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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Just Bored

I'm bored at home now. My dear left me & Dino at home & went for his gaming session.

My Dino is hidding under my sofa & ignore me know as i refuse to let him sleep on my sofa.

Look!! He is sitting under my sofa. Sometime I wonder if Dino like his daddy more than me. I'm so jealous sometime. When dear is around he like to stick to him. He will jump on to the sofa where dear sitting and lay on his tummy or squeesed the sofa with him.

I was browsing "xiaxue" blog just now & sign in for the "Twitter" too.

Stupid "Twitter", I'm not able to load the HTML at my subject title. So no choice, I load the "Twitter" in my guest book.

To me it is like the chat box of the blogspot user. It good to load that on my blog too, as sometime I'm rather lazy to update my blog, so I'll just post some update on the "Twitter".

I really hate the weather now, so warm!!! Even Dino cannot take it too, keep sneaking into my room is I on the air-con and never close my door fully

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