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Tuesday, May 27, 2008


kind of having a mixed feeling now, very confuse....

in either way i cannot please both side...

dun go genting i will disappoint alicia, she like so looking forward for e trip... i feel so guilty, feel so bad... i can totally understand how sad alicia can be.

if i go genting, dear will not b happy.. i dun wan to hav endless quarrelment over tis issue.

i feel tt im so bad in either way... in both ways, there will someone will be disappointed in e decision i made.

~my mind is totally blank~

Monday, May 26, 2008

back home

back to my own home le...sitting on my sofa in e living room, wif e 4 walls ard me, as usual home alone even at tis late hour. feel kind of lonely w/o dear by my side.. jus for 2week stayin at his hse, suddenly feel so depended to hav him by my side.

let me recap wat had happen the pass few days. hmmmm......

well, fri, sharon came visit me n junjia at our shop. envy her, finish exam n she can relax le, but mine is coming soon. no confident in tis module, jus aim for a pass, i dun need to hav gd grade n i'll b happy enuff le.

me, alicia n junjia was busy discussing our genting trip... im so looking forward for e trip. i'll gonna miss my dear badly when i go oversea. catch up a little wif sharon n christopher, did not realise e time, nearly late for class, so need to skip my dinner le, no time to buy food.

afr sch, took a bus back hm, timing jus nice, once i step in e gate not long dear oso hm le... tired day, afr tidy up dear room for him, really make my nose itchy, full of cat fur. had a early nite rest afr tt.

sat, woke dear up for wk, doze off back to slp real soon n totally forgotten to make his coffee for him, feel so bad. wake up at ard 10plus, tidy dear room alittle as usual, had my shower n head out. going to face my biggest fear.

went to e dental. get my teeth fix, cost me a bomb, didnt bring enuff money luckily mum was there n help me pay. 200bucks for tis session.. still got a few more session to go, jus hope to get it done real soon. i tink e pain is much more compare to get myself a tattoo. since young nv wan to visit a dental if i got choice.

afr my dental appointment, ah ze sent us to ikea to buy stuff for our hse. my numbness on my face still havent go off i feel like so weird, cannot speak properly, smile is like onli 1 side of e lip move, i look totally retard.

afr ikea, went back hm wif mum to put e stuffs den she head to wk le n i doze off while waiting for dear to pick me up. dear call me when he reach, my head is killing me as e numbness had goes off, i can feel e pain le.

no choice, reach dear hse head straight to slp afr taking e pain-killer, i even forget to take my contact lens off. had a long nap, if dear nv wake me up i guess i will continue slp. poor dear, waiting for me to wake up for dinner yet i slp till so late.

had our dinner n head hm again. watch e 3 kingdom half way, jimmy called. head to pick him up n went loyang there to pai pai. afr tt, went kembangan for a drink. dey had a long chat till ard 2plus, but jimmy like still dun wan to go hm.

reach hm le, me n dear continue our 2nd disc n head straight to bad afr tt.

wake up super late today, woke up at 3plus.. wake u le, had our lunch, nua e whole day again. till evening time, afr shower, packed my stuffs n it time to head back hm le.. so sad. i wan to hv my dear by my side.

got a gd news today, alicia's parents allow her to go genting with us le...yeah!!!!! looking forward for the trip.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

im so tired

yest woke up at 8am as usual to wake my hubby up for wk, for myself, im not wking..so i went back to my la la land again soon afr i wake hubby up. in e end i totally forgotten to wake up n make his coffee for him.

nearly overslp, luckily alicia's phone call wake me up. faster go for a shower n need to head back my own hse le. went interchange to daopa lunch for mum, see e weather so hot, decide not to walk hm, so wait for e stupid 229, waited for so long for e bus to come.

afr lunch head straight to "work". it a more tiring job to clean up e mess in my hse den really go work. super tired. nearly finish e cleanin up at ard evening time den hubby came n pick me up afr his wk, went for dinner, n we head back to his hse.seeing tt my hse gg to be done soon, mean i need to move back hm real soon. i will really miss e time to hav hubby by my side, day n nite.

dear got lot of stuffs to do, so dun disturb him, watch my crunchy roll. watch "love undercover", a nice, funny n touching show. continue my show even my hubby went to bed le, watch till 12midnite n it my turn to go slp le.

alarm went off at 3am, time to wake up for soccer final. really dun feel like waking up, nua till 330am den me n hubby drag our body out of the bed. argghhh... we miss e 1st goal at 26min. while watching, hubby still continue wif his wk stuffs, i really pity him sometime.

actually im really tired, dun feel like watching de, but i feel bad leaving hubby alone doing his stuffs n watch soccer all by himself, so decide to stay awake n accom him.

a draw game, wait for e penilty kick. finally, man u win e game. time is nearly 6am le, when we going in e room, saw a lizard at e door, faster carry jon to catch e lizard for us n head straight to bed afr tt.

wake up late today, so tired. dunno wat wrong wif hubby alarm, time is not rite, so he wake up late too. faster get wash up, make coffee for hubby, make e bed, no time to wait for him to go off together so i went off 1st. so stone at wk, tired, tired, tired...1st time tryin to wake up half way thru my slp to watch soccer like tis

Monday, May 19, 2008

holiday eve

been a week since i move to dear hse le, getting very use to hav dear by my side always, but feel kind of bad to cos any inconvenience to his family wif my present.

today is public holiday eve, had a very gd slp last nite, woke up super late today. nua at hm wif dear e whole day till evenin time den we went out.

head to mariner's corner for our dinner. had loster n steak for our main. guess wat, dear nearly eat a rubber band tt found in e loster, feedback to e captain there. there recovery job done is real bad, not even a replacement of a new dish. jus compliment 1 ice cream for us, but we decide not to take it.

afr tt, dear kip checking his food before he put inside his mouth, jus to make sure it safe to eat tt. he oso kip complaintin e rubbery taste in his mouth.

afr e rubbery dinner, went to kallang leisure park. iron man was really a hot show, no choice but watch e midnight show. went arcarde to play our basketball game, as usual, loser buy drink.

while taking a lift, a guy did a funny thing, i jus cant stop laughing, dear even disturb e guy somemore, e whole lift is fill wif laugher.

iron man was a nice show, it a MUST to watch.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

expensive lunch

heavy downpour now, how i wish im still sleeping in my comfortable bed, cover wif my thick thick blanket... luckily dear sent me to work.

today i was so angry, guess how much i spent for my lunch, 9bucks.... it really too much le. it onli rice, curry chicken n samba sotong lor.

i swear, i will not visit the store again... far to expensive le..

Monday, May 12, 2008

my weekend off home

been away from home for a few days le, now getting much use to it le.

1st nite on thur moved to dear's hse, had a hard time to get to my la la land. woke up early e nxt time, tis time not like wat i always do, not giving dear his morning call, is dragging him out of bed.

mayb is due to not enuff slp, got my hand cut real deep, my skin went off onli left with fresh, so errhhh..... afr wk, head back to my new home for 2week. fall aslp real soon tt nite, guess im real tired le.

on sat, wake dear up for his wk, actually wan to head back to slp, but decide to wake up le. get myself prepare, head out to sis hse. bring my clothes to wash, mit mum to go for lunch n coffee.

dear cum n pick me up afr his sch, we went to kallang leisure park, wanted to watch iron man, but most of e gd seat was taken up le, so sad, dear brought me e snow ice dessert tt cheer me up a little. so we went hm n nua 1st.

had my fav prawn noodle for dinner...yummy yummy..

today is mother's day, woke up early, went for lunch wif dear's family including his uncle n aunty, feel so paisae to join their family gathering. had lunch at crystal jade.. nice food, guess it was a ex meal too.

feel so tired n went back hm to nua e whole day. dear's father brought crab mee hoon for dinner, not as nice as e one we had for dear's mother bday, but not bad as well.

tired tired...need to rest soon le. arggghhh.... tml still need to go for lesson afr wk.. so sian.

Friday, May 9, 2008

freedom for 2week

yest was a horrible day at hm.. prepare for the upgrading of flat today, so we need to pack up our stuffs. woke up in the morning, dig out if there any valuable or cash, all need to bring over to sis hse for the time being, den i pack up my stuffs, my clothes, lappy, school book and other that i need to bring over to dear's hse. moving over to dear hse for the time being.

mum is really a cleaniness freak, usually ppl afr upgrading will jus clean off e dust n everything, she simply use plastic to cover everything up n tape e opening. it really a busy day for e 3 of us. i was so pissed at time, watever i do, watever i say, is always wrong. she had nv belif in me. but she trust n do every words my sis say even i did bring it up before. i was so angry, i hav no say at all.

finally everything is done by e evening time, mum rush to wk afr shower. me n sis take our own sweet time shower, den we head to blk 400+ there to da pao botak jones. afr we done wif e buying of foods, alvin came n pick us up. when to sis hse wif alvin n tracy, afr dinner is our mahjong game. jus bcos i play mahjong wif them, nv complete e mission that dear gave me. feel so bad.

afr dear finish his lesson, he came n pick me up n sis hse, den head back to my hse to get my stuffs that i prepare to bring over to his place.

2week of freedom, no mum nagging....hahahha...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

so pissed

i was so pissed today, i was super duper hungry tis afrnoon, was craving for e kway teow soup since yest. so i head to e kopi tiam n waited for my turn to order.

i was standing like a idiot there n e aunty simply jus ignore me like as if i am transparent like tt. told e aunty i wan kway teow soup da pao, guess wat she say to me

" alot of order, very busy now. wan da pao cum back 1/2hr later if u wan to wait"

i was so pissed, where got ppl run their business like tt de. eatin in e kopitiam is customer la, da pao wan is not like tt. aaarrrgghhh!!! so angry, decide to walk off n not to eat frm tt store. e attitude sux!!

Monday, May 5, 2008

searching for nice food

i was so lazy to drag myself out of my bed, but tinking of my poor dear dunno if he got anything to eat for his lunch, force myself to wake up, get prepare n head out of my hse.

tinking wat to get him for food, not knowing if his parent buying him any lunch, so decide to walk a bit afr to buy his fav curry puffs. e weather is killing me, i was feel e sun is like burning my skin.

reach dear hse le, shelter finally, away frm e sun. watch tv wif dear, watch e bmx race wif him, tos biker r damm cool lor, n e young skater really powerful. afr e show, went to dear room, he continue playing wif e D.S n i read my comic.

time fly, time to watch soccer le. funny match, looking at e way they score really make me laugh. afr soccer, time for our late dinner. dunno wat to eat. so we actually spent hr driving frm east to west. still nothing for us to eat.

at e time of 11pm den we decide to head back to e east side to find food. head to e old airport rd n eat my fav prawn noodle. luckily we r early by 1min, we r e last customer n they turn off e signboard light le. dear craving for fried oxyster, so we oso order 1...

afr our super full dinner, head back to dear hse to continue to play e D.S again.

now we learn our lesson, gd food is jus near us onli, no pt spendin so much time searching for wat to eat, east side is still full of gd food compare to e west.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

e good old days

went off frm wk early today, head to singapore land tower to do my corporate delivery. afr e delivery, head to t.pagar to wait for esther to finish training n go to town together.

reach somerset very early today, so we decide to hav a bite at TCC before we head for lesson. e lesson was so bored, e more e lecturer teach, e more confuse i get. wat he taught us in each lesson is far to much for me to take in a day.

afr lesson, took a stroll to P.S. it had been so long since i meet up wif tos buddies. join cecilia, clark, qiaofen, xunru n yiming at starbuck for coffee. suppose to hav more ppl today de. jo was busy wif her stuff, deph aeroplane us, ah cek n hannah left before i reach, kel in taiwan for trainning, andy at hongkong i tink, n forgot wat happen to wanlin le.

catching up wif each other, like wat dey say im like vanish in e thin air for very long le. been so long since i last met up wif them. miss e gd old day, our craps together, n laugher at work, e fun chilling out afr wk. to tink back all tis like jus happen yest, but it is like 3-4yr back le, even our first meeting place (raffles city HD) for all of us is close now.

time fly, getting late le, it time for ask to say byebye again, try my luck if there still any last bus but too bad i miss mine. 1st time try taking e nite rider hm. e journey quite fast, mus cheaper compare for me to take a cab hm. but e drop off point is quite a distance from my hs, still not tt bad afr all, help me save money is e most impt thing.

i really miss all my gd buddies.... it always so hard to get all to mit up together, even myself hard to find time for them. i miss u guys all!!!