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Monday, May 19, 2008

holiday eve

been a week since i move to dear hse le, getting very use to hav dear by my side always, but feel kind of bad to cos any inconvenience to his family wif my present.

today is public holiday eve, had a very gd slp last nite, woke up super late today. nua at hm wif dear e whole day till evenin time den we went out.

head to mariner's corner for our dinner. had loster n steak for our main. guess wat, dear nearly eat a rubber band tt found in e loster, feedback to e captain there. there recovery job done is real bad, not even a replacement of a new dish. jus compliment 1 ice cream for us, but we decide not to take it.

afr tt, dear kip checking his food before he put inside his mouth, jus to make sure it safe to eat tt. he oso kip complaintin e rubbery taste in his mouth.

afr e rubbery dinner, went to kallang leisure park. iron man was really a hot show, no choice but watch e midnight show. went arcarde to play our basketball game, as usual, loser buy drink.

while taking a lift, a guy did a funny thing, i jus cant stop laughing, dear even disturb e guy somemore, e whole lift is fill wif laugher.

iron man was a nice show, it a MUST to watch.

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