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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Weekly update

It Sunday again & once again I have some free time to blog now.

Guess what I do on Friday night? Yes, I went prawning once again. Seriously I feel that I in love with prawning now. I believe it help in training my patient & now, I dare to put on the bait all by myself & unhook the prawn.

Lynn, you had overcome your fear, give a pat on your shoulder!! :D

Did not bring the prawn home that night, we BBQ it on the spot. Lynn is the chef of the day!! But I feel so bad that I actually put the life prawn over the fire to let it die.

While BBQing, we saw a BIG spider, I had not see such a big spider in my life before. Saw some ladies screaming over the spider, damn funny, as usual I will go chase after a spider & capture the special moment that happen in my life.

Big Spiddy on the wall

Dear gonna forbid me to go there prawning without him around. He don't like the uncle being nice to me, he feel that he is up to no good.

Saturday my poor dear knock off so late, accompany him for him late lunch & head over to my grandma's house to pass her some stuff.

A group of chicken block our driveway while heading in, I didn't know that my grandma's neightbour keep chicken, how can they allow them to roam everywhere & block people way. They are not afraid of cars & honk them also no use.

They are everywhere on the driveway

Dear head home for a nap while I keep myself occupied with my D.S, been sometime since I last played with that. Luckily I bought my D.S out if not I'll be mad bored.

I cannot recall if I had posted my blinked D.S pic before

Dear bought me to a stroll at Changi beach & we head home to rest after that.

Chef Lynn is busy today again, after making otah french toast for our brunch, I need to get ready & prepare for dinner. Guess what for dinner, nothing special, fried rice again.

So sweet of dear actually bring Dino down for a walk when I'm busy. When I was hugging Dino, I was shock to find a damn bloody blood sucker tick on him. I was so scare, keep checking on his body, I kill the blood suckr on the spot.

It bite on Dino's skin so tightly that I have problem pulling him out.

Use lot of ingredients for today fried rice, & I increase the potion at the same time, prepare to save some for my tomorrow lunch.

Got prawns, cheese sausage, meatball, crab stick, eggs & our favourite pacific clams!! This time round I decide to cook the rice using the pacfic clams stock to add favour to the plain rice. Instead of using the normal chicken stock, I change it to ikan bilis stock too.

What I prepare for my fried rice

But dear don't like the taste, he say it taste too fishy. So from the ocean fried rice I add sambal chilli to it & fried together. Sambal fried rice for dinner, luckily dear say it taste much better with the sambal.

Sambal fried rice


Let me end the post with Dino photo.

♥Simply love him so much♥

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