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Monday, January 16, 2012

First Cable Car Ride

Last Saturday, I went for a simple date with dear, not exactly a date actually, we didn't really plan for that. I got 2 free cable car tickets on hand, we did not know how we going to spend the day, so we decide to go for a cable car instead.

In my 26years of life, this is my "virgin" ride on Singapore cable car, I'm so excited! But once I bored on the cable car, fear filled me instead. I'm seriously afraid of height, but dear manage to claim me down shortly & I start snapping photo.

Initially we plan for just a round about trip, but we decide to alight at Sentosa for a stroll. Didn't really stroll around Sentosa, just went for some ice cream & beer to kill our time.

The ride back to Mt. Faber is not so fantastic after all, the queue for cable car was so long, we waited for so long & the place was freaking hot.

Cable car ride is not so "romantic" like what I expect after all, my "imaginary" cable car ride is furnished with air-con, not just the few pathetic window that you can hardly feel the breeze.

♥Some photos to share♥

The following are just so randomz photos

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