Since the very day I step into HDB's office to sign my "Agreement of Lease", I already decided roof over paper qualification. This doesn't mean I give up on upgrading myself, but just putting this plan on a hold first.
After much consideration, the new house liability is gonna last for the next 20years, I can't just put my study on hold for 20years & stuck where am I forever. Before BTO flat is completed & liability really get started from there, I decided to go for a try, fork out the sum that initially save up for my house renovation & use it for my self upgrading first.
My plan was to sign up a 2years bond with the company, maximum sum of bond is cap at 10K, & I'll fork out the 12K out from my own pocket to pay for the rest of my school fee. I gonna have a tough time start cutting down on my expenses after so used of the spending money like a running tap, but for a long run better future, I have to do this.
My little impulsive for study also give dear a gentle push to further his study too, initially he plan to continue only after we get our house, but he suddenly bought this topic up to his dad last week on his study, he say since I'm gonna start my study soon, we shall start together, so none of us will be far behind, just like the time we go for our diploma together. It a good thing to study together at the same period of time, we will keep encourage each other to work hard & not to give up, this type of moral support is very important.
I'm tied down with a lot of worries in mind, I'm afraid that I'm not able to cope with my study as this time is different from taking my diploma back then. Diploma's result I need not answer to anyone as I pay the full 5K course fee by myself, all I need to do is to try my best, but currently I'm requesting for a bond, which means that I need to score good grade to answer to my bosses.
After I finish my Degree will be around 2014, my flat will either be ready by then or in a year time, how am I going to save up enough for that? Dear told me not to worry about money issue & go ahead with my study, he will settle all the money issue for me, but, I feel horrible to think about that. To build up a home for 2 but I'm not able to help much & dear is the only person throwing in the money, I just feel that is not right at all. So, even if we have enough money for home, but will we have enough for our wedding? At the point of time, I seriously feel like skipping the wedding ceremony stage which I urge for so much receiving the blessing of other in our marriage, just to lessen the burden for dear.
Money is really a very big obstacle to every moves we gonna made, since decided, I shall not think so much for the moment now, whatever have to come will come eventually, just need to be more careful with my spending. No more branded bags, no more online shopping, I gonna "transform" back to the thrifty & broke me.
Not so bad after all, it just gonna be a 2years hard work & I will see my return in no time. Definitely a pay increase & grade jump at work, & I'll be the first degree holder in my family if I manage to pull through.
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