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Monday, February 28, 2011

Lynn's 26th Birthday Wish list :D

Lynn gonna celebrate her 26th birthday in less than 2 weeks time. Really feel so old now, the day gonna mark a different stage of my life, stepping into my LATE 20th!!!

Sound scary ah?!? Time wait for no one, in a blink of eyes, I'm a grown-up adult now & going to take over the responsibility of a woman in a house real soon, look back at my childhood & teenager life, is just like a yesterday thing, every single memories is so clear & fresh in my mind, time really flies.

How I wish time can stop here, I'm very comfortable at this age now. Enjoy the process of dating but not the responsibility, working for my own expenses but not liability, that the way of life I want, but still, that the circle of life, like it or not, you need to go through it, if not, you will need to live the rest of your life without any accompany by your side, grow old & die alone.

I wanna come out with a birthday wish list for my 26th actually, but after I start typing my entry, I realize I don't have any needs at this moment, but there a lot of wants I wish to have, whahaha!!

  • I'm eyeing for a new phone ever since my Satio start giving me problem, I-Phone is my prefect choice for now
  • I wanted a new camera for years!! But till now I haven't buy 1. DSLR is the best choice, but a digital compare camera will be just as good, but of cos I want a good quality one, I'm very particular on camera.
  • I love the fragrance of Ralph Lauren Romance perfume
  • I had been searching high & low for a Burberry key poach that matches my Burberry wallet & Burberry bag, but till now, I still can't find the one.
  • I wish to get an I-Pad, 3G & Wifi function so I can have a better view of the games I played & I don't need to "beg" dear to lend me his phone to play game.
  • I been on a rather strict diet for a long period of time, I think I deserve a GREAT feast on my birthday, I want to eat at the "Line" at Shangri-La.
  • I hope to receive something out of the norm on my birthday, please surprise me!! Life is so dull & predictable now.
  • I want to go on a spa, a massage or even just let me soak in the Jacuzzi will be good enough! I need a little relaxation & getaway.
  • Indulge me with Obolo's macaroons, I can never resist the temptation of it, if you know where serve better desserts, I love hi-tea session too.

The list can go on & on, I feel that I'm getting a little too greedy now, anyway is just a wish list, not saying that everything will be fulfilled. No harm dreaming "BIG" & greedy at time ;P

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A night @ Grand Mercury

For all people who care so much about me, thank you so much, with all your blessing, my result turn out to be fine.

Friday I was on half day medical leave & head over to SGH to visit the specialist at ENT. For a serials of test from doctor, they had identify that there isn't any problem with my nerves & I don't need to go through any endoscope.

My left ear kennel's stone went out of place, this is the main cause of my giddiness & the ringing sound in my ear. I just need do do some adjustment of the stone, it can't be complete in 1 day, I need to do it for 2months, & go for a following up 2months later.

Saturday is the pre-birthday celebration for RG's 27th birthday at Grand Mercury Hotel, it a pot-luck session, so we need to each bring some food over.

Bring evening time, me & dear head over to Chai Chee to buy some "gou tia" over, who knows an unexpected situation happened. While waiting for the food to be ready, dear went over to his car to tidy his car boot, who know my noob shit dear actually lock his car keys in the boot.

Lucky "jiemei" came over to our rescue, he came over to pick us up & send us back to dear's house to take the office's key. After we got the office's key we head over to take the car's spare key & head back to the car. That the reason we are mad late for the appointment.

We were mad hungry by then, lucky there still food there left for us. After we fill our stomach, had the cake cutted & it time for drinking session.

No drink for me for the night, it already fun enough to see the rest get mad drunk. After one get drunk you can see the true colour of the person, it wasn't a pleasant experience after all.

Photos Updating Time
♥Preparing the candles

♥The birthday boy

♥The making of rum cake

♥Our group photo

♥All is still sober at the moment

♥Doing facial mask?!?

♥The art work

♥Game session

♥By force if one resisted

♥The quarrel never end since Desaru time


♥The Cheeky few


♥5sec tradition when clock strike 12

♥Thai Massage

♥The classmates

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekend, Boring weekend again

On Friday night I went to watch this movie, "String Attached", this is a nice show I can say, I don't know why some of them told me is a boring show. I love the part when Adam told Emma this, "Please don't come any closer, if not, I will never let you go again.", that part really touched me so much till I teared.

Went for supper at Katong area & end our day around 3am.

Saturday, in the noon time I head over to Bedok interchange to meet up with dear, went to OCBC to deposited my money & we went to Bedok Point for dear's late lunch. Intially I wanted to buy "Gongcha", but the queue was so long, so I give it a miss.

Went to Pet Lover to get Dino's food & head back to dear's house. One bad thing about not driving is when the weather is not on our side, so freaking hot in the earlier & it start to rain so suddenly, luckily we are fast enough to get soaking wet.

Evening time we head over to pick dear's aunties & cousin from Toa Payoh & we head over to Whampoa for dinner, dear's family dinner before his sister get back to France.

The group start to get so big now, 13 of us in total, cos the 3 siblings all bought their partner together, first time meeting Kathy's angmoh boyfriend, a professor from France.

After dinner, we went home to nua awhile before we head over to meet the rest at Bark Cafe. I'm seriously disapoointed about their service there, by the look of my face, everyone know that I was so pissed when I didn't get to eat my dessert.

♥Bark Cafe's Menu

Head over to jump start Jimmy's bike for him but we fail, guess his bike battery is really dead now. In the end he drove to Expo instead of riding.

Going to expo is a kind of wasting time, guys talking about their big boy toys, so boring for me. But the thrilling part I like is only the cornering of the car, but of cos it is so dangerous at the speed we going.

♥Honda Civic Type R

♥Type R♥Fit♥Lancer

♥Vior♥Type R♥Fit♥Lancer

I ended my day after all trying to fulfill my ice cream craved & accompany me to Changi Village for ice cream, so nice of them.

Today is an important day, is our flat selection day, after a long wait, finally is our turn now. Ask dear's mum to go alone with us, I believe elderly can give us better advice.

A little disappointed cos the prefect units we want is all taken up, we got a unit at 14storey but still not the prefect unit we want.

♥Yishun Greenwalk, My future "pig sty"

♥This is where it gonna located

♥3D model display @ HDB Hub

After we settle all the documentation, we went to Kungfu Paradise at Bedok Point for dinner.

♥Kungfu Paradise

♥Curry Beef Baked Rice

♥Beef Noodle

♥Chocolate Milkshake

♥My Dessert

Seriously, I got a mixed feeling now, I don't know why, but I just feel a little confused, a little insecure at this moment. I feeling real lousy now, but shouldn't I be feeling happy & excited now?!? I don't know what troubling me now.

Randomz Photos:

♥A new sticker on dear's phone

♥My Blinks & Sticker

Thursday, February 17, 2011

♥Simple Valentine Celebration♥

Valentine comes every year, so what is there to celebrate actually? Well, it a day for honeymoon couple actually I feel, like what dear say to me, 都老夫老妻, don't need so "mafan", I agree to it too.

Know dear for 10years plus, together for 4years plus, how romantic still we can be? In long term wise, he is the type of practical & down to feet guy I can entrust my life with.

Dear came over to meet me up at Vivo, walking distance from my office to convenient me.

We had a simple dinner at White Dog Cafe, I was surprised that dear bought some simple gift for me. He still the same like before, whenever I told him I say something is very cute or I like it before he will buy for me.

♥Dinner @ White Dog Cafe

♥Mango-licious & Cafe Latte

♥Appetitizor to start our meal with

♥Spagetti & Main

♥Pressie, Pressie


Oh, I did got something for dear too, a bottle of Armani perfume, even before dear saw the present & open it, he know what I got for him & even guess the brand right, scary ah!!
♥My Pressie for Dear

♥Dino love my Pressie

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dead DRUNK!!!

I was so tight up with my work lately & I'm under so lot of stress now. At time, I really feel like crying but I told myself I need to be strong, I need to work hard for my 3K goal.

Dear state a goal for me, my target was to earn at least 3K a month in 5years time, but recently after all the calculation I did, I realise 5years is far too long now, I need to earn that amount in 3years time, so I need to work double hard to earn that amount to reach my comfort zone.

Guess I was in my comfort zone at my work for far too long, currently I took over alot of new job load, my time management become a mess. Everyone was chasing after me at work, never in my life I feel so useless, I can't maximise the input I learnt to the more effective output at work.

The hectic day end at around 7pm, seldom will I stay late after work, but just last week itself, 3working days for the week I went home late for 2days.

I head over to meet dear after my work, around 10plus we meet up with the rest to CNY visiting at Xinyi's house. Feeling a little weird of the combination of the group, everything seem okay for the day, I glad that nothing "special" happened that day.

The gathering end around 2plus & we head over to Simpang Bedok for supper, by the time I reach home is already 4am in the morning.

Worst still, I cannot really get to sleep, I woke up at around 8am in the morning, I only slept for like 3hours plus. Around 4pm, I walk over to dear's house to look for him, pick up his mum together with his sister & we head over to his cousin's house for dinner, love his aunty fried chicken wings, it so well marinated.

We need to rush to another dinner appointment after done at his aunty's house, Kelvin's birthday treat at Ah Lam. We are too full for food by then, so we only have a little bits of each dish.

After dinner is party time, this is my very first visit to Shanghai Dolly & it is a horrible experience I swear, I got myself dead drunk.

Not gonna share much on the lousy experience but poor dear suffered so much yesterday, he need to take care of me cos I can't even walk straight & worst still, I puke in his most precious car.

Not so bad after all, cos after this bad experience, at least I know that although dear love his car so much, but he still put me in the first place as compare his car.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

CNY long weekend

I guess this gonna be a super long entry, I have tons of stuffs to update, long weekend is coming to an end for most people, but not for me still, I will only be back to my work battle on the next coming Wednesday.

I shall start updating from the CNY eve. This year was a little different from the previous year, we did not eat our reunion dinner at home, we had our reunion lunch outside at Vivocity Diao Xiao Er. The potion of the foods was a little small for the price we pay, but I just love the food there.

After our lunch, Cat head home with Ze first as they need to prepare for their reunion dinner while me & mum continued our shopping at Vivo.

Later in the night after dear finish his dinner, he came over to pick me up & we head out to meet up with the rest. Still too early to head over to the temple, don't know who suggested the crazy idea of going to Changi Airport, we went there for Swensen ice cream.

We went to the wrong terminal, so we took a skytrain to the other terminal, act like some country pumpkin tourists, so funny!

I love the ice cream display outside the shop, all look so tempating, but the real sundae didn't turn out that nice. I had my all time favourite Frozen Chocolate Malt sundae, but maybe I'm feeling alittle too full that day, for the very first time I can't finish my ice cream.

Around 1am, we head over to Sembawang "Cai Sheng Miao" for our praying session. The place was so packed with people & we can hardly find any parking lot there. We even got into some arguement with other while trying to park the car.

The whole praying session end at around 3plus in the morning, while the rest head for either majong session or supper, I told dear I need to go home, I'm feeling mad tired at that time. After dear send me home then he meet up with the rest for mahjong session.

On CNY first day I wake up early & head over to my grandparent's place, anyway that is basically the only place I need to go to on CNY. Enjoy the catch up session with my cousins & aunties, we didn't meet up as much as compare to the young time.

Around evening time, dear came over to visit my grandparents, he don't only carry the oranges in his hand, he also bought some bird nest for them too, so sweet of him right.

This year dear stay there much longer, no habit of gambling with people he not close with, so I accompany him to play chinese chess instead. Grandpa love chess, so he kept running out during the commercial break of the show he watching & teach me how to counter dear's attack, love my grandpa, he is so funny.

Around 9plus we left there & head over to Kelvin's house for visiting, dinner session as per normal, didn't eat much for me & dear, gambling session start after dinner.

As usual, I will not join them for gambling, I'm well prepare this year, I bought my D.S. out to keep me accompany so that dear won't feel bad leaving me alone.

I know midnight is a little late for visiting but we head over to Jimmy's house still. His house is like a real gambling dens with so many of us.

Me & dear end our day around 3plus 4 again, it a long & tired day.

CNY 2nd day is a day that everyone of us must turn up at my grandparent's place for reunion dinner, but this year I made an exception, I'm not staying for dinner. I went over to show my face rather early that day & left around 2pm.

I went to dear's house for visiting, last year I was really late to visit his parents, I think it already close to the end of CNY then I went to bai nian, so this year, I don't want the same thing to happen again, I went to his house on the 2nd day.

So I stay over at dear place like the whole of Friday afternoon, too tired & I actually take a short nap there. After I woke up, dear want me to help him dye his hair. Once done, it almost time to head out to meet the rest for dinner.

Last year Kelvin's birthday fall on CNY, this year is Ben turn to have his birthday fall on CNY. We went over to Seafood Paradise at Defu Lane for dinner & celebrate Ben's birthday. Maybe is due to festival season & they got a little short-handed, the service was rather bad & the food wasn't up to our expectation, but the food is filling still.

After dinner, we head over for drinking session at Crew Room, can't believe we are actually spending our CNY day 2 at a pub like our usual weekend.

Finally I manage to get a little longer sleep & wake up a little late on CNY day 3. Dear came & pick me up around 2pm & we head over to Haojie's house, like previous years, we will spend the whole day there, gambling session.

This year was a little better than previous year cos the room was over crowded, so "we" didn't manage to bump into each other face to face, & by the time we gonna leave she already left.

Had our dinner at coffee shop, after dinner, some head over to St. James while the rest of us went over to Cineleisure for movie. The seats there was comfortable but the audio was far too loud for me to take it. Can you believe I actually stuff the tissue in my ears throughout the show.

Movie ends around midnight, Jimmy head over to pick up Jaimie & the rest of us head over to car wash. During the car wash, we saw a "live show" there. Ah gua catching & beating up 1 bagala. The ahguas are really damn fierce, seriously, don't even try to fool around with them.

Send Ben home, me & dear head over to Changi for our usual ice cream session & down to Paris Ris again to chill out with Jimmy & Jaimie. Actually it nice chilling up in small group at time, maybe our group is getting far too big now, so even we went out together, we didn't really catch up with one & another.

Sunday is a usually rest day at home, so I don't need to say much of it, 2 more days & I'm going back to work, seriously, I don't know how am I going to spend my this 2 days, no plan yet.