today, it their 3rd year annverisary today!! LONG LIVE OBOLO!! I LOVE IT!!!


Thursday, June 10, 2010


Isn't this flower sweet?!? But I'm not the one that receive it.

The name of this pot f flower is called,
"Apple of the eyes"

This is a little gift for our good buddy Eve.

Today is her last day in Epson after 2years. I gonna miss her badly. This is the start of "Dis-banding" our Epson gangz.

Good chances don't come by often, I glad that she got a good job offer & leaving for the better.

Wish her all the best in her new career path :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My deepest Condolences

This is the Samuel Boy urn.
Samuel boy's cremation take place today

尘归尘, 土归土
生前不带来, 死后不带走

Samuel Boy, please forgive godma for not attending your cremation.
I'm always afraid of facing the cruel fact of life & death.

My deepest Condolences,

Memories will always stay with us, you left a deep pawz mark in our heart.

RIP our beloved Samuel Boy, we loved you always.

10 Rules of E-mail Etiquette

If you are holding a desk-bound job, I believe each & individual of us need to hold a very basic IT knowledge. I wouldn't say that I'm good at that, but I'm trying to learn more at the same time.

Communication is very important, be it is phone calls or even e-mail, this are the power of technologies that links the world together.

When is comes to work, especially through e-mail, I think basic courtesy is very important. You can't see that facial expression or hear the tone of the other party, so at many times you need to be very careful with the words you use.

Since E-mail is not going away any time soon, here are 10 that I would like to share after reading an article:
1. Do not use E-mail for sensitive subjects or topics that may be especially susceptible to misinterpretation.
2. Do not use E-mail if you are having a difference of opinion with the other person. It is very easy to come across as curt or uncaring in an E-mail message. Schedule a meeting with the person or pick up the phone.

3. Scrutinize the tone of your E-mails. Recognize that the receiver cannot hear your tone of voice and may not spot irony or humor.

4. Don't put anything in an E-mail that you wouldn't want to read on the front page of the newspaper or while sitting on the witness stand.

5. Be wary of forwarding E-mails unless you are certain that the sender would not mind if the message were forwarded. I've received forwarded E-mails that contained some rather personal comments in addition to the business content. I doubt if the author of the original message wanted me to know about her family situation.

6. If you want an E-mail to be regarded as urgent, then label it as such. Regard non-urgent messages the same way you'd regard regular mail and don't expect a reply within hours.

7. Beware of using text messaging abbreviations with people who might find it to be unprofessional, confusing or abrupt. I recently received an E-mail from a customer service department that was written in "textese." I thought it was funny but not everyone would have that reaction.

8. Unless the person is on the other side of the world, the fewer messages, the better. If you need to communicate so much with someone who is just down the hall, go see the person.

9. Beware of rushed messages. Those are the ones you are most likely to regret.
10. Forgive notes that seem unpleasant or out of character. We all have days in which we need people to cut us some slack. Unless it is extreme, don't let one note ruin a relationship.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Another WAVES on I-Phone is coming

I'm impressed, the heat of I-Phone is here once again after a year!!

The heat of I-Phone 3GS haven't seem to get over still, another waves of I-Phone 4 is launching soon.

It is official. The new iPhone is not iPhone 4G, iPhone HD. It is just by a simple name of iPhone 4. It has front facing camera, 5 MegaPixels camera with Flash, shoots 720p HD video, does video calling (via WiFi only, and to iOS 4 devices only) called FaceTime, super high resolution screen called Retina Display and it will come to Singapore in July 2010.

Some interesting things about this iPhone 4. It has Integrated Antenna, never seen in other products before.It has Retina Display with a resolution of 960 x 640, has four times as many pixels. The retina display has 326 pixels per inch.

The battery has also improved. It has a 3-axis Gyroscope. A first for a phone. The new OS will be called iOS 4 instead of iPhone OS 4. It is supposed to have more than 100 new features and thousands of API support.

The next interesting feature about this phone is the camera. It has 5 MegaPixels camera with flash and a VGA camera for the front. It records in HD at 30fps. It has iMovie (at US$4.99) that does amazing things (never seen in phone before).

The next few features are less interesting.
It will have iBooks store that can be wirelessly sync with other Apple devices (iPad, iPhone, iPod).
In total, there will be three key stores for Apple.

    • Apps Store
    • iTunes Store
    • iBooks Store

And next, iAds. This will be a heavily debated topic. It has rich ads display at the expense of your bandwidth. However, people are visual animals. I am sure they will be hooked. Already many big players are committed to it for the next half year.

Finally, Steve Jobs unveiled FaceTime. I think it is nothing new. In fact, I think Apple made a hype out of it when it is already available many years ago. FaceTime is actually video conferencing but with a twist. It can only be used with WiFi (in year 2010) and must be between iPhone 4 to iPhone 4.

So, finally, the big question. When will iPhone 4 be out, how much and how about existing iPhones? Will they be upgraded to iOS 4? iPhone will be available from 24th June in 5 countries (US, France, Germany, UK, Japan) (pre-order from 15th June 2010) iPhone 3Gs (8GB) will drop price to US$88, iPhone 4 (16GB) will be US$199 and iPhone 4 (32GB) will be US299.

And in Singapore and other 17 countries in July 2010. Same timing with Apple iPad, and you can get it on the 21st June 2010.

And regarding iOS 4. Who can get upgraded? 3G and iPod Touch. Note that some features will not be available on iPhone 3Gs iPhone 3G and iPod Touch.


The Leaving of Samuel Boy

Leaving is a part & parcel of life.

It always easier to say than be done. People come, people go, you won't know when will your loved one going to leave you.

MissyM, just make an important decision after so long. Samuel was suffering from old aged & sickness, on Sunday, he was really sick till the extreme extend.

My advice to her, "Letting go, is also a form of love. Rather to see Samuel suffer that way, why don't you chose to let him go?"

Today is a raining day, the sky tears for the leaving of Samuel with us. MissyM bought Samuel for a grooming session a very last time yesterday evening, she just want him to look good before he leave.

I was on the line with MissyM just now, she told me that Samuel was gone, I feel the pain in me too. She told me she saw the vet poke the needle on him, & slowly, Samuel became motionless & left us for good.

In actual fact, Samuel had left us, but we know that Samuel is living in each of our heart, we loved him still. He is free from needle & dip, no more medication & suffering, he is watching over each & everyone of us that loved him from the heaven, & of cos, I believe Samuel will not forget us too.

My deepest condolence.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Flash Back: Vesak Day - Karting Trip

Time to update the photos taken on Vesak Day, a little late but better than I totally never update. I don't wish my blog to turn into a dead blog :D

Lazy to describe much on the photos, let the photos do the talking :)