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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dogs in our Family - Random Photos

This few days nothing special happened, nothing much to update.


Just some randomz photos to share.







Mum took those photos while I’m playing with Dino

<My silly darling eyeing on the toy on my hand>


<But if he is not able to got it from you, he will start to play cheat>









<He will start to snatch from you>

<after a tired day of playing, he will jus dozed of by your side>


<The way he sleep sweet isn’t it, like a small baby>





Now let me introduce Cat & Ah Ze baby, Max.


<Max is a 3years old Chow Chow, a lazy dog>


<Known as 狮子狗,but I think he look more like a BIG brown bear>


<Chow Chow is known for his blue tongue, more like black to me.>

<Lazy Max needs a support on his head while he is sleeping>


<FYI, Max weighted more than half of my weight>

<Last photo for the post & I love this photo>


<Max look so cute in this>


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sick Sick again

I was down with flu again.

Flu bugs is everywhere in the air now.

MC for one day, gonna get back to work tomorrow.

Medication is working now,

feeling rather sleepy now.

Anyway Missy M is back from her Taiwan trip,

looking forward for our dogs outing on Friday.

Some stuff that she bought for me.

<I don't know what flavour is that, I haven't tried yet, hav not see it here before>

<Taiwan famous "TieDan">

<This is a mirror>




Well, nowaday I start to let Dino sleep wit me in my bed.

He really knows how to make himself real comfortable.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A day under the hot sun

Well well, I got a rather bad Thursday & Friday. Bad thing I gonna let it past of course & move on.

Saturday I woke up with my Dino sleeping beside me, it really sweet to see him sleeping soundly by my side. Woke up laze at home till afternoon then I step out of the house & head off to Parkway Parade.

First station I went to Watson, need to buy some make-up stuff. After Watson, I went to Pet Lovers Centre wanted to get Dino a new leash. I bought some treats and a new leash, it so cute, is like a t-shirt.

I got the Pet Lover’s member card for free without any minimum purchase, just simply flash my HSBC credit card, guess they must have some special tie up promotion with the bank.

Head to Singtel, the place was rather packed with people. Manage to get the document of the money refund done; cheque will be post to be in one month time, bought a new Bluetooth headset for dear at the same time using the $30 offset.

Time was still early, I need a coffee. Starbuck was under renovation, Dome cafe & CoffeeBean was packed too. So I went to Mac Cafe instead, their coffee was not up to the minimum standard of mine, but still it always better than nothing.

Took bus 31 & drop of at the North Light Secondary & dear pick me up from there after his work. Dear had his shower & off we go for our dinner. Finally I get to eat my Shabu Shabu. Love the beef. We decide to go for the menu order instead of the buffet, it was rather cheap for us to eat that way as I don’t really eat that much.

I woke up today with a really bad headache, had 2 painkiller first before we head out to join the rest for their Sport Day.

Supposing meeting time is at 1.30pm, of course they did not turn up in time; they start their games around 2plus. Soccer & basketball for today, while playing half way Jaryl join in after his lesson.

Time flies, everything ends around the time of 5.30pm. Some accident happens to my Dino. While Jimmy bought him for a run, he bangs my Dino onto the lamp post. After Dino hit onto the lamp post, he refuse to move an inch, I believe it really hurt.

I run to Dino from far, dear thought I gonna give Jimmy a good scolding, although it really hurt seeing Dino in pain, but I don’t think is right for me to scold Jimmy.

Had mac delivery for our dinner again, it is like our usual Sunday routine. Up-size both meal for the seaweeds thingy. Dear hate seaweeds, so I actually add both packet of seasoning into my packet of fries, love it.  


<Some Random Photos>

<Dino New Collar – Wit a pocket in front>

<Dear bringing Dino for a walk>

<Dino loves taking photo too>

<Dino resting on my lap>

<Punishment for the loser>

<Dino wants to go home>

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Half day Leave

I was on half day leave yesterday. Yap! It a last minutes thingy which I inform my boss the night before.


Call Singtel to assist me on trouble-shooting the phone yet I received a sux-up attitude from them. Their advice for me is to bring the phone down to Comcentre again as they believe is hardware issue.


Rush my morning assignment to make sure my engineer schedule run smooth before I left. Dear was supposed to pick me up from work at 1pm, but he was held up at office & he ask me wait for him to pick me up.


Instead of waiting, I rather make my time worth, I head to dear’s office to look for him, so he don’t need to make a trip from office to Changi, & from Changi rush to Comcentre again.


While making my way to bus stop, I saw the bus came from the opposite road. I tried to run across the road as I don’t wish to spend ½ hours time waiting, but situation don’t allow me to. With a 1 inch tall heel & a IBM ThinkPad lappy hook to my arm, I cannot simply run. Luckily the bus driver was kind enough to wait for me.


The weather was so hot, I’m like melting, and luckily I’m a person that sort of won’t perspire. Bus change to train, after reach Lavender station make my way to dear’s office. When dear is done with his stuff, we head down to Comcentre.


Damn, the car park was full, no choice dear have to drop me off 1st & he go find a place to park his car. He pass me his mobile wonder how dear going to look for me, luckily he still manage to find me.


After all my bad experience with Singtel helpdesk, I still quite contented with their corner service. After 15 to 20minutes of wait, we were told that we were given a one to one exchange, exactly what we wanted to ask for.


The new phone work perfectly fine! Look at the watch, WOW, is already 3plus now & we haven’t eaten our lunch, both of us are really hungry now. Deciding where for lunchies & we ended at Tiong Bahru Plaza for their Indonesian Grills, super yummy, miss their food there.


After our lunch, we went to PSB Academy to get dear’s diploma cert & do his enrollment for his degree. I refuse to get out of the car as the weather was real bad out there. How I wish I will have the money to study my degree too, I miss my studying life.


<took some random photo while waiting for dear's in the car>


 <1st sofe-toy that dear allow my to put in his car>

<the key-chain which I bought, look a little old now>


<Dear got his Diploma liao>


<his school, PSB>


Still early to head home, so we went to Kallang Leisure Park for a movie. We watch “Obsessed”. Typical women “cat fight”, you can’t imagine how scary a woman can be when they wanted to protected their child, their man.


After the show me & dear was discussing about the movie, I was telling him that don’t try doing any thing funny, he won’t know what crazy woman he will encounter, might be worst then the woman in the show or anyone he met before, who knows.


We are still feeling rather full even it dinner time, so we decide to give our dinner a miss. Dear was afraid that I will be hungry & he knows that I’m crazy over good food, so he tried to tempt me with the food ask me to buy a bit home in case I will be hungry later.


In the end I cannot resist temptation, dear bought me my favorite “Mango Snow Ice”. I’m always never too full for dessert.


Monday, July 20, 2009


I woke up rather early on Saturday to bring Dino to Mount Pleasure Animal Hospital for sterlization.

After I send Dino off, I head to East Point for a coffee at Starbuck.

I was surprise that so many people wake up so early for coffee.

Enjoy my coffee & book in my hand till around 11.30am,

I went for some window shopping.

Head to Pet Safari to look at those pup.

Love the Westland terrier & Poodles, so cute!

Pet Lover stuff was so expensive,

with the same amount spend,

I believe I could buy more toys for Dino at Pet Farm.

Dear came over to pick me up after his meeting.

We went to pay or bike installment & head to City Plaza for Mee Hoon Kueh,

 meet Ben for a puff after eating.

Time to pick Dino up.

I was so sad when I carry Dino in my arm.

He was so weak, eye open but he can hardly move a inch.

<Tears in his eyes>

Dear went for his family dinner, don't wish to tag along as they are eating vegetarian food.

Hate those green stuff.

So I stay home to accompany Dino.

Dino & me dozed off on the sofa till I forget to eat my dinner.

My Boy simply cannot be left alone,

he rather sleep in my arm.

<Baby sleeping in my arm>

Some NY poly young chap knock on my door

& ask me to buy some stuffs from them.

<cute isn't it>

After Dear finish his dinner, he came over to pick me up,

& we head to Loyang "bai bai".

Head over to Pasir Ris to meet up for Derek for a drink

& head home.

Sunday stay home whole day till late evening & we went shopping.

Went shopping with 3 big guys at Giant.

After Giant, went to IKEA as Haojie wanna buy some stuff.

I love the ice cream from IKEA,

4 big "kids" eating ice cream on the road side.

Picked Derek up & off we head to Fisherman Village for some drink.

The beer was suck. Like drinking plan water.

<awful beer>

The table beside us order some food, i believe is steak.

As the sea breeze blow into our direction,

all of us felt rather hungry out of a sudden.

Wait no longer, bottom up our beer & off we go to 85 market for super.

Crave for stringray, "Da Tuo" & mince meat noodle

& I had them all.

So long since I last eat supper,


<My dear feeding his "darling" on stringray>

Friday, July 17, 2009

Jack Russell

This little fellow here his name is "Hope", A 3year 7months old Jack Russell.


He was rescued from a clinic as owner wanted to put him down due to his disablity to move his 2 hind legs.


He was unable to move any body parts except his 2 eyes when he's sent to the clinic.


By the time,they wanted to put him down,he's able to stand up.


He was adopted & he's given a wheelchair to move around as well.


Current owner unable to keep him any longer as their new-born is allergy to dog hair - Asthmatic.


Any kinded-hearted people out there would like to give him his new hope?!?



Thursday, July 16, 2009


OMG, Check this out:


Couple caught on camera at Bukit Timah Hill.

They are caught making love in public in board day light!!

On Stomp!!!

Shameless Couple!


Been spending lots on food recently.

Tuesday our engineer went on-site rather late,

so I went Signature to "da pao" our lunchie.

Had Japanese food!

Cost my $5.90 for this.

After knock off from work that day,

head to dear's office to look for him as he is working late.

bought this famous western food from Crawford road.

pork roll with cheese & ham.

$6.00 for this.

Yesterday lunch me, Yong, Rozi & Trudy walk a distance to "Mango Cafe"

The view from there is nice but the food was rather expensive.

Had "Salmon Don" with "Miso Soup" & "Ice Lemon tea"

this meal cost me $8.90, heart pain.

Anyway me, Rozi & Yong was in uniform yesterday after so long,

we look like those factory worker, haiz.

Went Tampines to meet up with mum & sis after work.

Had our dinner at "Swenson"

there lot of new dishes there.

I tried the "Butter Herbal Prawn", damn nice wor.

Went shopping after dinner & bought a couple of top,

I got 2 for dear too.

But who knows when I reach home & compare,

is 2 of the same size, but 1 of the cutting is smaller.


I went into a Japanese tibits shop & bought lots of stuffs.

When I went to cashier & pay then I was told cash payment only.

Mum & sis is nowhere in sight,

so I actually dig out every cents from my wallet to clear my payment.

Never so paisae before,

I believe the cashier will think this poor lady no money to pay yet want to buy so many stuff.

Their attitude totally change when they see me digging out the money lor.

A big shop at Tampines one don't accept credit card,


Monday, July 13, 2009

Can You Spot Lynn?!?

My crazy day in the queue!!!

Thanks to one of my engineer actually went to dig out this photo.

Can you spot me?!?!

Clue: If you know what my bag look like.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I-Phone 3GS Launch

Thursday during working time received a SMS from dear saying that he gonna pick me up after work, his mobile phone battery running low. So happy, I don’t need to squeeze the bus with everyone else after work.


Close to knock off time I received a call from an unknown number, pick up the call is dear again. He was telling me that after work Kieve will pick me up, asking him why, he told me that he don’t have car so Kieve will pick me up, I got so worry & trying to ask for more details & dear say he will tell me later.


Mind running wild wondering what has happen. Clock strike 6 & dear called with another unknown number again saying that he is coming down with Steven now to pick me up.


Finally saw dear in a good state then I can rest my mind. Well, the reason for all this is because Steve going to Bintan for holiday & he is handing over his car to dear, not possible for dear to drive 2 cars at a time, really scared the hell out of me.


We head over to Changi Village to have some “Tim Sum” for dinner & send Steven to the ferry terminal.

 <My Winnie the Pooh bolster at dear's house>

<Before our drinking session>


We head back home for dear to have shower & stuff & we went to Serganoon Garden to meet up with Kieve. We went to a pub call “The Chapter”, a nice place to chill out. Accompany Kieve till Yao Yang & his girlfriend came over & we make a move from there.


Friday I’m on leave but I woke up rather early still. Today I gonna get the I-Phone 3GS for my dear. I step out of my house around 11plus & reaches Somerset around 12 plus. Walk to the ComCentre, the place was arranged full with lot of security guard, did not see any queue so I head over to TCC for some coffee & snack.


Simply love “Ice Hazelnut Latte” and I had “Mozell Beef Tofu”, that dish have 2 of my favorites stuff inside – Cheese & Tofu. I miss the time when I can laze around in a cozy café in the warm afternoon, with my favorite coffee & a nice book in hand. That the best enjoyment in life.


Head back to Comcentre around 1.30pm, saw Kelvin there, ask him where the queue starting from & I head over for my queuing session. Initially I decide to stand my way there as I’m wearing a white short, but it too tiring so I simply hack care, just make myself comfortable on the floor with my book in hand.


Around 3plus Jimmy came & joins the queue, but he was so far behind till I cannot see him, not able to let him cut my queue as they are rather strict this time. Received a call from dear saying that he is unable to come down & accompany me now as his uncle was missing he say he will join me later.


The weather was hot; I really had a hard try struggling here in the queue, what keep me going is to think that I wanna get this phone for dear. Trying my very best to avoid all camera as I was like the first few in the queue, this is the craziest thing I had ever done I won’t want to see my face in the TV or paper, I won’t know where to hide my face.


Time crawl, I felt so cheated as stated on the email the event start at 6pm, but when we got there we were told the event start at 8pm. We had colour code on our hand to state we are in the queue so ask Jimmy out for a puff as all of us are really so tired of waiting.


Got a SMS from Hannah telling me she saw my face on the big screen. ARGH!! I cannot hid my face anywhere is I’m the 14th in the queue, directly in front of all camera. Felt so paisae, hoping that no one else gonna tell me they saw me.


Received a call from dear saying that he is unable to join me as they found his uncle collapse in the house. His uncle was send in to hospital & he got a minor stoke. Good thing they found him early, it really dangerous for an old person to live alone. 


It was a grand launch I can say, with firework & stuff, never in my life I get so close to the firework before, still worry that the spark might drop on me. Finally we can go in to get our phone at the time of around 8.30pm.


There a little hip-up happen while purchasing. My attitude wasn’t very nice & I gave them a rather impatient look. Finally the manager came over to my assistance & I’m able to purchase my phone fast enough.


Went to the “Trade-in” booth to trade-in dear’s HTC Touch, S$100 bucks cash back. Used the S$100 cash back to buy some accessory for dear. Got a screen protector, a silicon casing & a car kit charger. What I can say is the accessory is not cheap.


Finally I got all my stuff done at around 9.30, took a cab to dear’s house, I was too tried to squeeze with everyone in the bus.


We head over to his uncle’s house to check all the electricity is off & I “da pao” my dinner to eat there, I was damn hungry at that time & really need to go to toilet after such long hours of waiting. Dear check out the phone over there. Finally see a little excitement in his face now.


<Dear put my photo as wall paper>


After everything done, we went to pick Jimmy up & head to cage at Kallang. Watch Keive play soccer awhile & the 2 of them was like discussing about the function of the phone.


Saturday, dear came & pick me up after he visit his uncle at hospital. Head back to dear house, finally we got time to download the app & really explore the phone. The speed of the phone was really fast.


<While waiting for dear come down from his uncle house>


Dear was asking me to make up my mind if I wanna get the Sony Ericson Satio or an I-Phone too. Really hard for me to decide, I like I-phone due to the app, the games that I can play & I can just use it as a MP3, but at the same time I like Satio because of the 12.1mega pixel camera phone, with that I can don’t buy a digital cam. Really so hard to chose between the two.


Time really flies, it is way pass our dinner time, I was super hungry by the time. Dear bought me to Suntec for my favorite Kenny Roger. Don’t know why I simply crave for that so often.


Sunday our rest day as per normal, Dino allow to roam around my whole house every Sunday. Suddenly I realized Dino look rather sad the whole day then I realize that he cannot find is bone. Manage to find the bone for him & he was hyper again.


We went to visit dear’s uncle around evening time. Hospital was still in high precaution moment, all temperature must be taken, sticker must put on, and all visitors must have a pass before we can go into the ward, 2 visitors at a time. While waiting for dear’s uncle & aunty to come down, I was playing & keep disturbing dear will the mask, dear say he shouldn’t have bought me along, but of cos what I did is to ease off his tense.


It good to see his uncle recovering well, he look perfectly fine & healthy, guess he will be able to discharge real soon. After we left, we head over to Tampines to have “Nasi Lemak” for dinner.


There goes my long weekend.