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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Long Weekend Continued, & end today!

I got a fruitful long break I guess, this 2days, dear bought me to tons of place. By cars & by foot, we cover so many places in 2days.

Yesterday was an off for me, but my silly still need to work, he came over to pick me up after he knock off & bought me to Parkway Parade for dinner.

Been quite awhile since I last visited there, there so much change! Think back I used to work there once, is just like yesterday thing, memories is still so clear in mind, but after some thinking, can't imagine that is something that actually happened 10years back, time really fly!!

After our dinner, went back to help dear's mum with some household chores, then dear bought me out again around 10plus. Very first stop, we went to Labrador park!

Had a good stroll in the good cooling weather, we share so much of memories there. Dear say this to me, he say after 5years, he can't believe that he is still holding my hand, strolling in this park. If back in the past, he would have change don't how many girl's hand, can't believe he is a changed man now!

I believe everyone grow up with time, just need to find a right person that you wish to spend your future with, everyone can change for the good! He is not the only person that had changed, I changed too! Don't how many guys heart I broken in the past, I still feel bad till this very day, cos they are really very nice guys, but now, I'm willing to settle down with this guy that standing right beside me.

We still went to many places, can't recall those, too many of it! But we had our final stop at Woodland Waterfront, that is a nice place, just a bridge across & it JB, so near yet so far! There firework at JB & we manage to catch it too!

Finally end the day at 2.30am, time to head home as I need to wake up early the next day.

Today, I woke up early to attend Klaire's Baby shower, it damn far, I took 1hour of train ride to Yew Tee to meet up with Ben & Sarah, then Ben drove all of us to Woodland, Eve's in law house.

Baby Klaire is so cute, just so small in size. Mavis was there too, manage to catch up with her alittle before dear came over to pick me up!

So sweet of my dear, came all the way to Woodland to pick me up. Our journey continued again!

We went to Sembawang Park, Yishun Dam, Puggol Waterfront, Lor Halus Wetland Reserve & Pasir Ris Pet Farm! Poor dear, drive for such long distance & walk such far journey by foot with me, he is mad tired now!

Cant believe we covered so many place in 2days, actually I'm dead beat too, I need an early night today too!
Love my dear so much, thanks dear for everything :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Long Weekend, yet to the end still

On Wednesday, dear came over to pick me up from office after work. I was mad hungry that day cos I was so busy at work that I actually give lunch a miss.

I suggested to go Kallang Airport to have prawn noodle, I miss the soup so much. While eating half way, I feel a discomfort on my tongue & throat area. The pain was unbearable, I would feel the tears rolling in my eyes, but I was too hungry at the point of time, so I force the whole bowl of noodle down my throat.

I try to rub on my neck to make me feel better, but I felt a huge swell on my neck, I was so shock, I ask dear if my neck is reallyn swollen & it is swollen indeed.

I was so panic at the time, but dear was cool enough to calm me down & bought me straight to the doctor.

Nothing really serious, luckily is not tyroid, it just the silvary gland infection causing the swell. I was given 2days of MC to rest at home, indeed it gonna be a SUPER long weekend for me, Thursday & Friday on MC, then following by the weekend & public holidays, 6days straight of rest.

But I'm afraid that my colleagues will say that I "chao keng" never go to work, so I still turn up for work on Thursday to settle some on hand stuff, left office around half day, bought my lappy home & work from home.

I can't really recover how my days go by on Thursday, cos I slept most of my time away, I was drowsy after the medication.

I know it not right, but I sneak out for some shopping session on my MC days on Friday. I don't want to stay at home & sleep non-stop the whole day.

Went to town with Cat & I manage to shop for mooncakes too, bought a box of Mooncake from Conrad hotel for dear's family. Wanted to avoid the knock off time, so we left town early & took a cab back, but god knows we still stuck in the jam, from Taka to Bedok, our cab fare was like 20plus.

After dear knock off from work, he came over to pick me up from Cat's house & we went to watch FD5 later in the night.

On Saturday, I woke up early & went to polling with mum, once done, get back home to prepare & dear came over to pick me up & accompany him for his late lunch. After lunch, we went to Kallang Leisure Park to catch a movie, we watch "Cars 2", very funny shows.

Evening time, we meet up with the rest for dinner to celebrate YY advance birthday dinner. I had a little problem while eating still due to the swell on my neck, my dear was just so sweet, I didn't imagine that when I decide to give the crab a miss, he actually peel the crab for me to eat instead, told you guys me dearie is rather sweet at time :)

That was an expensive dinner, 600+ for 9pax, but I don't really think the dinner was fantastic, too oily & too salty, I don't know why Ben keep recommanding that, still suggest that everyone birthday should treat there instead.

After dinner we head down to St. James Mondo bar, 400+ for 4hours, wasn't that expensive actually, it like the rate of going Party World during weekend & we still get to drink Martell still, I can say it a better choice instead.

End the day the day at 2am & it time to head home & rest! Yawnzzz.

Friday, August 19, 2011


How I wish time can turn back, I would really wish to go back to the old days when I'm just a kid.

While packing my stuffs yesterday night I manage to dig out all these old photos, there quite a lot more picture, I had post them all on Facebook.

Look at the smile on my face, those are the real smile that came out straight from the heart! I can never smile like this any longer after everything I had went through!

No worry & carefree, that is the life I longed for! I tried to find a family photo of mine, sadly, that is the only one I found that have all the four of us in it. I believe there is surely more than this, I gonna dig it out real soon!

That is the memories I don't want to lost! Those are the happy moment we had together before everything happened!

Camera is the best of all invention, if not because of it, I don't think I can recall that I once have such wonderful time together with my family, what is left with me will only be hatred now!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Comic slide

After the GE in May 2011, now everyone change their focus view to the upcoming President election this
Month end.

I'm so looking forward for the election too, not because I'm interested in any political issue or looking forward on what change this new president can bring to us. I'm more exciting by the long weekend that is approaching :)

Election day was on Saturday, for my company, any public holiday fall on Saturday, the following Monday will be an official off day for us, damn cool right?!? Best of all, the day after is Hari Raya Puasa!! So I gonna have 4 days straight of break, so happy!!

Enjoy the comic slide below to celebrate our long break in advance bah!! :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Grandpa's Birthday

I watched two movie over the weekend, both movie was so awesome, "The Zoo Keeper" was a hilarious show & "Rise of the Planet of Apes" was exciting through out, thumb up for both!

Yesterday was grandpa's birthday celebration, this year was a little different from usual, we did not celebrate with buffer dinner nor BBQ session, we chose to eat our this year, had our dinner at a kopi tiam in Changi Village, special request from Grandpa.

I'm glad that dear are able to make it this year, my family was those traditional big family, we took up 3 big table in the kopi tiam, total 28 of us, total 3 generation, sadly yesterday wasn't of full attendance still.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Come on man! It a SATURDAY!! You are workaholic by yourself, so be it!! You do not need any time of ur own, but other do!! Why are you dragging everyone back with you?!?

My weekend is so precious, I always reserved all of it for my dear, why do you want to spoiled it?!? Weekdays we are all busy & exhasted after a day of work, some free time of our own, I hardly get to see my dear on weekdays at all. Now, you eat up my weekend as well!!

I seriously hate dear's cousin!! When I'm with dear on weekdays, he will called in weird hours & discuss about work! Not just 5 or 10mintues chat, they can talk for hours on phone. Now on weekend, you made him work till this hour haven't even knock off yet, isn't this a little too much?!?

We are human, not robot, we need time off from work too!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I'm so pissed with my sister at time, I seriously don't know what is she thinking.

Mum just called me & ask if my sister call & ask me about the dinner tonight, I told her yes, we will be eating at Harbourfront centre. Guess what my mum told me, she ask will the meal be very expensive, can we eat at somewhere cheaper instead. Okay, I know she is a little tight this month due to grandfather birthday, accompany grandmother to hospital etc, but I believe this is not the main reason so I ask her why.

She say yesterday sis called saying that she is off today & ask mum if we want to eat dinner together, worst still she say anyway mum just tio 4D last Saturday, can treat a good one. How much different can 250buck made. Everything when they say the 4D result they will know my mum tio 4D, which I don't even know, cos they knows what fixed number mum always buy.

But seriously I think that is a little too much, mum don't earn a tons, she only survive with that pathetic sum of pay, every month I still need to give her some extra just in case she do not have enough, not forgetting tha she still go so much bills to pay. It nice to have dinner together as a family, but I feel they shouldn't be so calculative & only appeared when there a feast, it so wrong.

Mum "joking" say to Cat that why everything is me & her treat dinner, when is Cat's turn to treat us eat, just this sentence saying that she got no money she shoo off everything.

Not to disappointed mum, so I told her dinner as per normal, just ask them to pick her up to Harbourfront, I will pay for the meal instead. I may work in a printing industry, but my printer can't print money, I earn my living too. I'm really speechless to this situation.