yest was a horrible day at hm.. prepare for the upgrading of flat today, so we need to pack up our stuffs. woke up in the morning, dig out if there any valuable or cash, all need to bring over to sis hse for the time being, den i pack up my stuffs, my clothes, lappy, school book and other that i need to bring over to dear's hse. moving over to dear hse for the time being.
mum is really a cleaniness freak, usually ppl afr upgrading will jus clean off e dust n everything, she simply use plastic to cover everything up n tape e opening. it really a busy day for e 3 of us. i was so pissed at time, watever i do, watever i say, is always wrong. she had nv belif in me. but she trust n do every words my sis say even i did bring it up before. i was so angry, i hav no say at all.
finally everything is done by e evening time, mum rush to wk afr shower. me n sis take our own sweet time shower, den we head to blk 400+ there to da pao botak jones. afr we done wif e buying of foods, alvin came n pick us up. when to sis hse wif alvin n tracy, afr dinner is our mahjong game. jus bcos i play mahjong wif them, nv complete e mission that dear gave me. feel so bad.
afr dear finish his lesson, he came n pick me up n sis hse, den head back to my hse to get my stuffs that i prepare to bring over to his place.
2week of freedom, no mum nagging....hahahha...
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