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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A New Beginning, Welcome 2012

I'm a little late for my new year 2012 resolution, but late is always better than never! Let me review my year 2011 first!

Every year, my first resolution is always 减肥 & 变美美! In 2011 I did a major "transforming", I "transformed" from a 瞎眼猫 to a prefect vision eagle!! I when for my LASIK surgery recently, spending around 4.3k for my prefect eyesight! The price I paid was a little high, but I swear, it so worth it afterall!

I had been maintain my weight & figure well I guess, no one dare to say I'm fat again! Recently I bought my dream Ukimono too! That gadget is wonderful, it firmed up the loose tummy fats of mine, giving you an hour-glass figure!

I also went for my creative brows embroidery to achieved my prefect brows shape, I'm always ready to step out of my house with my "naked" face now!! I totally agreed there always a price to pay for staying pretty! No choice, no longer young anymore, age are catching up!

We got a flat of our own, but it won't be ready any sooner, estimated completion date is 3rd quarter of 2015. Our new nest will be located at Yishun, far away from everyone, not exactly our prefect location, but I got a prefect partner by my side making everything wonderful again.

From experienced people who already gotten their flat, we were told that flat usually will be ready much earlier as compared to the estimated completion date given! Just let me pray for the best of everything.

On my 26th birthday, my silly dear bought me a new camera, Samsung EX1. As most of you know I have been eyeing for a DSLR, but that gadget is just as good for a beginner!

It a compact semi-pro camera, it equipped with most of the DSLR function, & of cos it more handy to bring around with me.

As for career wise I suppose I'm doing pretty well still, although I did not get the promotion I been eyeing for, a chance to officially promoted to the white collar level, but I got a pretty good increment. Not only that, I got an eye popping sum of bonus, never in my life saw a 5 digit amount on my pay slip, that my first time & I will continued to work hard for more!

Of cos, with the additional 5 digit into my account, I have no escape for income taxes, but my company benefits is really so good as compare to the market outta, like what other always tell me, ask me die die also don't leave the company!

I had been flying rather frequently for business trips lately, & I gonna be flying off again tomorrow. It a very good exposure to the outside world & a good chance for me to learn more! Flying frequently had also makes me overcoming of my fear for aircraft flying, who will scared to fly in such comfortable plane, all our business trip flight is fly by SIA!!

I had my once a life time experience of world class customer service during my stay at Fullerton hotel to celebrate my silly dear 27th birthday! Just by hearing the name "Fullerton" you can imagine how costly it is, but I'm very sure that the amount spend in exchange of their quality hospitality makes every cents spent worthwhile!

Health is getting back on track, it not that wonderful still as those dizzy spells still comes & goes, but is okay, anyway I'm already officially discharge from SGH!

Let talk about 2012 now, I had a conversation with my silly dear lately, he told me if 2012 is really the tomb day, his only regret will be not having a house of our own before we die! For me, I don't wish to talk about it as no one knows if it gonna be real, I shall just live my everyday like no tomorrow, so I shall minimum my regrets of my life to the lowest!

As per normal, my most important resolution of every year will be the first item & follow by the rest

1• 减肥 (should put as maintained) & 变美美
2• Finally after much discussion with dear, I decided to go for my degree! Hoping to get the bond with my company
3• I pray for good health
4• I hope my career will 步步高升 & I can officially declare as a white collar
5• 步步高升 is not enough, I'm a greedy person, I want more money
6• Kick off my online shopping habit
7• Try not spend too much on luxury items
8• Be more patience in everything I do, keep my temper in control
9• Be happy & contented always
10• Treat everyone around me nice & with love

I confess Items 8 to 10 is kinda bullshit, I can never be nice or treat those haters of mine with love afterall, kinda of sick to even think about it! Cos I can't think of anything else, I just add some nonsense to make up a completed 10!

Anyway, I would like to take this chance to wish all my dear friends outta to have a smooth & fruitful year ahead!!

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