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Thursday, September 6, 2012

First MC since start of FY

I wasn’t feeling very well the past 2days, everything start with the non-stop sneezing on Monday night. Initially I thought that the sneezing is just cause by my sensitive nose, who know I actually caught a flu.

Wake up on Tuesday morning heading for work, my tummy wasn’t feeling very good, kinda of bloated, been running to toilet a couple of time since I reach office. The feeling was terrible, so I decide to take ½ leave & head home for a rest. My colleagues was saying why waste my leave, I should go see a doctor & take MC instead.

Log in to the CRM system to apply for MC, wow!! That a good achievement for me, since April till now I haven’t take an MC yet, my medical claim is still 500buck. Had a good rest yesterday but the feeling wasn’t so pleasant after all, as if there is butterfly in my tummy still & feeling kinda weak.

Weekend, can you please arrive faster, I need a good rest at home.

~My accompany at home on a MC day~

~Sickly mummy & Kangaroo-like Dino~

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