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Monday, November 5, 2012

Stayacation @ Treehouse Villa

Today is the last day of my long leave, before this day end, I shall share with everyone how I spend my super long weekend.

Thursday - 01.11.2012
I woke up early today to do my shopping, not shopping atany posh shopping malls this time or online shopping, but is shopping in the supermarket instead.

Bought quite alot of foods to prepare for our little getaway over the weekend, scallops, prawns, bacon, chicken wings, dory fish, satays, otahs, hotdogs, sausages, crabsticks etc, too many for me to remember. Once I got home, I spend so much time in kitchen preparing all the stuffs & I'm so ready for our weekend.

Friday - 02.11.2012
Before I head over to check in at Treehouse Villa with mum & Uncle Yeo at 3pm, we had our lunch feast at "Big Eater Seafood Restaurant", first time for me to try the food there, highly recommended by Uncle Yeo.

The food there was really good, but I order a little too much foods for 3 of us. Ordered hot-plate tofu, Salted egg crab, Mee-hoon crab & their Signature Hokkien mee.

I love the restaurant there, the place was decorated with so many crab shells with customer drawing on it, I did my drawing on the crab shell too, just a simple one as I'm a little rush for time to do the check in.

Once reached "Treehouse Villa", I totally forgot that I need to do the check in, I was so busy snapping photos, luckily got Uncle Yeo to do everything for me. I was rather amazed by the place decor, it gives me a total Bail, I love that place.

Once we got the room card, I just can't wait to see how the villa look like, mine was at Damai 10, a 2bedroom villa. I love the stairway in the villa, those spiral stairway, look so classy. In the villa, there 2 BBQ pit in total, an outdoor & another indoor pit, the outdoor pit was made from lava stone, it very thoughtful for them to have another indoor pit just in case of bad weather, their thoughtfulness really worked for me during the stay.

The Villa has a big opened concept kitchen fully enquired with all neccessarities, did not take any photo on that. Love the first-level toilet, it even have a outdoor rainshower, so cool right, I just can't wait to filled it up with water & soaked myself in the tub.

From the balcony, you can see the view of the whole resort, total of 14 villas there, there also some outdoor benches there, ideal for some stars viewing session at night. Nothing much on the 2nd level, a common toilet, 2 bedroom & the share balcony for the 2rooms.

After exploring the place, I head back home with mum, wait for my boyfriend to knock off, pick me up & go over together.

Saturday - 03.11.2012

Wake up by the non-stop cats' meowing, told by the staffs, they are the "PRs" of the resort, so funny. 1 of them was struck on the tree, in the end my boyfriend still need to "save" her down from the tree.

Head over for a early lunch with my boyfriend at Changi Village. After our lunch, we went for a long walk along the bench. It such a cooling weather for a walk in the afternoon at 1pm, no direct sun, not humid, yet with gentle breeze still.

Explore many new place in that walk, we never know that there so many places that we can never reach in our ride.

After our long walk, we head back to the villa, we rest for awhile & start working together in the kitchen preparing the food for BBQ tonight. My boyfriend offered his help for me on preparing the food, although he was a little clumsy in kitchen, but I appreciate his help.

Around 10+, finally Jimmy & Jaimie reached, fire already started before they come, we are all ready too BBQ. Too many cooks, spoiled the soup, so we leave the cooking to our men while we ladies stay in the living room for our gossip session & waiting for our food to be served.

BBQ session ends around 1am & it the start of our mahjong session, only 1 winner in the game & that me, so happy. We end the game at around 5am, so tired, too tired to even eat the dessert Jaimie prepared for us.

Sunday - 04.11.2012

Sleep all the way till 1pm, woke up & had the pastry that Jaimie bought, they are all so lovely. My boyfriend wanted to eat the Chocolate pastry but he insist me of taking away the strawberry, he is so funny, he say he don't like the strawberry to watch him eating the cake.

We spend most of the Sunday resting there, adjusting our body clock. Till evening time, I start the fire & we start BBQ all the leftover raw food from yesterday. Far too much for the 2 ofus, luckily the 4 "PRs" (cats) of the villa help us out with it, all clear & nothing left.

We suppose to check out on Monday morning, but we decide to do it on the Sunday night, if not it will be rather rush for my boyfriend to go work the next day. So we clean up the place a little & off we go at 11pm, checked out, I gonna miss that place, Bye Bye Treehouse Villa.

That all about my short getaway with my boyfriend, an advance celebration for our 6th Year Anniversary.

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