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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Meet-the-Parents Session

Done with our meet-the-parents session this afternoon, I'm glad that most thing turn out fine. Other than the language barrier, my mum can't speak english & my boyfriend's dad can't speak chinese, the old people can get together quite well!

The food I cannot say is fantastic, but is consister reasonably good! I love the herbal prawn dish & the dessert, too bad we won't be able to really eat those dish on the actual day! I did something really paisae today, while shelling the prawn, the prawn's head flew into my tea cup, everyone have an extreme good laugh over it.

Mum & sis left after the lunch while we stayed to follow up on some misc issue & when for home viewing again! His dad planning to move in to a bigger place again. They only stayed in this current place arpund 1year, but they planned to moved for a reason, thinking of doing the shifting again really freak me off!

Saturday, October 26, 2013


When to collect my wedding invitation cards on Monday & I swear those was freaking heavy!! See, that is what I got trying to take a bus home & insist on saving the cab fare.

Didn't expect getting the invitation done up could take up so much of my time, especially to tie up the insert! At least 50% of the invitation done!

We even do up an additional insert to put in the envelope for our guests, to inform them on the limited parking lots available in tge hotel to avoid any inconvenient for them, hope it help!

I'm feeling kinda "gan chiong" now for our meet-the-parents session tomorrow afternoon, first time our parents meet up, wonder how it gonna turn out to be!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sengie's Advance 21st Birthday Celebration

I remember I hear before other say, "cousins, will be your first friend, your best friend since young, for life". I do agree alot on this as I'm actually quite closely bonded with my 11 other cousins!

Of all the other cousins, can say Sengie was the closest to me even we are 7years apart, maybe is bcos we have alot of similarity, I see myself in her, I dote her like my own little sister, but definately, she is a better person than I am!

My sweet little girl is turning into a demure young lady in no time, my honour to be invited to her advance 21st birthday celebration, wishing her the best in everything she do!!!

Happy 21st Birthday!! I'm so proud of you!!

P/S: she only look demure from the outside but actually so is more manly than any guys outta!! Survived her BMT training with all other men at tekong and she is going for her OCS now!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Pre-Wedding Shoot

Had our pre-wedding shoot done up yesterday, it was a mad tiring day, but very fun experience!

Other than my previous studio photoshoot for my portfolio when I'm still modelling many years back, this is my second attempt with such thick make-up.

Make-up can really do wonder, I looked so much different comparing to the normal me, of cos much prettier after dolling up! I'm feeling so princess-ish with the gown and accessories, thank you Tiffany for the "tranformation".

We went to 2 location for the outdoor shoot, luckily the weather was good yesterday, rain only come later in the night! Suddenly I feel so blessed once again, walking around with my gown caught alot of attention, one woman actually yell to me, "YOU LOOK SO GORGEOUS!! WHO THE LUCKY MAN?!?" After my boyfriend acknowledged it and so goes on "you got a really gorgeous looking wife, remember to hold her hand REALLY tight and never let her go!" Everyone that I walked passed will just smile at me and congrats us, never in my life I have receive so much  blessing from strangers before!

So happy, can't wait for the photos to be ready :)

Later Post - His 29th Birthday

I feel so bad, for my boyfriend's birthday this year, I only bought him some gift, no surprises and not even a cake from me due to my busy schedule.

His birthday was last Saturday, not able to spend the whole day with him as I had lesson on that day. When to grab him a present before my class, head for dinner together at Seoul Garden after my lesson and nothing more!

Gald that he got a good bunch of peeps, they feel bad that they forgotten about his birthday, so they surprised him on Monday, even I'm caught by their surprise too!! They initally wanna surprise us at the bridal shop while we doing the fitting that evening but we left before they come, Derek called and ask if we wanna have dinner together cos he and his girlfriend is there too!! Just this simple question and my boyfriend gave away his own location and they pop up in the restaurant and caught him by surprise with a cake and balloon!

That was really a good one!!

One day before Wedding shoot

Told my boss I need to go off an hour earlier from work yesterday to prepare my wedding shoot stuffs! Time was really packed with work & school, everything was so rush till I can only get my nails fixed yesterday!

Had Jo to accompany me to town yesterday, she accompany to Prada to exchange for the wallet first, once done head over to Burberry to get the belt shorten, while waiting for the man to get the belt fixed, time to do up my nails!

First attempt of gelish and IM SO IN LOVE with it!! Had a wonderful shopping time through out & only headed back home when all the shops are closed!!