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Monday, November 30, 2009

~Enjoyable Short Trip~

Hello everyone, I'm back from my short getaway trip at Genting with some peepz. Total of 12 of us went for the trip, Me, dear, Yaoyang, Xinyu, Jimmy, Kelvin, Kieve, GeokPeng, Geraldine, Sebast, Steven & his wife.

On last Thursday evening itself, my mum insist me to bring Dino to see a Vet, she is worry that anything will happen to Dino over the weekend when I'm not around.

The medication for Dino cost me another bomb, 67bucks for Dino consulation & medication. Just a single day itself I spent around 150bucks for both our medication, heart-ache.

~My Poor baby need to wear the collar~

27/11/2009 - Friday

On Friday, woke up at around 7am & time to get ready for the trip. As expected, meeting time is 8am at Kelvin's house, but most of them are late, including us. Jimmy head over to pick dear up & come over to pick me up as my house is very near to Kelvin's house.

Set off at around 8.30am to meet Steven near to Pionner Road. By the time we reach the meeting point, Steven not there still, we waited from him close to half an hour before he reach.

Reach & clear Singapore custom at around 10am, the traffic was so smooth, starting I still though we are so lucky that we gonna have a smooth trip there. Who knows, there is a heavy jam over at Malaysia custom, we are struck in the jam for 2 damn hours.

~Clear traffic at Singapore custom~

~Super heavy jam~

~Dear grumpy face~

~Look at the number of cars behind us~

We saw an uncle actually alight from the car in front of us, he walk to the divider in the middle of the road, guess what he do? He release himself in the public, OMG!! Peeing in the middle of the jam with so many other.

Poor dear got so grumpy when we are struck in the jam, he still can play with his I-phone & drive at the same time, buay tanhan him.

Finally we clear the custom & it time to head for lunch, everyone was mad hungry by then. First little incident happen, total of 4 cars went for the trip together, while 3 of the cars filter out to a exit for some lunch, 1 of the cars miss the exit & it Steven again.

We ask them to head for lunch themselve at the other R&R, the rest of us go for our own lunch & meet up again later. We went to a super run down coffee shop to have our lunch, the place look so dirty, I decide to skip my lunch as I'm afraid my weak stomach cannot take those road side stall.

After our lunch, continue with our journey, we did manage to find Steven at a close-by R&R but through-out the journey we lost him many time too. The other 3 cars was running at a very high speed, too fast for Steven to catch up.

~We go at a high speed, as fast as 180km/hr~

I swear this is the longest Genting trip I ever had before, we reach the hill-top at evening time. Can you imagine we took 8hours to reach Genting from Singapore, we spent too much time waiting for one another, wasted close to half the day just for travelling.

~Finally we reach Genting~

Once we reach Genting, it time for dinner, leave our bags in the room & head over to Shanghai 10 for some Hongkong food.

~My Dinner~

After dinner it free & easy time, all go on their own activites & meet up again 8pm at the lobby. Me & dear decide not to join them so early, we went for a walk instead, as our main purpose is not to gamble like them, we wanna to get a short break from the busy city.

~Me & dear taking a walk under the foggy sky~

We join the rest around 9plus, me & dear set aside 400ringit, no matter win or lose, we arrange that that is the maximum amount we can spent on gambling.

The lucky angel was by my side, won like 300ringit by the time Taz reach. Me, dear, Kelvin & Jimmy went out to catch up with Taz while the rest continue gambling. This time round Taz bought his son & wife along, his baby was so cute, he got a super big eyes.

~Dear's eyes is bigger or baby Taz~

~Look at the smile on baby Taz face~

~Kelvin & baby Taz~

~Me & baby Taz~

~Dear & is good buddy Taz~

~Meet up after 7years~

Taz's family left around 12plus, me, dear, Jimmy & Geok Peng continue with our killing spree while the rest went clubbing.

I was at e urge of losing at the start of the 2nd visit, but after they change a dealer, my angel is back again. I play "Tai xiao" all the way, I win a couple of time 1 win pay 30times, my jaw nearly come off when I first got that, I can't believe I'm so lucky, with 10bucks I got back 300!! Shocking to me!!

Total winning of 1000 over ringit!! How I wish the the currency was in SGD, yah, I know I'm a little greedy! We went for supper & call off all the gambling session at around 2plus, it time for bed.

28/11/2009 - Saturday

Woke up feeling fresh on Saturday, I had a very good sleep the day before. I was so afraid of cold weather, I "steal" dear's blanket in the middle of the night as I was freezing cold even with my own blanket on.

After we check out from the hotel & stuff all our belonging into the cars & we head for our blunch. The rest went to a restaurant for their lunch while me, dear, Yao Yang, Xinyu & Jimmy went to KFC for our meal.

The rest of them head straight to Casino after their meal, we tag along too. Yesterday I was the one playing, so today dear will be the one playing. Poor dear, angel not by his side, he lost most of the round.

After dear clear all the chips in his hand, it shopping time. Dear bought me to eat my favourite Baskin Robin ice cream & shop around at the retail shop, finally I found the favour "piece of cake" which I had been looking for it for so many years in Baskin Robin.

Finally everyone lost enough & it time to leave Genting & head to KL for our dinner. Going down hill at a high speed giving everyone a real bad headache due to the pressure changes. So after we reaches the foot of the hill, Yao Yang gonna do the driving instead of dear this time.

We cannot find where is Petaling street after making a few round in KL, so we came out of the conclusion of going back to JB for dinner.

Both me & dear sleep most of the way back to Singapore, take turn to lay down at the back seat. I was laying on dear lap & fall into deep sleep, who know Yao Yang brake suddenly, I was waken up by shock feeling that I gonna roll down from the seat.

Reach JB around 10plus & had our dinner at 101. Super cheap, so many dishes only cost us 200ringit & it can say is the best meal we had since yesterday, cheap & good. After dinner, we head to the usual place to look at DVD, had the petrol pump, car washed before we head back.

~I bought lot of gums~

Luckily the custom was clear, we manage to get through it real soon, by the time Kelvin send us to dear house it already 2am. Dear continue to watch DVD when we reach home, I watch a few espiode with dear but I dozed off half way.

29/11/2009 - Sunday

Woke up close to the noon time, so nice of dear parents, they bought breakfast for me too as they saw my shoes placing outside, they know that I'm stay overnight there.

Kway Chap for our blunch & spent most of our afternoon "glue" to the TV set.

Till evening time, dear went over to pick Jimmy up & we head over to Steven's house for tennis game & pick up Jimmy new pet, named Nancy.

Nancy was really strong, she was dragging me to walk instead of me walking her.

~She gonna be Dino new friend, Nancy~

~The Master & the Dog~

After our tennis game, we had a heavy dinner, Steven's treat as he lost in the tennis game, super nice dinner especially when it is free, lolz!!

I enjoy this trip very much, love all the time which I spent with dear.

~My Enjoyable Short Genting Trip~

Hello everyone, I'm back from my short getaway trip at Genting with some peepz. Total of 12 of us went for the trip, Me, dear, Yaoyang, Xinyu, Jimmy, Kelvin, Kieve, GeokPeng, Geraldine, Sebast, Steven & his wife.

On last Thursday evening itself, my mum insist me to bring Dino to see a Vet, she is worry that anything will happen to Dino over the weekend when I'm not around.

The medication for Dino cost me another bomb, 67bucks for Dino consulation & medication. Just a single day itself I spent around 150bucks for both our medication, heart-ache.

~My Poor baby need to wear the collar~

27/11/2009 - Friday

On Friday, woke up at around 7am & time to get ready for the trip. As expected, meeting time is 8am at Kelvin's house, but most of them are late, including us. Jimmy head over to pick dear up & come over to pick me up as my house is very near to Kelvin's house.

Set off at around 8.30am to meet Steven near to Pionner Road. By the time we reach the meeting point, Steven not there still, we waited from him close to half an hour before he reach.

Reach & clear Singapore custom at around 10am, the traffic was so smooth, starting I still though we are so lucky that we gonna have a smooth trip there. Who knows, there is a heavy jam over at Malaysia custom, we are struck in the jam for 2 damn hours.

~Clear traffic at Singapore custom~

~Super heavy jam~

~Dear grumpy face~

~Look at the number of cars behind us~

We saw an uncle actually alight from the car in front of us, he walk to the divider in the middle of the road, guess what he do? He release himself in the public, OMG!! Peeing in the middle of the jam with so many other.

Poor dear got so grumpy when we are struck in the jam, he still can play with his I-phone & drive at the same time, buay tanhan him.

Finally we clear the custom & it time to head for lunch, everyone was mad hungry by then. First little incident happen, total of 4 cars went for the trip together, while 3 of the cars filter out to a exit for some lunch, 1 of the cars miss the exit & it Steven again.

We ask them to head for lunch themselve at the other R&R, the rest of us go for our own lunch & meet up again later. We went to a super run down coffee shop to have our lunch, the place look so dirty, I decide to skip my lunch as I'm afraid my weak stomach cannot take those road side stall.

After our lunch, continue with our journey, we did manage to find Steven at a close-by R&R but through-out the journey we lost him many time too. The other 3 cars was running at a very high speed, too fast for Steven to catch up.

~We go at a high speed, as fast as 180km/hr~

I swear this is the longest Genting trip I ever had before, we reach the hill-top at evening time. Can you imagine we took 8hours to reach Genting from Singapore, we spent too much time waiting for one another, wasted close to half the day just for travelling.

~Finally we reach Genting~

Once we reach Genting, it time for dinner, leave our bags in the room & head over to Shanghai 10 for some Hongkong food.

~My Dinner~

After dinner it free & easy time, all go on their own activites & meet up again 8pm at the lobby. Me & dear decide not to join them so early, we went for a walk instead, as our main purpose is not to gamble like them, we wanna to get a short break from the busy city.

~Me & dear taking a walk under the foggy sky~

We join the rest around 9plus, me & dear set aside 400ringit, no matter win or lose, we arrange that that is the maximum amount we can spent on gambling.

The lucky angel was by my side, won like 300ringit by the time Taz reach. Me, dear, Kelvin & Jimmy went out to catch up with Taz while the rest continue gambling. This time round Taz bought his son & wife along, his baby was so cute, he got a super big eyes.

~Dear's eyes is bigger or baby Taz~

~Look at the smile on baby Taz face~

~Kelvin & baby Taz~

~Me & baby Taz~

~Dear & is good buddy Taz~

~Meet up after 7years~

Taz's family left around 12plus, me, dear, Jimmy & Geok Peng continue with our killing spree while the rest went clubbing.

I was at e urge of losing at the start of the 2nd visit, but after they change a dealer, my angel is back again. I play "Tai xiao" all the way, I win a couple of time 1 win pay 30times, my jaw nearly come off when I first got that, I can't believe I'm so lucky, with 10bucks I got back 300!! Shocking to me!!

Total winning of 1000 over ringit!! How I wish the the currency was in SGD, yah, I know I'm a little greedy! We went for supper & call off all the gambling session at around 2plus, it time for bed.

28/11/2009 - Saturday

Woke up feeling fresh on Saturday, I had a very good sleep the day before. I was so afraid of cold weather, I "steal" dear's blanket in the middle of the night as I was freezing cold even with my own blanket on.

After we check out from the hotel & stuff all our belonging into the cars & we head for our blunch. The rest went to a restaurant for their lunch while me, dear, Yao Yang, Xinyu & Jimmy went to KFC for our meal.

The rest of them head straight to Casino after their meal, we tag along too. Yesterday I was the one playing, so today dear will be the one playing. Poor dear, angel not by his side, he lost most of the round.

After dear clear all the chips in his hand, it shopping time. Dear bought me to eat my favourite Baskin Robin ice cream & shop around at the retail shop, finally I found the favour "piece of cake" which I had been looking for it for so many years in Baskin Robin.

Finally everyone lost enough & it time to leave Genting & head to KL for our dinner. Going down hill at a high speed giving everyone a real bad headache due to the pressure changes. So after we reaches the foot of the hill, Yao Yang gonna do the driving instead of dear this time.

We cannot find where is Petaling street after making a few round in KL, so we came out of the conclusion of going back to JB for dinner.

Both me & dear sleep most of the way back to Singapore, take turn to lay down at the back seat. I was laying on dear lap & fall into deep sleep, who know Yao Yang brake suddenly, I was waken up by shock feeling that I gonna roll down from the seat.

Reach JB around 10plus & had our dinner at 101. Super cheap, so many dishes only cost us 200ringit & it can say is the best meal we had since yesterday, cheap & good. After dinner, we head to the usual place to look at DVD, had the petrol pump, car washed before we head back.

~I bought lot of gums~

Luckily the custom was clear, we manage to get through it real soon, by the time Kelvin send us to dear house it already 2am. Dear continue to watch DVD when we reach home, I watch a few espiode with dear but I dozed off half way.

29/11/2009 - Sunday

Woke up close to the noon time, so nice of dear parents, they bought breakfast for me too as they saw my shoes placing outside, they know that I'm stay overnight there.

Kway Chap for our blunch & spent most of our afternoon "glue" to the TV set.

Till evening time, dear went over to pick Jimmy up & we head over to Steven's house for tennis game & pick up Jimmy new pet, named Nancy.

Nancy was really strong, she was dragging me to walk instead of me walking her.

~She gonna be Dino new friend, Nancy~

~The Master & the Dog~

After our tennis game, we had a heavy dinner, Steven's treat as he lost in the tennis game, super nice dinner especially when it is free, lolz!!

I enjoy this trip very much, love all the time which I spent with dear.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I’m down with sickness now & I going to head over to Genting for holiday tomorrow. How I wish that there is a miracle pill that come makes me recover instantly.

I’m feeling really terrible now, on Tuesday itself my flu breakout. Starting it just a simple sore-throat & block nose, I thought I’ll be okay after a day of rest at home. So I got a MC for that day.

MC is an excuse to stay at home, but I still sneak out for a movie in the evening time. Free tickets to “Astro Boy”, I don’t know how Yaoyang’s girlfriend got the free ticket & I don’t care anyway, just watch.

Straight after the movie, I went home straight & rest. Had a rather good sleep that night with the effect of the cough syrup, it simply makes me drowsy.

Back to work again on Wednesday, my sickness did not seems to go off & it stay. Okay, my poor Dino also down with fever too, his body temperature was so high, make him drink lots of ice water & let him sleep in air-con room trying to bring his temperature down.

Well, my whole family is down with sickness, maybe that why Dino caught a fever too.

Yesterday night out of a sudden, I don’t know why I start sneezing away, sneeze at least 10 times straight in a row. After the sneezing, my nose was like tap with running water, can’t really get to sleep that night as I keep waking up to blow my nose.

Now I back to office & feeling really uncomfortable now. Nose blocked & I’m feeling feverish. Pop myself with flu & pain-killer pills, hoping that my sickness will go off real soon; I don’t wish to spoiled my holiday trip.

Feeling really sick, no choice went to see a doc again. Guess it really time to quit smoking, recently my throat always get infection, I shall stop after my coming trip. This time round the medication cost me a bomb, 76bucks, luckily can claim under the money back from company.

This week only 4 working days & I got 2 days MC for that. Not chow keng this time, but really sick.


I’m down with sickness now & I going to head over to Genting for holiday tomorrow. How I wish that there is a miracle pill that come makes me recover instantly.

I’m feeling really terrible now, on Tuesday itself my flu breakout. Starting it just a simple sore-throat & block nose, I thought I’ll be okay after a day of rest at home. So I got a MC for that day.

MC is an excuse to stay at home, but I still sneak out for a movie in the evening time. Free tickets to “Astro Boy”, I don’t know how Yaoyang’s girlfriend got the free ticket & I don’t care anyway, just watch.

Straight after the movie, I went home straight & rest. Had a rather good sleep that night with the effect of the cough syrup, it simply makes me drowsy.

Back to work again on Wednesday, my sickness did not seems to go off & it stay. Okay, my poor Dino also down with fever too, his body temperature was so high, make him drink lots of ice water & let him sleep in air-con room trying to bring his temperature down.

Well, my whole family is down with sickness, maybe that why Dino caught a fever too.

Yesterday night out of a sudden, I don’t know why I start sneezing away, sneeze at least 10 times straight in a row. After the sneezing, my nose was like tap with running water, can’t really get to sleep that night as I keep waking up to blow my nose.

Now I back to office & feeling really uncomfortable now. Nose blocked & I’m feeling feverish. Pop myself with flu & pain-killer pills, hoping that my sickness will go off real soon; I don’t wish to spoiled my holiday trip.

Feeling really sick, no choice went to see a doc again. Guess it really time to quit smoking, recently my throat always get infection, I shall stop after my coming trip. This time round the medication cost me a bomb, 76bucks, luckily can claim under the money back from company.

This week only 4 working days & I got 2 days MC for that. Not chow keng this time, but really sick.

Monday, November 23, 2009

~hOLiDaY mOoD~

I was in a holiday mood since starting last week I can say, I basically is doing nothing, nothing at all at work, keep asking for work to do, but they don’t even have work for themselves do you think they will have any for me?

So I was like doing “self study” most of the time, reading on the system flow thingy, but end of the day can say nothing went in to my brain too. Most of the time I’m busy chatting with other in Skype.

Friday, before I even start work I’m already praying for 6pm real soon.

During lunch time, Mo & Shana accompany to “Mini Toons” to buy a “zao yao jing” to shine on the demon sitting right behind me. She like to peep on other people lappy to see what they doing, so kaypo.

Other then get the mirror, I bought a new hand phone strip too, previously I already bought a blink blink strip from Tiong Bahru Plaza which I really like it a lot & it cost me a bomb, 16bucks for a hand phone strip. But the blink blink starts to come off so I decide to change it.

I bought a pink blink blink sticker to stick on my hand phone, the colour was so sweet, to stick the sticker is to prevent my hand phone gets any scratches, due to the cover of the camera, there no hand phone cover cater for Sony Ericsson phone.

I spend the rest of the afternoon pasting the stickers on my phone in the office, who knows the stickers weren’t enough. I sneak out of the office & head back to Vivo to get more stickers, that one thing good about working in HQ, you just need to get your job done, the rest is OTOT, and no one will bother you that much.

Finally manage to get it done close to 3pm & it show time, Trudy bought the B**** to the main office, all of us has been waiting for this moment to teach her a good lesson.

The situation was really funny, can see how uncomfortable her face was, but we are just basically acting like a mirror of her. Shana welcome hand shake is enough to “kill” her, Shana is sort of the most “man” among us.

I saw the face of her while I told Trudy about the hand phone really make me damn shiok lor. Show Trudy my hand phone new look & I expected Trudy will ask me why suddenly I will paste the sticker till like that, as expected, Trudy did ask.

This is my reply:

“This hand phone was so common on the road now, any funny people on the road can be holding the same hand phone, the same colour as me some more. I don’t want to be same like them.”

After the B**** hear my reply she walk straight out of our office, even an idiot can tell that I’m telling her off, if she cannot catch that, she is worst than an idiot. I was really on fire whenever I see her, trying to B**** more behind my back la, you will get more from me next time, I swear.

I can be nice at time, I got a limit to every single people out there, once my limit reach, try me! You will be surprise to see what you will get from me; the Friday is just a very small lesson, more to come if I hear more from her again.

After work, I head over to TP straight, never really step into a poly by foot before, and guess I miss the best part in life for skipping that. Wondering how to get to the tennis court so I gave Sengie a call, a TP student not knowing that they even have a tennis court there, but still I manage to find my way there.

Tennis game end at 9pm when the light off & it time for dinner, I was really mad hungry by the time. Steven & Derek head straight home first while the rest of us head over to 85 for dinner, I miss the “ba chou mee” there, so long since I last eat that.

Dear went home for shower before we head over to Katong to meet Jimmy here for L4D 2. The graphic was good compare to the L4D 1, but after staring at the screen for long u will feel rather dizzy.

The game is not as easy as L4D 1, after 2hours of gaming we cannot even clear a single stage, it getting rather late & all of us are really tired so we decide to give up & head home to sleep.

Even though I sleep at around 3plus the day before, I still need to wake up very early as I had made a grooming appointment for Dino.

As usual, Sharon will come down to accompany me while waiting for Dino to be done. Lot of stuff to catch up with her, we always have non-stop topic to gossip about. Dino got a poodle cut this time, no longer look like schnauzer.

Cannot get a cab home, so I walk all the way back from Bedok South under the hot sun to Chai Chee, so tired.

Reach home, I guess Dino was very tired after the long walk too, both of us dozed straight off on my bed. Now a day, Dino makes himself so comfortably on my bed, he basically sleep with me every night.

Till around 4plus, I woke up & prepare for dear to pick me up. Dear came over to pick me up around 6plus & rush back home to hand the car to his brother & the 2 of us took a bus to Expo for Angela Zhang concert.

Miss those young days which we will go out together taking public transports, hoping on to any bus that first come in sight. Time really flies, look back now it is like close to 10years ago when we are in our teenage life, sweet memories I can say.

Had our dinner there at a restaurant called “Ba Ba King”, the food there was not very good, so so only. Guess what, my heel give way half way through, luckily the heel was full of strip, even one give way I still can walk with it.

After dinner while we heading over to Max Pavilion, we are shocked by the number of people queuing, going into the concert hall. We decide to give it a miss& not going for the concert anyway is a pair of free ticket & we are not really in favour of Angela Zhang.

We took a bus to Bedok interchange, dear got me a new pair of heel as I’m really quite affected by the strip coming off. Walk around for awhile & we head back to dear house to get his car.

The time is still early; I suggest to dear why not we drive over to Puggol & Sengkang to see the place where we bid for the flat. The Puggol flat that we bid is more convenience compare to the Sengkang one, it very near to the MRT station. Hopefully we will be receiving our good news soon.

Sunday I woke up earlier than dear, watching TV in the living room while waiting for him to wake up for his breakfast. Mum bought us some buns but it really tastes funny, dear don’t like to eat. After watching a variety show on TV recommending the prawn noodle at Bedok South, so we get change & head down straight.

Who knows while we reach, the whole hawker centre was under renovation, so we head back to Chai Chee for lunch instead. In the late afternoon at around 4.30pm, Alvin & Tracy came over to pick me up, we head over to Chinatown to try on the gown for their wedding, first time being bridesmaid instead of sister, guess I gonna be real busy helping them that day.

After we done with the trying, they send me to the coffeeshop to daopa dinner, dear say if I’m not back by 8pm to dapao dinner for him he gonna cook dog meat for dinner. For the sake of Dino safety, I’m home early, lolz, I’m home around 6plus.

Dear was on the phone with Jaryl when I’m back home. Isn’t Jaryl sweet to call dear to catch up with him even he is in other country. Is not the duration of how long you know a person to make both you good friend.

So looking forward for the coming long weekend, HOLIDAY TRIP with the peepz.

Lots of Randomz photos to share:

~Cam whoring at the smoking area during lunch time~

~Me & Mavis again~

~Mavis & Shana~

~Me & Shana~

~Dear got this piggy for me~

~The cats playing around~

~Baby & meow meow~


~Pretty cat at Hearty Pawz~

~Dino new "poodle" look~

~Getting ready to head out~

My Handphone new look: