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Monday, October 29, 2012

Congrats to the Newly Wedded Couple

Age, is a known problem in relationship, not much of guys will accept ladies that is so much older than them, that apply for the ladies too. But I witness many exceptational cases, but all are guys much older than the ladies.

A good example is my boyfriend's parents, they are 12years apart, but they are happily married for 30over years, will 3 grown-up kid. Yesterday I went to attend Roland & Liting wedding, they are 13years apart. I know both of them for more than 10years, the path they went through is never easy, it hard for people to accept their relationship, from dating to marriage, finally they tied their marriage knob yesterday.

They held their banquet at Orchard Marine Hotel, I love their ballromm, it soooo grand & the food there is really good. A good chance to catch up with the old Haagen Dazs peeps while we witness their reunion, the prettiest day of a lady is always their wedding day.

Anyway, I will like to congrats to the newly wedded couple once again, may they be blessed & love each other always.

♥On the way to attend the dinner

♥Menu for the dinner

♥The Door Gift

♥Marching in

♥The Groom & Bride

♥Jie Jie & Jiefu

♥Happy Family

♥Me & Elaine

♥Waiting for Dinner to be served

♥She grabbing my hand so I won't tickler her

♥Love this kiddo

♥Ellyson is just soooo CUTE

♥Ellyson's lil Brother

♥Cold Dish

♥Shark Fin


♥Us with the kiddo

♥For the 2nd March-in


♥Their Wedding Speech

♥This is sooo good, I had 2

♥Piggy Ellyson

♥She told me that her princess's smile

♥She request me to do funny faces with her

♥Got torture by her Peifen jiejie



♥Haagen Dazs's Mangers & Supervisors at my time
My Haagen Dazs Peeps

♥Finally Liting Jiejie is free, Ellyson been looking for her the whole nite

♥Us, with the pretty Bride

♥One more shoot

♥Me with the pretty bride

Monday, October 15, 2012

Random Update

I had a good long weekend the past few days but going back to work today was a total nightmare for me. Once I log in to my Outlook, 200+ unread emails waiting for me to clear, nearly fainted, I seriously thought I would need to stay back for OT this evening, luckily video conference with the countries was postpone till next month, phew. . . more time to do my stuffs.

Work load has increase by double from this week onward, my back-up happily threw her letter & give a 2weeks notice after she did a nice calculation of her leave left. I somehow feel that this day is coming soon before she submit the letter, but never did I expect it so soon, I'm seriously a little disappointed in her.

This is the 2nd time she left Epson, I rather sure there won't be a third time anymore. At the point she left her previous job, after she tender then she realise she was preggy, frankly speakly, who will want to hire a preggy woman? Once she join you for a few month, off she go for her 4months leave & don't forget she will always need to go on leave bringing the newborn for check-up etc. We are kind enough to take her in but that is the way she repay other kindness.

Well, it depends on individual, I do not have the right to judge her, but it my point of view. She should at least give us ample time to find a replace. Anyway, it not the first time I got overloaded, I pull through the 4months when she is not around, I believe I can pull through it once again.

Hmmm, I'm laying on my bed now kinda feeling something is missing, after too many night having my boyfriend sleeping beside me, without him by my side now I'm feeling kinda weird now, so nice to have people hugging me to sleep at night.

I'm never a "permanently resident" in my boyfriend's house even after dating for 5years going to 6 next month, I never agree to the idea of moving in with my boyfriend which I believe most girls outta will do. The most I will stay over at his place like 1 or 2 days a week, that is the most, only for once I moved in to his place for 1week when my house is under renovation.

My boyfriend did suggest I should send more time with him & stay over at his place, but I told him I have my insist, I will never move in to his house unless I was given a status, I'm glad that he respect my decision, in this way it a good thing, we are given time to miss each other, somehow we will treasure more on the time we spend together as we won't get to see each other everyday. If he is meant for you, you gonna have a life long time having him by your side everyday, so I see no hurry on such issue.

Oh yah, I just got a new watch today, a Seiko watch. It a gift to all Epson staffs & guests for our Epson Singapore 30th Anniversary, so generous of them. It kinda a pity that I'm not able to join this big event of my company, the dinner fall exactly on my boyfriend's birthday, boyfriend is still more important for me :)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

His 28th Celebration

After all these preparation, finally, my boyfriend's 28th birthday has come to an end, thank you my friends for the great help. Without all their assistance, I cannot make this surprise happened for him.

Special thanks to Jaimie & Jimmy, both of them really help me a lot from the preparation to the end. Not forgetting to thanks HJ & Cat that offered to help, but turn out to be Derek is the one that actually helped me out on the day itself!! Thank you all of you.

Too much hic-up this year, but everything turn out to be smooth still. On 11th, I took a day of leave, just like the year before, I went to "Icing Room" to do up a cake for him. Later in the night, Derek came over to pick me up & help me to delivery the HUGE present to his place.

With the help of Jimmy luring him out, I'm very sure that he is not at home before I go over. Already informed his mum beforehand, so she was not surprise to see me going over with another guy. Finishing setting up everything, Derek make his move & I'm left there waiting for him to come home.

The wait was long, I waited till around 1plus, Jimmy message me 15mins before he is on his way back, got myself ready, cake & lighter in my hand, hiding in the room on the first level.

I was in the mid of messaging with my boyfriend when he is on the way back, after I receive the message from him telling me he is home, I heard him opening the door, not long after, I receive another message from him, "you crazy ah?" by then I'm very sure he is in the room now, so I walk up slowly to the 3rd level with the cake.

He was shocked to see me, he knew I was up to something, but he thought I will be there just to leave him a present & left, but he never expect his present to be an expensive keyboard & the appearance on me at his house during that hour. Plan worked, manage to caught him in surprise.

I was very touched by what he say when I asked him to make a wish & blow the candle. He told me he already have everything he want in life, he have nothing more to wish for & he blew off the candle straight.

His actual birthday celebration was a very simple one, just a dinner treat from me at Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Melt ~ The World Cafe. I will say that the service there was excellent, but he food wasn't that fantastic as compared to Royal Scott, but I love the dessert varieties there, they are all so good.

Initially I prepare a little surprise for him at the restaurant, a little miscommunication, no more surprises, so we actually bought home the cake that Melt actually prepared for him instead.

Short & simple, there goes his 28th birthday celebration.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Thing get rather hard for me, at time I really hope that my house is ready & I can moved out from here, far far away from here.

Why does my mum & my boyfriend birthday are so closed? My mum got rather "unbalance" in a way seeing me putting effort to prepare for my boyfriend's birthday while she don't get this treatment from me.

That day when I told her I'll be on leave on Friday & she asked me why, told her it my boyfriend's birthday so we are heading out for some celebration. She screamed at me over the phone immediately, "SO YOU CAN PURPOSELY TAKE LEAVE ON YOUR BOYFRIEND'S BIRTHDAY & NOT YOUR MUM'S BIRTHDAY!" I was like ". . . . . Do you need to scream at me, I've been like this all the while, is not the first year I celebrating my boyfriend's birthday".

From then on, she been showing me a suck up face whenever she see me at night, especially the night when she see me carrying the present (piano keyboard) I prepared for my boyfriend home. I hate this attitude from her, seriously I rather she back to her normal working hours like the past, less chance to see each other less conflict, & somehow we will treasure the once a week family day more.

The few days back, I kept struggling to take leave today or not, my mum keep complaining that I never stay home on my leave, keep going out! Now, I stay home for the day cos I'm really tired & I need to head out in the noon for awhile to get my thing done, the first thing I wake up in the morning she yell at me!! WTF!! I hate to be yell at or scolded early in the morning. Now, I back home after doing the cake for my boyfriend, she gave me a super "buay song" face.

How the hell can I get the best out of the both world?!? What she exactly want from me?!? Can't she just simply speak up?!? I hate guessing game!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

His New Room

I have yet to recovered from my exhaustion since the weekend till now. Busy & tired, but I really feel the bond within his family, I'm grateful that all the members actually treated me as in I'm part of them, I won't feel left out at all even without my boyfriend around, I can sit down with his mum & sis for a coffee & casual chat.

Having all of them in my life is like a little gift from god, god make me grow up in a broken family & go through the worst of life at a young age. But at the same time, god is still fair, he filled up my missing puzzle of life in the other way to balance my lost.

When all of us wake up on Sunday, we head over to Ikea for our brunch before sourcing for the household thingy. We headed separate way after the brunch so we can get thing done faster, the rest continue to shop in Ikea while both of us head back to their old house to carry some stuffs.

My boyfriend knows that I really worn out after helping out the whole of Saturday, so he allows me to rest in his room while they continue the unfinished chore. Actually I really feels kinda bad hiding in the room, but please pardon me, I really too shag for anything.

I'm glad my boyfriend at last shows a little excitement after seeing all his stuff up in position, initially I was the one that got pretty excited as compare to him even though I'm not the one staying there!

Okay, his room really look pretty close to hotels' feel, once you enter the room, there a walkway leading you to the bed area, wardrobe was location along the walkway, it kinda like a build-in type after they knock out the common toilet area on the third level for room extension purposes. After the super oversized king size bed which the 2 of us can't even filled up half of it was placed, there still ample space for a study table & a bed stand by the side. I love his toilet design, the area was big after they knock off the bathtub, other than the normal shower head that are commonly used in all household, they even a build in rain shower head.

Not forgetting his favourite piece in the room, his Samsung 46inch 3D full HD Smart TV which cost him close to 2K, I love that TV too. Can you believe the TV in his room is even bigger than the one they have in the living room.

Guess that all about his new room, YAWNZzz, I'm tired now, time for bed, good night & sweet dream to everyone.