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Monday, March 26, 2012

Black out

This morning on my way to work, I'm feeling kinda uncomfortable in my stomach, I tried to bear with the discomfort & make my way to interchange.

While waiting for the bus, the feeling got worst. My vision start to went blur & I'm in cold wet, the black out feel is kicking in real soon. I just pray for the bus to come real soon so I can be comfortably seating & I know I'll be fine by then.

But suddenly I feel like throwing out & I run to throw out at the grass patch. After throwing out, I can't see a damn thing, I'm totally black out at that time.

I tired to firm my foot, when I start to get my slightest vision, I try to make my way to the seat & take a rest.

Been so long since I last black out, I seriously don't like this feeling. My head is spinning like mad now, I need a good rest.

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