Come on man! It a SATURDAY!! You are workaholic by yourself, so be it!! You do not need any time of ur own, but other do!! Why are you dragging everyone back with you?!?
My weekend is so precious, I always reserved all of it for my dear, why do you want to spoiled it?!? Weekdays we are all busy & exhasted after a day of work, some free time of our own, I hardly get to see my dear on weekdays at all. Now, you eat up my weekend as well!!
I seriously hate dear's cousin!! When I'm with dear on weekdays, he will called in weird hours & discuss about work! Not just 5 or 10mintues chat, they can talk for hours on phone. Now on weekend, you made him work till this hour haven't even knock off yet, isn't this a little too much?!?
We are human, not robot, we need time off from work too!!
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