i was so pissed today, i was super duper hungry tis afrnoon, was craving for e kway teow soup since yest. so i head to e kopi tiam n waited for my turn to order.
i was standing like a idiot there n e aunty simply jus ignore me like as if i am transparent like tt. told e aunty i wan kway teow soup da pao, guess wat she say to me
" alot of order, very busy now. wan da pao cum back 1/2hr later if u wan to wait"
i was so pissed, where got ppl run their business like tt de. eatin in e kopitiam is customer la, da pao wan is not like tt. aaarrrgghhh!!! so angry, decide to walk off n not to eat frm tt store. e attitude sux!!
yo yo! is it the noodle soup stall ?? if it is, i also kena before!!! haha. she like ask to wait lor. she is damn rude can.. thinking that got alot of people waiting to eat her food. i buy for u next time. den u dun need to wait so long.