I did mention that I wanna write about my first visit review on Musee Platinum, but somehow I seen to clearly forgotten about it till my 2nd visit today.
On my 1st session for my IPL I really got pretty excited over it, I just can't wait for the day when I can say bye bye to my razor. But, IPL is not just a one day session, it a continuous thingy to at least close to 2years to get the result I want, each session 2months apart, 2years later then I can really say bye bye to the razor!
As I chose to do underarm & lower leg treatment, I was handed over a gown to change on during the session. Maybe I'm really so used to shave every single day, before the first session, we are advice to stop shaving at least 2 to 3days before the treatment, those days was like hell to me, then I start to realise most of the dresses & tops in my wardrobe are sleeveless!! So for the 3days before my session I dig out any long pants & sleeved tops I have to wear to office, make sure that my lower legs & underarm are well covered.
Once I changed into the gown, the beautician will help me to clean the treatment area with alcohol wipes & shave the area to a length that are best for treatment. A super cold gel was applied to the treatment area & the zapping start.
I was wearing the protective eyewear, but even with the eyewear & my eyes closed, I can see red light flashing with every zapping sound I hear. The underarm treatment was a vey fast one, the session end with just 8 zaps to each side. As for the lower leg is much bigger potion, more zaps to it, I didn't really count the number.
After the treatment, cool gel was given for my underarm & wet towel was wrap to my lower leg, they say it was to cool down the burning sensation feel. Seriously I can't feel anything during the session, only very slight statics stock feel.
After the first treatment, the body hair still grow as normal, but the hair grow in a much finer form & in a slower rate, it was a good start I guess, of cos I'm hoping to see a much better result after a few more session.
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