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Thursday, February 17, 2011

♥Simple Valentine Celebration♥

Valentine comes every year, so what is there to celebrate actually? Well, it a day for honeymoon couple actually I feel, like what dear say to me, 都老夫老妻, don't need so "mafan", I agree to it too.

Know dear for 10years plus, together for 4years plus, how romantic still we can be? In long term wise, he is the type of practical & down to feet guy I can entrust my life with.

Dear came over to meet me up at Vivo, walking distance from my office to convenient me.

We had a simple dinner at White Dog Cafe, I was surprised that dear bought some simple gift for me. He still the same like before, whenever I told him I say something is very cute or I like it before he will buy for me.

♥Dinner @ White Dog Cafe

♥Mango-licious & Cafe Latte

♥Appetitizor to start our meal with

♥Spagetti & Main

♥Pressie, Pressie


Oh, I did got something for dear too, a bottle of Armani perfume, even before dear saw the present & open it, he know what I got for him & even guess the brand right, scary ah!!
♥My Pressie for Dear

♥Dino love my Pressie

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