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Sunday, March 31, 2013

School Started

Maybe age catches up, maybe job load was much heavier as compare to F&B line in the past, I had never expect it to be so tiring working & studying at the same time.

Started my school last week, after knocking off from work, I will make my way to the campus at Wikiedge. It a long walk from the train station, the weather was freaking hot lately, it a torturing walk seriously. For the past 2lessons which I had I'm always the earliest in class.

I'm always the anti-social one, I will chose to sit at a corner of the room all by myself, I like to have no disturbance from other. Maybe it a long day from work, even during the break time, I chose not to move a inch, just stay seated at where I'm suppose to be, just to lazy to move.

By the time school ended, it already 10plus in the night, tried taking both bus & train home, train will be a better choice, I will reach home slightly earlier around 11pm.

By the time I got home, I'm totally worn out. Quickly had my shower & it time for sleep as I usually wake up 6am everyday, I just need to have enough rest.

For most of the week, I will have 3lesson in total. Other than my weekend, I guess the only time I have for revision & assignment is during my lunch time at work, seriously, I start to regret a little!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

S.E.A Aquarium @ Sentosa

I believe not much of people will have this problem like me, too much leave to clear. After bringing over 12days of leave to the next FY, finally, cleared my last day of pending leave yesterday.

As planned, me & Jo went to S.E.A Aquarium yesterday! Me & Jo always get pretty excited about any new attraction open in Singapore, we love exploring of new thing. Luckily I have a friend like her, at least there someone I can do crazy stuffs together with.

It was a long day yesterday, meet up with Jo around 10am, had our breakfast before heading over to Sentosa. We took the sky train in, seriously I can't believe it a Monday, it so packed with people, don't these people need to work?!? Anyway, we manage to squeeze into the tram, find out way to S.E.A Aquarium under such freaking HOT weather.

I felt so cheated after visiting the place, paying 30bucks for entrance, there isn't much of the "wow" factor that surprise me, actually it pretty boring there. The magnifying effect of the tanks gave me a real headache, lighting were rather stressful for my eyes & most important of all, the place is just too crowded. 30bucks for less than an hour visit, trying to squeeze our way through the crowd, didn't really have a chance to have a close look at those fishes, i felt that it really not worth paying that sum

Those are my personal point of view, it really subjective, maybe I'm not a fan to fishes, but it not a bad idea spending your day there just to kill some time.

We are back to Vivocity around noon time, dying for some ice cold drink. Spend our afternoon chilling at TCC, did some shopping before rest of the peeps arrived.

Sing out lung out at Party World, been awhile since we went singing together. As usual, it can never be a quiet day when you put all of us together, the place was full of laughter & arguing, I missed those peeps so much!

Had our dinner at Imperial Restaurant, first time going to such an atas place with them. Our reunion ended after our dinner, it was a nice day out with them.

I'm glad that my marriage news bought us today once again, even before my wedding day. Meet up was such a difficult thing to arrange nowaday, all grown up, each leading different life, time drawn everyone apart, nevertheless, the bond is still there.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Table for 4, Simple Family Dinner

Been 4years since I last met my father, finally decide to meet him up for dinner after some convincing from mum. A simple dinner to celebrate his 60th birthday.

Well, can tell that he is really looking forward & overjoyed that we asked him out for dinner. Asked him does he always wear so smart to work, he told us he actually took half day leave today, went home to change first before meeting us for dinner. At that very moment when he told us that, I was like "WOW....", guess he have been waiting for this dinner very long.

As we grow up with time, both my parents aged with it at the same time too, they look so old now. Guess it time already, it time for me to put all the past away before everything get too late.

Monday, March 11, 2013

I'm 28th Today

I'm officially 28th years old today, feel so old! Was on leave today for Dino grooming session, went together with mum & mum treat me to a birthday lunch at Xin Wang.

In the evening time after my boyfriend knock off from work, he bought me to my birthday dinner treat at "Miss U Cafe". He surprised me with a birthday brownie!

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes, especially my dearie!! Love him so much!

Sunday, March 10, 2013


I was on half day leave last Friday & meet up with Jo. After our every 2month for our IPL session, we had our high-tea at Arteastiq.

Love the place, the ambience was good, nice chill out place. They had a very unique way of serving tea, we got rather confused & do not know where should we start actually.

Had a good catch up there, kinda scary that age are actually catching up, nowaday our topic are no longer like before, now is more on work, housing, wedding, family planning etc. Lot of planning need to be done in order for a better future.

Not forgetting to thanks Jo for remembering my birthday, she got me some nice cuppies from "Twelve Cupcakes" & some beauty product from "Crantree & Evelyn", this gift just come in handy for my dry skin

Wedding stuffs

Look at those cutie stuff that my boyfriend's mum bought for us on our wedding preparation, she is more gan chiong than us!!

But really thanks her for her thought, not forgetting my birthday angpao from her too!!

My first LV wallet from my Boyfriend

I was in my way to my boyfriend's house yesterday then he told me he was not at home, he usually will tell me where he go but not yesterday.

So I head over to his house & wait for him. To my surprise, he was out with Jimmy to buy me my birthday present. Never did I expect such expensive present from him, a LV wallet! WOW, really jaw dropped for me!!

I jus came to know that LV short wallet is so much more expensive as compared to the long one. No choice cos i never like a long wallet, so my boyfriend got me the short one instead despite of the big price different, can't believe that this wallet's price come up to 4digit, so expensive!!

Anyway, really want to thanks my boyfriend sooo much for this lovely surprise!! Feel so bad that he spend a big bomb on my birthday, LOVE YOU DEARIE!!!