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Monday, March 26, 2012

My Belated Birthday Getaway to Desaru

I'm a little late, but I still wanna share my birthday celebration with dear back then. Like I did share earlier on, my birthday pressie for the year is a getaway trip from dear, we went over to Desaru last Friday for my belated birthday treat.

Initially was a business trip for him, I was suppose to accompany him to his client office at Kota Tinggi for a short meeting before we head over to Desaru. Just a day before we set off, his client called to postpone the meeting to April, since we already booked the resort, we stick on to our plan.

I did my homework before setting off, I google on the route we should take & really study the map to make sure we will not get lost that day on the new Senai Desaru Highway. Enough of Google map or even Malaysia Street directory, shouldn't they be updating their map frequently to convenient people? I can't believe that the highway was officially open July last year, till now it still not available yet. Luckily I'm working in MNC, I have international colleagues, they manage to provide me with tons of information.

Dear still need to work on Friday morning, he came over to pick me up, have a quick lunch & off we go. Smooth traffic in that afternoon, we manage to clear Singapore check point at 2pm, no lost of way, we manage to reach Desaru before 3.30pm. Finally can rested my mind when we reach there, I'm so afraid that we might lost our way & I can foresee that I'll be scolded throughout the journey.

I love the view from my room, sea view from our balcony, you can even hear the wave sound. After we settle down, we went for a stroll on the beach & went to recky on the place. Decide to have a friendly tennis match before we go for our dinner.

It not a good game, as the court's ground is so uneven, the ball just went the different way where you expect it to go, so frustrating. When it get closer to the evening time, we start to see a lot of monkey gathering near to the court, we are really quite disturbed by their presence. One of the monkey actually tried to steal my bag when we are looking else where, luckily dear was fast enough to chase him away, if not we will be struck in Desaru as both of our passport is in that bag.

We decide to end the game early, head back to the room & wash up before going for dinner. Okay, I was glued to the TV, so dear suggest to order room service in for the night.

The 2nd day, I woke dear up early for breakfast, after breakfast we had a morning stroll on the beach before we drive our to explored the area around the resort. We decide to head over to the Ostrich farm for a visit.

Finding the place wasn't a easy thing in the country area, but we manage to reach there quite smoothly. Ostrich farm smelled just like the zoo, but nothing special about it, we tried some ostrich meat satay too, I swear that the best satay I ever tried before, so tender!! I WANT MORE, but I doubt I'm able to find it anywhere in Singapore.

We head back to the resort after a long drive, time to head for a swim in the pool on such a hot hot day. After the pool, we decide to head for the beach. Sadly, the beach wasn't as perfect a we thought, too many small pebbles for our foot & the wave is too strong for us.

Mad exhausted after a long day, since we skipped our lunch, we decide to go for an early dinner. Dear suggest for us to eat something good, any foods of my choice! As usual, I always over estimate the capacity of my stomach, I ordered far too much than what we can eat.

After dinner, let the food digest a little before our spa appointment. Frankly speaking, this is both me & dear "virgin" spa experience. I don't kinda enjoy that, cos I feel that its get rather tickling & painful at time. But the after feeling of massage was really shiok, whole body feel so relax & I really had a very good sleep that night.

Wake up on Sunday, the day the my getaway is coming to an end. We checked out at 12noon, decide to head straight back to Singapore to avoid any traffic jam. But before we exit the highway, dear decide to bring me for a walk at Johor Premier Shop.

Dear nearly bought me a new Burberry wristlet, though the price was tempting, but I decide to give it a miss. Had too much wristlet & stuff, guess it really time for me to stop buying any branded good!

Good time pass faster as per normal, but I really appreciate the effort for dear to bringing me there.

I'm really lazy to arrange the photos in order, just a randomz upload from the trip. Enjoy the photos:

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