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Monday, January 30, 2012

DIY Blink I-phone Case

With the help with white glue & clear nail polish, I finally done up my first DIY blink I-phone casing without using the blink stickers! So proud of myself, after 4 days, the blink is still sticking firmly on the case 😁

Sunday, January 29, 2012

End of my Long CNY Break

Heard that it gonna be a good year for Ox in this dragon year, it up to individual to believe, but luck since to be good for me so far!

I hardly gamble, but just for trying of luck, I did it this year!

On Friday evening, we went to Ah Mao's house to 拜年! I'm kinda resist this idea of going her house due to the bad encounter a few years back. But thing changes this year, it don't seem to affect me that bad this year.

Meet up with the rest at 8pm, just in time for dinner. Her mum was very welcoming & 大方 to her guests, we had steamboat with awesome ingredients, not only that we have 1 abalone each!! Cool uh?!? Her mum cooking skill was great seriously, everyone gave her a thumb up!

On Saturday we went to Haojie's house to 拜年, we will go there for popiah & lontong every year before we start the gambling spree! I won only 16bucks after so many hours, but dear won close to 100bucks overall.

We went for the Jack Neo's movie, initially dear quite resist on the idea of supporting his work, but that is the only movie all of us haven't watch yet, but it turn out to be a good show!

Like Jack Neo usual style, his movie is always so funny & touching, there always a moral of the story behind!

After the movie, dear use his winning to treat all for a beer at Bunker, that our usual hangout now, but seriously, I love the place there!

Today is the very last day of my long break, gonna take a good rest before I head back to work again tomorrow! So reluctant to go back to work, HAIZ!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

CNY Day 1 & 2

I'm back in the office now, 开工大吉!! Initially I suppose to take 3days leaves straight, but the Feng Shui Master Lynn Yap which my colleague believe in alot suggest that 初三 was a good day to start work for Ox, all the 3 Ox in my department decided to start work together today, just half day.

So far my CNY was good as compare to the past few year, I did enjoy myself alot. I do not have much visit to do, all I need is to show my present at my grandparents place.

Dress code for 初一 was a maxi dress, in my 26 going to 27years of life, that my very first attempt wearing a long dress. So far so good, I handle that long dress rather well.

I can't remember how I kill my time on the first day, but for the first time I didn't really feel bored or the time is draggy. Time pass real fast, dear came over to pick me up around evening time & we take a rest before we head out later in the night.

We had a real luxury night, we went to Vivo City for "Viral Force" movie Gold Class. First time in life we watch in Gold Class, we spent 76bucks for 2 movie ticket, making ourselves real comfortable laying flat on the sofa while watching movie, enjoying our red wine & lychee martini, HEAVENLY!!

We end our day after the movie!

On 初二, I sleep till 12noon till dear called & wake me up. Make my way to his house to 拜年 with his parents! WOW, never expect his mum give me such a BIG angbao, the amount she put in the angbao for me like increases every single year, so nice of her! I seriously can't wait for them to move to their new house, finally a BIG house!!

Early evening time, we make our way to my grandparents' for the buffet dinner. After dinner, dear was drag to play chess with grandfather. Grandfather can tell so much about dear even just by playing chess, he said dear is not a simple person as he look, he think alot & further than any normal person outta, & he play chess very well too!

Some Randomz photos to share, but more to come still :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Prince Mikell Full Month

It the eve of the CNY, I believe everyone is having their reunion dinner now but not me, I had mine during the lunch time, reunion lunch instead!

Yesterday Elaine pick me up during the noon time & we went to attend Mikell full month celebration together.

Time really fly even before you realise, we had known each other for 10years, be it good or bad, we see each other grow up & grow old for the past 10years.

Enough of these nonsense, if not my "grandma story" will just go on & on, non-stop!

Let me take this chance to wish all my friends in advance a very Happy Chinese New Year, hope everyone of you will have a great & wonderful year ahead.

Monday, January 16, 2012

First Cable Car Ride

Last Saturday, I went for a simple date with dear, not exactly a date actually, we didn't really plan for that. I got 2 free cable car tickets on hand, we did not know how we going to spend the day, so we decide to go for a cable car instead.

In my 26years of life, this is my "virgin" ride on Singapore cable car, I'm so excited! But once I bored on the cable car, fear filled me instead. I'm seriously afraid of height, but dear manage to claim me down shortly & I start snapping photo.

Initially we plan for just a round about trip, but we decide to alight at Sentosa for a stroll. Didn't really stroll around Sentosa, just went for some ice cream & beer to kill our time.

The ride back to Mt. Faber is not so fantastic after all, the queue for cable car was so long, we waited for so long & the place was freaking hot.

Cable car ride is not so "romantic" like what I expect after all, my "imaginary" cable car ride is furnished with air-con, not just the few pathetic window that you can hardly feel the breeze.

♥Some photos to share♥

The following are just so randomz photos