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Thursday, May 31, 2012


Should I?!? Should I not?!?

Dilemma!!! I can't decide to buy or not?

My sister told me not to think so much since my boyfriend offer to buy for me, just buy.

BUT!!!! I still prefer my Burberry :(

Monday, May 28, 2012

My life in Epson

To come to think about it, I going to be with Epson for 4year this coming September. Time really fly fast, even though I always full of complaints on my work, but I seriously love my job a lot.

I completed my diploma in Hospitality & Tourism in the year of 2008, but after I completed my course, I was a little reluctant to continue my career in F&B line, cos I can't see myself anywhere in the near future, so, I decide to head for a change.

At that point of time, I totally have no work experience on desk-bound job & I really wanting to experience the 8 to 5 lifestyle. Seeking help from a friend, kind enough, his girlfriend introduce me a temp position in Epson for 3months, my job requirement is only doing data entry, paid 7bucks per hour, all I need to do is to key in customers' warranty registration details into the system. I know is a super boring job, but wasting 3months for experiencing new thing, sound like a good deal to me, so I took up the job.

I remember my first day to work, I feel like I'm a human entering an alien world, I'm totally out of my comfort zone. I used to work in a very rowdy environment, this new environment is so quiet to me, I can even hear the noise of a needle dropped on the floor. I just can't sit still at the point of time, I feel more tired sitting down as compare to standing for 8hours straight every single day, it kind of a torture to me at the initial stage.

As time passes, I start to feel thankful to find a job allowing me to sit my 8hours a day in a comfortable air-conditioning environment, if given a choice, I really don't wish to go back to hospitality field ever again. But a lot of thing isn't within our control, my 3months contract ended, there isn't any opening for permanent position, I can't possibly hold on to a temp position after spending so much time & effort completing my diploma no matter how much I like my working environment.

Just before my last day there, my boss spoke to me, he told me he actually wanted to have a talk with me a few week back trying to ask me to stay. But he himself know very well that it will be very selfish for him to do so if he not able to promise me any permanent position, so that what holding him back. But he chose to speak to me on that very day cos he got a good news for me, he request me to hold on to my temp position for another 1month the most, he is trying to ask one of the colleague to go, once he leave, the position will be mine.

After much consideration, I took up the offer. What bothering me to take up the offer is definitely not the leaving of that particular colleague, I understand the "rules" of working society, either you are an asset, or a liability to the company, no one is indispensible, no hard feeling on that. What bothering me is the pay they offered, they offer me 1650 for the initial pay, that is lesser than what I hold in Haagen Dazs, but the promise me a pay raise after my 3month probation, but as for the amount it depends a lot if individual performance.

For a long terms benefit, I decide to take the risk, thank god through out my years in Epson I met a lot of nice colleagues & bosses that help me keep improving, from starting off at Local CS department as a on-site coordinator, I'm now in the Regional CS department as a senior service coordinator. I really need to thanks my bosses & superior that see highly on me, giving me a lot of room to perform & prove myself, with all their help, I am who I am today, working so hard to score my KPI in order to get good bonus, to meet all the targets my boyfriend set for me in order for us to have a more comfortable life in the close future.

As a MNC, as a Japan's company, I will say that the benefit here is really good. I believe with my current educational level, with my work experience, I could hardly find an admin job that offer what I earn per annual now. I love this period of time every year, increment, bonus, FFB benefit & incentives will all come in a shoot. Last year I got a big fat bonus of 3.8month, this years wasn't as good as before, but still quite a fair sum after all the natural disaster & economy down turn, I'm already very contented.

Once in awhile I will pamper myself with good food, over the weekend, both me & boyfriend throw our dieting plan aside & eat to our contentment.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


It had been a tough week (last week) for me getting involving in situation for both family & friends' relationship issue. I feel for every single one of them, but I have no right to judge who is right or wrong, especially after I heard the story of both parties, my heart ache with them.

There a reason why god create us with a mouth. It allow us to speak, allow all the individual ones to communicate the differences in them to make this world better, everyone can live together in peace. But when one refuse to communicate with other, misunderstanding starts to form, we can't possibility be guessing what the other party is thinking. In this 2 situation I encounter, I totally understand the important of communication & the damages that can be made when dollars & cents, fights & violent are involve.

Family, blood is always thicker than water, this is a total bullshit description, I should phrase it in another way, "Money is more practical than bond". I seriously feel so lousy, I been listening to the one side story with all the "ifs" & "assumptions", so, who is there to confirm all these doubts? No one! One selfishness causes so much pain to other, but I'm really sorry, there nothing much I can do to help, it not advisable for me to get involve in the situation which I wasn't sure too.

In a relationship, there always a dark side to it, everything just seem so nice to the eyes of the other, but no one can understand the pain you are getting into. Be it whatever situation you are in, I always believe that if one is willing to speak up the issue, no problem is too big to solve. Violent is one thing that I can never accept, lost of control in the fit of anger is only an excuse, I can't possibly kill someone & say sorry for getting you killed, I didn't mean it, I just lost of control. That incredibly nonsense isn't it? How can you entrust your future to someone having a seriously anger management problem that is going to whack you up whenever he / she is out of control? You will be living in fear wondering when the "volcano" going to explode, worst still, when you gonna get killed by his / her sudden blow "accidentally", is that what you want?

But before you starting questioning your half about what they can give & how much they can give you in the relationship, have you ask yourself the same question? After you got the answer from him / her, ask yourself this again, whatever they are giving, is that what you want? Without a same understanding & common goal in a relationship, I see no point wasting both party time, ultimately thing can never work out as both of you are heading toward different direction in life.

I'm a very positive person, no matter how bad the situation is, I always believe that there is hope out there somewhere, just that it haven't come to us yet. I'm sorry for being emotionally affected by the serial of dramas happening around me, even till now, I still believe that the worst is coming to an end real soon, I just need some time to adapt to the sudden down side of life.

Put yourself in other people shoe, treat the people around you the same way you wish to be treated back. Hate occurred when the love is being abused, please don't ever let this happen. Learn to love & communicate to the people you treasured, is not worth losing the person you love for your ego & pride.

Monday, May 14, 2012

His New House

On last Thursday, I finally got a chance to visit my boyfriend's new house, his parents gotten the key a day before, but I got something held up on Wednesday itself, I insist my boyfriend not to go visit the house without me.

You can call me the unreasonable one, I always have my own insist on my point of view, after I share my point with him & he agreed with me, I got the sweetest boyfriend on earth that are willing to hear me reason out with him.

Anyway, town house was so much different than what I have in mind, but for the amount his parents paid, I would not say it a bad deal at that location.

The first thing I wanted to see is his room aka our room in the near future. It was on the third storey, I can very well imagine myself, dragging my body up the loooong stairway after a tired day.

But I must admit the view was good, no blockage before our window, the place is rather airy. It was much smaller than what I expect, but can you believe we have a bath-tub in our toilet? I was excited to see that, but it seriously not practical in such high standard living Singapore, the water & electric bills will "drown" us.

That is our POV, it doesn't really matter anyway, his parent have the final decision for all. So, after our Sunday lunch together at the Bedok Camp hawker center, total 8 of us, including his grand uncle & cousin, we head down once again.

Every individual one have so much ideas of doing up the house, of cos, there a lot of disagreement too. Can foresee a lot of hacking will be done on the third storey, Kathy gonna hack the 2small study room into her big bedroom. His parent gonna hack away the common toilet along the walkway & extend our room further out, make a build in wardrobe for us, so nice of them.

Actually, for our room there isn't a need to do so much, we won't be staying for that long, by 2014 we will move out to our own love nest.

Okay, enough of the new house, now is about myself. As you know from my previous entry, I snip away my butt long hair on the 4th this month with lot of courage.

After that decision I made, I was so affected for the whole freaking week with the ugly looking flat bottom hair. So, I decide to snip it been further on last Saturday.

TADAH!! That my hairstyle now & I'm seriously loving it! A little maintenance required, as my hair do have nature waves, but after all it not a bad idea to have curls hair on the weekdays & neat straight hair on the weekend, at least you won't get to see a boring same me 7days a week.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


You can run, but you can never hide.

This theory don't apply only to plastic surgery, this apply to every single thing that happen in our life!

Truth, is never ugly! It will only turns ugly when one intentionally hide it, yet uncovered by other.

Don't feel that the whole world is going against you, no matter how you feel, the time will not stop, the environment will not change for you.

If you don't accept yourself, don't expect any other will accept you either. By facing & accepting the truth will make you a stronger & beautiful person inside out!

Change the way you live, or live with the way you changed!

You have a choice, chose wisely!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Long Weekend

It has been a long weekend for me, I seriously need a good rest! Ever since I came back from Manila, I had been feeling mad exhausted & lethargic, it a good time for me to rest well!

I took a day of leave on Friday, no plan, nothing at all, all I want is a good rest, anyway I do have plenty days of leaves not knowing how to spend it.

I still woke up as early as before, but I refuse to get my ass of the bed, till I finally decided to get up, I decide to give Dino a hair cut. He was rather corporative this time with the help of my mum, he look much neater now.

Till late afternoon, I decide to go for a haircut too! Took my tons of courage to make this move, cut away my butt length hair, bye bye long hair & welcome to short hair. I feel a little regret, but too late to do any amendment now, no more long fringe, no more long & straight hair anymore.

We had a fruitful Saturday, better than always cracking our head where to go, we spend the whole day with dear's family. We meet up for lunch together, went to a shop in Ang Mo Kio named 上海人家 to have an advance Mother Day treat, the food there was good, but the wait is very long, worth a try but I doubt I will go again, I'm not really a fan of their cuisine.

We decide to drop by to see the progress of our new house before joining the rest at the furniture fare in Expo. They gonna get the keys in 2days time, it time to source for the necessity for their new house. Dear bought a new bed, after so many years of squeezing in our small single bed, he bought a king size bed, we can sleep in comfort real soon.

The shopping ended at evening time & we had our dinner together at the coffee shop below the block. Too much of walking so we decide to stay home & catch a few drama show.

Sunday evening we meet up with Jimmy & Jaimie for a dog outing, we bought Nancy & Dino to K9, while our fur kids have their dinner, we also can have our!

We got really busy at the cafe, Nancy was super hyper & aggressive, she freak Dino out real badly. There a couple of time she nearly bite Dino, if she really does that, I really can't imagine what will I do, but I sure the scene wouldn't be a nice one for either one of us. Luckily the day still ended quite well with no harm done.

Tomorrow is the last day of my long weekend, no plan too, dear need to work as well, guess I'll stay home & continue to recharge me body batteries.