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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

FullHouse Signature @ Clark Quay

It has been around 1 week since my last exam paper ended, feeling great now although I do not have any confident on passing both of my paper. This was a tough semester juggling with so many issues I have in hand, I had many bad encounters while doing the group assignment this time, but there are still many nice people around &  I’m glad that everything is over now. I will make full use of my 4months break this time to have a good rest & do up all my wedding preparation.

Yesterday evening was a fun one, had my advance Christmas gift exchange session with my bunch of good classmates over our dinner at “Full House Signature”. In short, nothing fantastic about the food there, but just love their theme concept. We spend lot of time going around snapping photos & laughing around. I’m very sure I will not miss anything about studying during my break, but definitely these are the people I will miss so much during this period of time.

I will see you ladies after my deferment, while I’m away, all of you must JIAYOU still &  keep FIGHTING!!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Finding of JOP

Leak of update lately cos I’m busy with my upcoming exam this weekend. Finally this semester is coming to an end soon; I will be on a 4months deferment for my next module for my wedding preparation.
I’m sure the school is out to suck the money dried from all their students. When I signed up my course, I was told there no limit to how long I take to complete my course, all I need to do is split my bill payment to 4 semesters, I can take 3 or 4 years to complete is all up to me. Who know, when I send my request for deferment, they told me I had to pay an administration fee of 378SGD per semester, feel so cheated, but I paid still as I need a lot of time for my preparation. 
Registered our ROM application online exactly 3months from the date of our wedding, it a really bad encounter for me, can’t believe that there are such irresponsible JOP around. Not to mention name, she is a glass root leader or member (I’m not very sure too) in the east district, recommended by one of my friend, she is my friend’s aunty. I contracted her like 4 to 5 months before my actual wedding; invite her to be my JOP to witness my wedding & she promise that she will saved the date for me. 
On the registration day, I watapp her again to request her for her license’s number & she ask me for my wedding date again and guess what her reply this time, “I will be overseas, apologies”, that it and nothing more. So I spend my whole morning searching online for a JOP again. 
I was luckily enough, recommended by my friend, I only send my enquiry to 2 JOP & their reply is almost immediate. The ideal JOP I would wish to invite is Dr. Phua Tan Tee, a very fatherly man, highly recommended in the entire bride forum, but sadly he wasn’t available so I send my request to Mr. Alex Tan Yan Boon instead. Without second words, Mr. Tan agreed to help me on the spot, so nice of him. Got to know from my friend he assists to solemnize in Xiaxue’s ROM to. Mr. Tan was very helpful, he advice me on the information I needs to know, what I need to do etc, this make my preparation so much easier. 
I’m very thankful for those helpful people assistance despite of those responsible one that messed up my plan. Slight hic-up, but manage to resolve everything in no time, just pray for the better.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Garcinia Cambogia

As date getting closer to my wedding, I got pretty "gan chiong" in a way, trying to bring the best out of me on my big day. What is the first thing that comes to my mind is going on diet!

I know that I'm not very fat with the height I have, it consider in a healthy range close to the under weight side now, but I'm not happy with it still. The ideal weight which I want to achieve is about 47kg, BMI 17.9! I know I'm very greedy, but who don't wish to have a figure like those Victoria Secret's models?

I was introduced to this healthy supplement know as garcinia cambogia, a fruit found in south east asia rain forest which is well known as an appetite suppressor, not found to carry any side effect as far as know. Even Mr. Oz recommand this pills as a miracle pills, wonderful creation for weight control, I doubt he will do anything funny to spoiled his own reputation, so I believe nothing can go wrong with this pills.

Finally I got the pills I ordered delivered to my house today. From tomorrow onward, I'm going to start my very first intake of this pill, together with the colon cleanser pill as recommanded by Women Health. Check my weight today is 52kg, hopefully it gonna work really well for me to be a pretty bride in 3months time, I shall keep track on my weight and feedback if this pills can do wonder!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Our Wedding Photo Sneak

Today mark the 96days to our wedding day!

Had our lunch together with my boyfriend's family to celebrate 2 of his uncles birthday at a Japanese restaurant at City Square on Sunday, buffet lunch! Actually the food there was quite bad, but everyone enjoys the get together session.

Both of us turns out to be the topic of the day, everyone is so excited discussing on our wedding preparation and the actual day plan.

After the lunch, we send Val & popo home before we head back to the bridal shop to select our wedding photos! I'm pretty excited over it since the day Tiffany called me, finally I can get to see it today.

I was quite firm before going there, telling myself I will need to stick strongly to my package, 32 photos only and nothing more! Who knows turn out I became the real "cai tou", kenna chop until "cui cui".

Instead of 32, I select till 52pcs! We topped up 1200bucks for the additional.  Initially I thought my boyfriend will blowed his top off on me, but he knew me far too well, he say even if I only chose 32 photos today, I will arrange with Tiffany again to come down on another day, chose the extra which I like & pay it off from the money of my own pocket. True enough, that was exactly my actual plan & he see me through it!

So, my boyfriend asked me to go ahead & chose what I like, paid for the additional 1200bucks for our wedding photos, once a life experience just not to disappoint me, love him so much!! He should have consider my previous suggestion on engaging another freelance photographer, market rate about 100bucks per hours and we won't have to go through this pain now, anyway, it too late to regret now!

Just a sneak preview on our wedding photos, just 3 photos which we love most, unedited version snapping off from the moniter screen! Can't wait for the edited version to be ready in 1month time!! I really getting excited over our wedding now!!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Our Wedding bands

My boyfriend is blaming me today for forgetting the most important thing for our wedding, and I still require him to keep reminding me that we got to buy our wedding band real soon.

Finally, we got everything settle today. My boyfriend came and pick me up at my office after my work, we went for our dinner first at Vivo's Sushi Teh as he is starving after skipping his lunch!

Yah right, we chose a "right" day to hunt for wedding band, CitiGem, Diamond Atelier & Goldheart are closed for their annual D&D, so we are not left with much choices, we can only chose for Love & Co, Soo Kee and SK if we want to get everything settled by today.

After visiting all the 3 shops we decide to go for Soo Kee' Brilliant Rose collection! I love the design of my wedding band, the band is made up of both white and rose gold, with a combination of 1pc 0.06 and 24pcs 0.09 diamonds. No stone for my boyfriend's band, only a plain white and rose gold band, lolz.

We got a pair of beautiful crystal champagne glass, any purchase of Brilliant Rose collection that are over 2K will get it free!! Can't wait to collect our wedding bands in 3 months time, start to feel really excited over our wedding now!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Happy 7th Anniversary

Time really flies, in a blink of eye, today mark the day I spent my past 7years with my man, 7years!! That is 1/4 of my 28years of living, can't believe that!

7 years isn't a long period of time, neither a short one too. There are full of ups and downs throughout the journey, but we manage to overcome all of them so far!

Not long after this, in estimated 3months from now, we gonna tie a knob and move into the 2nd phrase of our life.

Thank you for everything in the past 7 years, be it good or bad, I truely believe that I grow up alot within this period of time and became a better person in life!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dinner @ Bliss House with the Peepz

This has always been one of my value in life which I believed in, never put a value to the people you treasured, because everyone of them is priceless.

When one starts to weight the individuals on their contribution to their life, on the other hand, many of them don't see that they themselve are 'unless' in a way to other life too, they don't see that the joy and laugher other bought is priceless, till the very day they loss them.

I may not be very sociable in a way, not much people will like to mixed around with people like me due to my attitude, but I do appreciate everyones' appearance in my life, be it in a good or the bad way! And I'm very thankful for those people that actually accept me for who am I and always be there for me!

This batch of peepz which I have are a group of very special people, each of us is very different in a way, at time, even me myself will wonder how can we click with our differences & each of us are kinda a weirdo in a unique way!

Had our meet up once a blue moon, yesterday we had our meet up at Bliss house, I just wanna spend the vouchers I had on hand bringing this group of people for a treat! Blame me for not being thoughtful enough, I forgot to see if there any food suitable for Andy, through the dinner sitting opposite me, I saw how he struggle with the food, in order not to make anyone uncomfortable, I saw him force e food down his throat, still telling me the food is really good, what a lousy friend I am.

Anyway, we have a fun night with all our cranky jokes, just love those guys that bring so much fun in my life for the past 8years!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Meet-the-Parents Session

Done with our meet-the-parents session this afternoon, I'm glad that most thing turn out fine. Other than the language barrier, my mum can't speak english & my boyfriend's dad can't speak chinese, the old people can get together quite well!

The food I cannot say is fantastic, but is consister reasonably good! I love the herbal prawn dish & the dessert, too bad we won't be able to really eat those dish on the actual day! I did something really paisae today, while shelling the prawn, the prawn's head flew into my tea cup, everyone have an extreme good laugh over it.

Mum & sis left after the lunch while we stayed to follow up on some misc issue & when for home viewing again! His dad planning to move in to a bigger place again. They only stayed in this current place arpund 1year, but they planned to moved for a reason, thinking of doing the shifting again really freak me off!

Saturday, October 26, 2013


When to collect my wedding invitation cards on Monday & I swear those was freaking heavy!! See, that is what I got trying to take a bus home & insist on saving the cab fare.

Didn't expect getting the invitation done up could take up so much of my time, especially to tie up the insert! At least 50% of the invitation done!

We even do up an additional insert to put in the envelope for our guests, to inform them on the limited parking lots available in tge hotel to avoid any inconvenient for them, hope it help!

I'm feeling kinda "gan chiong" now for our meet-the-parents session tomorrow afternoon, first time our parents meet up, wonder how it gonna turn out to be!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sengie's Advance 21st Birthday Celebration

I remember I hear before other say, "cousins, will be your first friend, your best friend since young, for life". I do agree alot on this as I'm actually quite closely bonded with my 11 other cousins!

Of all the other cousins, can say Sengie was the closest to me even we are 7years apart, maybe is bcos we have alot of similarity, I see myself in her, I dote her like my own little sister, but definately, she is a better person than I am!

My sweet little girl is turning into a demure young lady in no time, my honour to be invited to her advance 21st birthday celebration, wishing her the best in everything she do!!!

Happy 21st Birthday!! I'm so proud of you!!

P/S: she only look demure from the outside but actually so is more manly than any guys outta!! Survived her BMT training with all other men at tekong and she is going for her OCS now!