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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

FullHouse Signature @ Clark Quay

It has been around 1 week since my last exam paper ended, feeling great now although I do not have any confident on passing both of my paper. This was a tough semester juggling with so many issues I have in hand, I had many bad encounters while doing the group assignment this time, but there are still many nice people around &  I’m glad that everything is over now. I will make full use of my 4months break this time to have a good rest & do up all my wedding preparation.

Yesterday evening was a fun one, had my advance Christmas gift exchange session with my bunch of good classmates over our dinner at “Full House Signature”. In short, nothing fantastic about the food there, but just love their theme concept. We spend lot of time going around snapping photos & laughing around. I’m very sure I will not miss anything about studying during my break, but definitely these are the people I will miss so much during this period of time.

I will see you ladies after my deferment, while I’m away, all of you must JIAYOU still &  keep FIGHTING!!!

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