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Monday, March 31, 2008

pain pain

it had been 3 day le, my stomach still hurt alot. yest really pain till cannot take it le, dear cum n pick me up afr his wk n send me to hospital.

cost a bomb but luckily nothing much happen, jus need to eat medicines regularly. poor dear burn a hole in his wallet jus to bring me to c doc.

afr seeing doc, head to eat chicken rice. dun really feel hungry cos mayb the pain hurt more, afr our early dinner, went to dear house to hav a rest n start doing my assignment le.

poor dear need to struggle for his exam now, n it my turn to relax for e time being

Saturday, March 29, 2008

arggghhh. feeling terrible

my leg feel like jelly, i dunno i had eaten wat, keep running to e toilet.

dun feel like eating e whole day, feeling so sick.

cannot concentrate in class, e pain is killing me.

oh my... now is not stomach pain le, is gastric le.

im feeling terrible now...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

body aching

feelin tired now. finally over le, exam finish yest. jus to endure 2 more module, n i'll grad le. free frm books and exams le.

when to wait for dear to finish his lesson as usual, had our dinner n head to dear's house to nua. everytime afr exam i will feel so tired, all my brain cell like die finish le, doze off again. wake up awhile afr tt, watch tv n head to loyang bai bai.

had a super long slp but i dun seem to b able to charge my body batt fully, still feeling tired. dear came n pick me up during e late afrnoon n we head to east coast for cycling. so long since i last cycle, guess got 2yr le.

i love e sea breeze, we cycle till very far, till a place tt i nv been there before. time is catching up le, faster cycle back. my body is aching all over now.

had our dinner at e east coast hawker, finally, got to eat my wan ton mee. i waited for so long for e quene, guess got 30min for tt. den is dear turn to buy his, he waited even longer for his beef soup thingy. afr i finish my mee n drink le den dear start his dinner.

feeling so tired now, guess im able to get a gd slp tonite again

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

my 23rd birthday

yest, not wking for the day. wanted to stay at hm to complete my assignment, but is far too noisy here. so get shower, head to springvale to do my assignment.

finally done wif all my assignment. timing is jus right, ting dey all oso finish wk by the time le. head to interchange to meet up wif the rest. simon was late, made all of us to wait so long.

by the time we reach changi village is already at 8plus le. all super hungry, order our foods. ordered a total of 2crab for crab meehoon, 2 crab for chilli crab, fried bun, sambal kangkong, gonggong, 2kg of prawns, stringray and chicken wings. tis cost us ard 200plus.

of cost dey wun let me off so easily. thx andrew for smashing my face into e cake.

it was a enjoyable day, got a bday card frm them, wif all their wishes for me. thx u tracy, liting, alicia, simon, andrew, junjia and eeteng for tis special day.

afr our dinner, alvin send us hm. den dear came n pick me up. brought me my fav pooh bear and 2 songs sang n play by him as my bday gift. so sweet of dear. thx for everything.

today is my bday itself. bad day at the start. nearly fainted on my way to wk. whole day hav a very bad headache, my body jus feel so weak. afr wk, head hm to nua. feeling terrible.

Monday, March 10, 2008

my weekend

fri finish work at 6, but my hubby reach my shop so early at 530 to pick me up. tracy was late, my dumbo dear got angry cos waited for me so long, finally i can go off at 630 le.

went to dear hm afr tt, actually wan to go out for dinner de, but dear's brother need to borrow his car, so he say he cook maggi mee for me instead, but in e end i cook e noodle for him.

afr dinner, dear brought me to kallang to play basketball..

sat, spend my whole afrnoon at hm rushing my assignment. evening time, met up wif sharon n head to attend sebas's wedding dinner.

thanks sharon n merlinda for the bday present. guess they wish tt i turn to a lady like person, dey brought me such a lady like hand bag. thanks

sunday suppose to continune wif my assignment, but i was hook to my dvd.. cant stop watching tt..

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

my new levi jean

today i made a grave big mistake at work. send expired product to customers, i admit that it partly my fault.

sweat and worry. the arrows start shooting everyone, there no escape for me as expected. panic and feeling super stress, so many people got involve, all the problems will not happen if only i'm more careful.

need to rush over to customer's place to collect back the items. luckily dear is around, trouble him to send me all the way there, wait for me to talk and explain to customer then send me back to shop again. feel so bad to trouble dear.

reach shop, settle my stuffs and knock off from work. head to tampines to meet up wif sis n mum for dinner. after dinner, mum brought me to the levi shop, she ask me to pick a jean for my birthday present. nothing catch my eyes cos i think the price far to expensive i cant bring myself to buy that.

then head to levi signature instead. the price there more reasonable.

brought a new jean, my 1st bday present for the year.