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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Just Bored

I'm bored at home now. My dear left me & Dino at home & went for his gaming session.

My Dino is hidding under my sofa & ignore me know as i refuse to let him sleep on my sofa.

Look!! He is sitting under my sofa. Sometime I wonder if Dino like his daddy more than me. I'm so jealous sometime. When dear is around he like to stick to him. He will jump on to the sofa where dear sitting and lay on his tummy or squeesed the sofa with him.

I was browsing "xiaxue" blog just now & sign in for the "Twitter" too.

Stupid "Twitter", I'm not able to load the HTML at my subject title. So no choice, I load the "Twitter" in my guest book.

To me it is like the chat box of the blogspot user. It good to load that on my blog too, as sometime I'm rather lazy to update my blog, so I'll just post some update on the "Twitter".

I really hate the weather now, so warm!!! Even Dino cannot take it too, keep sneaking into my room is I on the air-con and never close my door fully


I was on leave on Friday just to attend our Haagen Dazs Gathering at Botanic Garden.

Left my house early & head to Jo's house, help her with the fruit platter. After we are done, we drive down to Tampines 1 to meet up with the rest. Pick Willie up from there & we head off to Botanic Garden to meet the rest.

Took quite a long time to decide on a good location to settle down. Finally found a god location & start stuffing ourselve with the feast we prepare.

Games is a must for a outing of course. We played some childish game, "Hang-man". We have our game master, Willie, to conduct the game. We split into 2 group. My group got Me, Jo, Yiming, Mingwei & Cecilia.

Play half way we saw the sky getting dark, so we had a last game, loser will for eat apples. We won!!!

By the time we leave Botanic garden is already dinner time, we drop Clark off at Wheelock place & head to East Coast Lagoon Park for dinner. Had another feast there. Yummy!!

All of us get to know each other at Haagen Dazs & of course our last stop wil be at Haagen Dazs. Raffles City is the place which bring us all together, but too bad, they had closed the place. So we head to Siglap instead.

I left from Siglap while the rest continue their outing. Anyway thanks guys for this wonderful outing.

Dear came & pick me up at Siglap. We head back to dear's house. He got a new member in his house, a super small kitten. Poor thing, he got a injure leg, that why dear's dad bought him home.

Head out after dear shower. Pick up Yao Yang & his friends at bugis and head to a pub at Kg Bahru. It was a lousy pub which Kieve recommended. I don't like the place.

Half way through dear called his brother to drive the car back so that he can drink without worrying so much.

Kieve & his friend join us half way. I don't like one of the lady working there. She keep laying her hand on guys & my dear too! SO ANGRY!! She even ask dear for handphone number, ARGHHH!!!!

Finish the whole bottle of Martel, left the place around 3am & took a cab back.

Saturday wake up rather early & meet Sharon for our mani & pedi session. I felt rather bad that after I finish mine hand & feet I left Sharon there & I went off.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Swell Foot

Yesterday knock off early just to go see a sinseh..

I got a pig foot now.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

~My Little Destoryer at Home~

Working half way my handphone got some MMS from my mum.

In my heart I knew my destoryer at home must have done something wrong.

Guess what happen...







By the time my mum got home after she went down to buy newspaper

& early dinner this is what she see.



and Dino will not wait for you near the gate like normal day.

Once my mum step into the house,

he is hiding under my dinning table thinking that we can't see him.



Really don't know to get angry


to laugh!!!


"Women wants beauty don't want life"

There is once old chines saying, I'll translate to english here,

"Women wants beauty don't want life".

I prefectly agree with this sentence,

Cos I'm one of them too.

I got a sprain on my right ankle, I don't know how I got hurt.

The pain start on Sunday & begin to swell.

Yet, I still come to work as per normal with my heel.

It hurt damm much. Not really because I want to look good so I wear heel,

But I do not have any flat at home that I can wear to work.

It really hurt.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lazy Dino & Daddy

Wake up early to make breakfast for my Dear

After breakfast was done,

get Dino to wake his daddy up.

Guess what happen,

Dino dozed off with his Daddy on my bed.



Saturday, May 23, 2009

Touch my Heart

I really miss my peepz at Harbourfront from the very day i been posted to Changi.

Remembering the chain email that always flood our outlook. All those corny jokes that make us laugh like hell.. smoke our lung out during lunch time. Our favourite maggi mee session at lunch.

Finally yesterday I had time to respone to the email & it really light up my day at Changi. I miss them so badly


Yong: Hi Ladies, Song Chin bought some snacks for us from his recent Jakarta trip. It's now at my desk - please help yourself to it.

Song Chin: Hi yong, Can do internal transfer to Lynn? :X

Eve: IWT or ITR??? hahahaha (IWT = Internal Warehouse Transfer / ITR = Internal Transfer Req. form)

Mavis: nvm la. . Ask her boss bring over to her lor. I come over now.

Shana: Thanks Song Chin. Eve - I think DOA better!!!! hahahaha... Mavis - Good idea =P (DOA = Dead On Arrival)

Lynn: Wahlau.. u all tempt me here lor.

Mavis: Finally got sound from you le.

Lynn: Nowaday seldom log in Email leh.. mus VPN very ma fan. Eve - ITR better la.. one time cost out.. dun need so many approval.. Shana - how can you DOA my share?

Eve: Ok.. pls prepare ITR form.. hahahahah...

Mavis: Suan le la... We will arrange a delivery man for u tml. specially for youuuuuuu....... Only youuuuuuu....

Lynn: So swet of Mavis.. muack!!! muack!!!!

Yong: Hi Song Chin, I have put some snake in a zip lock bag (provided by Mavis). No internal transfer require ....for Lynn... special arrangement hand deliver by our engineer to svc centre.

Song Chin: remember to air tight leh. Seong, can u suck out the air please.

Mavis: Oh yah... Air tight will remain the FRESHNESS of tibbsy. Yong, maybe u can use your mouth...to...More efficient. Hehehehehe.

Song Chin: Mavis like expert, can u teach seong please.

Lynn: People here think I siao liao lah.. loking at my lappy & laugh there. Long Time never heard all this corny jokes liao.

Mavis: Yah lor.. Changi there like....temple. Lust free. No corny jokes. So quiet.


This morning I received the stuffs from Zuhri, other than Song Chin stuffs, they send me lot of other thing that really touch my heart. I love you guys so much.

The goodies Song Chin bought from Jakarta

Mavis actually send me her favourite pocky

Do you know why can see cannot eat? Cos there is no microwave here & my maggi bowl is still at harbourfront.

Coffee powder I'm sure is from Shana. She knows i feel terrible without venting machine at Changi. I need coffee.

The message they left for me

"Love Lynn, we miss you!!! From Missy M, Eve, Shana, YS & Momo"

Monday, May 18, 2009

Out of Control

Bought Dino out yesterday night to meet up with JunJia at Siglap.

Well, kind of paisae to bring Dino out at time. He is so out of control & behave real bad. People walk pass Dino when he is like going crazy they will say,

"Hey! Look at the dog."

This just reflect on how I teach my dog. I don't where to hide my face.

Cannot blame me for not wanting to bring Dino out. His strength is quite powerful too. When I bring him out I must be so careful. I so afraid that he will run free one day.

Haiz!! Maybe it really time to bring him to the obedient school soon.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

16 May 2009

Yesterday dear need to go work rather early. Suppose to meet him after his work, but I was too tired so I sleep for alittle longer before meeting him.

We bought Dino to Pasir Ris Farmway to buy his food & treat. Rather paisae to bring Dino out. He seldom have any contact with other dog, he became so excited & very badly behave when I bring him out.

There a few maltese playing on the field, I swear they are super cute. Dino wanted to play with them but in the end the maltese run away. No one like Dino, so sad.

We went to the pet shop to look at other dogs. Their living condition was rather bad, so many puppies in one cage & the place smell real bad. Dino should be glad that I had save him away from the place.

Happen to bump into Benny there too. So long since we last met.

After Pasir Ris, we head back to dear's house with Dino as dear need to go home & open the gym door for Jimmy & Kieve.

Dino was so restless in dear's room, everything seem to be so new & interesting to him. So we bought him to the garden for a walk & pass the card to Kieve.

Dear bring my Dino for a run, both of them were so tired when they got back home. Dear had his shower & doze off. My Dino dozed off fast as well, but he wake up after not long.

Dino keep disturbing dear's sleep so I had to bring him out to the garden for a walk again and go to dear's car to get some treat for him.

After we come back from the walk dear's mum reach home le. So me & Dino still in the living room with dear's mum. Can you image Dino actually run into the kitchen & finish all the cat's food.

Dino was so stubborn, he knows that Jon don't like him he still keep going to disturb Jon. Got one time Jon nearly scratch Dino's face. After that Dino was so afraid of Jon & don't dare to go near him.

After Dear's father reach home, went into the room & wake dear up, time to send Dino home.

We head to Prata's House for our dinner and went to Katong to meet up with the rest. Play billard till around 11.30pm & head off with the rest to their usual hang out as dear had promise me to bing me ther e & see what is it like.

Reach Pearl Centre, went into the Thai's Live Band & Disco Pub. The place was so crowded. Bump into Smith there, surprise that he is working there as a server.

The people perform & sing in Thai which I can say all of us don't understand. The girls there are hot & crazy. They are seductive, no worry they are so crazy about the Thai girls nowaday.

Stay till the performance come to an end at around 1am, and it the start of their crazy hours. Me & dear head home first as the music was really too loud for our ears, when we step out of the pub we can hear the buzzing sound in our ears.

We smell real bad when we step, full of cigarette smell. Everyone in the pub is like smoking away & the whole place was so smoky, that remain me the time before the smoking was ban in the night life.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


It Friday night today and I felt so bored staying at home, playing with Dino & Restaurant City at home.

I did not know if you guys out there encounter this, but I had encounter this a couple of time before.

I believe there something wrong with the MSN. Someone add me to his or her contact list & when I ask them who are they & they told me that I add them, they also don't know who I am & just approve.

The problem is I did not add anyone in my contact list recently.

Anyway, this happen again today. So I had a chat with this nice lady, Donica, of my age today as both of us is feeling so bored staying at home.

This lady out there is not working, nor studying. Simply just stay home everyday & do nothing. Her boyfriend actually give her allowence to ask her stay at home & ask her not to work.

Kind of envy when I hear that from her. Someone paying you just to stay at home & do nothing. But it the other way round, she envy me that i can go out & work, isn't that funny?

After chatting awhile then she share with me that her boyfriend actually don't let her to work, kind of trying to cut away her contact to the world out there. After hearing this I start to pity her instead.

Love someone is not about owning the person, is about making the person happy isn't it??

In a relationship, a simple trust is not even there how can the two person continue the rest of their life journey together?

Maybe nowaday I hear quite alot of this type of story & just wanted to share. Guys out there complaining that Singapore's girls out there "cannot make it". They were saying that those ladies from oversea is much much more better. Other then they are from oversea, their attitude, character & personaility is what the Singapore girls out there cannot compare.

Those guys are so crazy over those oversea girls. From the way I look at them, I'm totally not surprise why there lots of old men being con by China women.

I'm not looking down on those oversea ladies but I just feel that those Singapore guys are just "blind". Because they have not meet any "good" Singapore girls that does not mean there isn't any "good" girls out there.

Well, it not for me to say. I believe they will find their right one one day.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

~SoMe UpDaTe~

Just some update to all.

I had offically left my Harbourfront office,

now currently I am station at our Service Centre.

Of course got a change of my job role,

workload had increase alot now.

I'm glad that my boss see highly of me,

but I do not have such a big head,

I don't dare to to wear such a big cap.

Maybe like what dear had say to me before,

I can be capable if I want,

but I'm just lack of the "fire" in me.

I'm not really happy working there,

I feel that there isn't any sense of belonging.

It Wednesday now, looking forward for weekend to come real soon.

This weekend Dear promise to bring me to the Thai Pub.

I really want to know what is there,

is the girls there really that nice

that can attract those guys crazy over them.

Of course my Dear is not one of them,

if not he won't agreeto bring me there le.

Anyway my Baby Dino had recovered,

he is not limping now.

Still, I'm keeping a close watch on his leg.

Friday, May 8, 2009


I was so happy to take half day leave at work today. Time pass rather fast in the morning, maybe is because I have tons of work in hand for me to clear.

Cat came to meet me at Harbourfront. We had our lunch at "White Dog Cafe". I simply love the food there.

After lunch we hand down to CMPB to be sign a deed for Ah wei for his bond in the Air force thingy. Libility is 6 year, if he did not fulfil the bond, we gonna pay his 22K for him. Of course i have my full trust in him that he will complete his bond.

After CMPB, we head to Bedok central to do manicure, wanna pamper ourselve abit.

Completion of our manicure we each head back home. I went back & get prepare to bring Dino for his grooming session. Just in time dear knock off from work & send me to the pet shop.

Drop Dino off & we head for our dinner at City Plaza to eat Mee Hoon Kueh.

While eating half way guess what I found in my food. I found a snail in my bowl. I feel so disgusted & stop eating the food. Yet dear can tell me just eat la, won't die de.

After dinner, meet Ben to take a puff & head off to pick Dino up.

While paying, the aunty told me the groomer pass me a message saying that she think my dog had injury his leg.

I put Dino on the floor & see how he walk. He is limping away and walking with only 3 legs. I was so pissed & wanted to find out what had happen but the groomer had left.

Went home, browsing through the web wanted to look for a 24hours Vet & bring Dino there to see doc, my heart was aching when I saw him walking with 3 legs eventhought he is still hyperactice. My tears roll down my cheek seeing him like that.

There only 24hours animal hospital, all the vet close rather early. Guess what, just the consultation fee for the hospital is at least 200buck & above.

Everyone advice me to wait till tomorrow then bring Dino to see a doc.

Faster call my boss & told him that I'm going to take another 1/2day leave tomorrow afternoon. No choice I can't take a full day leave I got lot of thing to settle at work tomorrow.

I just hope Dino is fine. I swear I not going to let the matter rest & i won't recommend anyone of you send your dogs to this shop call "Loving Pets" located at Katong oppsited Tembeling Centre.

I condem this place.

Monday, May 4, 2009

BLACK Monday

I had a real bad day at work today.

Nothing seen to go smooth for me.

Not going to recalled back my lousy day.

Anyway my poor dear is real sick now, fever, 38 degree. But of course no worry about Swine flu, doc say he is totally fine, just got a normal flu. 

For the past 2years plus I can say he never fall sick before at all.

Rush to see him after work, I'm so worry about him.

Of course till now he is still I his la la land, he don't even seem to know I'm here

Guess he really need a good rest, everyday only sleep like 6hours at most. Haiz