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Monday, April 25, 2011

End of Long Weekend

There goes the long weekend & I'm back to my working zone.

I basically slept my days away, it kinda a waste of time but seriously it damn shiok to recharge my long worn off battery back.

I watch 3 movie in total over the weekend, "Source Code", "Arthur" & "Rio".

"Source Code" was a little too deep for me, I got bored after seeing the plot being repeated a couple of time & I actually dozed off in the mid of the show.

"Arthur" was a good show, the main cast himself is a joker, I was laughing throughout the show non-stop! The show tells you that no all stuff you can get with money, at time, when you want to treasure the most important person in your life, you are willing to give up every single thing in your life to treasure the special someone, no all people have the courage to do that.

"Rio" was funny too, but not as much as I expect. Before dear bought me to watch "Rio", he bought me to "Mustafa Centre" to source for my luggage bag, sadly we gave up looking after sometime as we seriously cannot take the crowd & the "smell" there. But we manage to find one at Kallang Leisure park after our movie, pink one, mad love. Can you believe I actually bling my luggage bag too, lolz!!

Meet up with Ben at "Sushi Teh", had a great feast, every meet-up with Ben we usually tend to overspend, seeing the way he buy things, the food he eat, I believe the dinner cost us 100over bucks for 3 of us, but Ben insist to pay for our meal.

Not only that, after dinner we went drinking at "Crew Room", the drinking session cost us 100over bucks for 5bottles of "Erlinger" & 2 bottles "Heineken", dear pay the tab this time round. Told dear the most we can go out shopping, eating & drinking with Ben once a month, if not we gonna be mad broke.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fairy Tales

I saw one of my friend post this in her wall & I think this is kinda cute:

How do you expect the kids to listen to their parents as:

Tarzan lives half naked
Cinderella run home after midnight
Pinocchio lies all the time
Aladdin is the king of thieves
Batman drives at 320KM/H
Sleeping Beauty is lazy
Snow White lives with 7guys

We shouldn't be surprised if kids misbehave at times! They get this from their own storybook



Been awhile since I last update my blog, feeling rather lazy to sit down infront of my keyboard, staring at the screen & thinking what to write.

Recently I had a sprain on my feet, seriously I have no idea of how I got my sprain, no fall no nothing, I only realize it when the pain start to surfaced. The pain was rather bad, I went to a sinseh last Thursday, till yesterday I need to go for a normal doctor instead, the sinseh made my feet worst, it was quite badly swollen.

Actually today I suppose to be on medical leave, but I just have a peace of mind if I never go office, I'm afraid that my work will pile up like a mountain.

I'm leaving for my business trip in 2weeks time, my very first business trip, kind of look forward & sad at the same time. 4years plus with dear, I had never left his side without him for the past 4years, guess I gonna miss him. Leaving on Monday & will be back in the dawn of Thursday, a rather short trip, June one will be worst, 1 whole freaking week.

Had always been looking forward for business trip, but till the day approaching, really don't feel like going.

Lots of holiday coming on the way, lots of long weekend to look forward to. This coming Friday, 22 April, Good Friday. Next Friday, 29 April, not a public holiday but I won't be working too as I'm going for my medical follow-up & the following Monday, 2 May, is a holiday day for Labour Day that fall on Sunday. But sadly, I flying off that evening for my business trip.

I need a good break this weekend, I'm feeling exhausted.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Randomz Update

Yeah! I win my battle over the rain today & I manage to reach home super early today to accompany my bady, he is simply afraid of thunder.

Been some time since I last update my blog, I guess I missed out updating alot of interesting stuff in my life.

Anyway I guess I enjoy my very last weekend, last Friday we went out for a double date. We went to watch "Limitless" with Jimmy & Jaimie. Nice show, worth watching, but I don't really like the ending, too brief, not detail enough.

After the movie, the ladies start craving for ice cream, our poor gentlemen need to drive all the way to Demsey to ease or crave, went to Demsey for Ben & Jerry ice cream, yum yum yummy!!

♥Demsey's Ben & Jerry♥

♥Love this cute van♥

♥Ice Cream for me & Jaimie♥

After Demsey Jaimie suggest to go Punggol to chill out, a super wulu place but the place there is very cosy, good for chilling. But who knows, the place is about to close so we went to Summer Breeze instead.

I damn the whole of Saturday "nuaing" at home on Saturday, till around 7pm, dear came over to pick me up for dinner.

Later in the night, we meet out with the rest, went to Chomp Chomp accompany Derek for his late dinner. At the same time, me & dear went to order some favour beancurd, we order chocolate & mango favour.

♥Favour Beancurd♥

After dinner, we head down to Punggol & finally we manage to visit Frenzie before it close.


Love the fries with chess dip, it so nice. The best thing is enjoy one mouth of sweet stuff, my favourite Tiramisu & start eating my fries at the other end, that the way to enjoy life.

♥Fries with Cheesy Dip♥


After Frenzie, we went to Yishun Dam to chill out!! Just need a few close budies by the side, nice food, nice environment & that is enough.

♥Yishun Dam♥

Some Randomz Photos Update

♥My Belated Birthday Pressie from Cat♥

♥Swarovski Crystal Pen♥

♥Our Princess Ellyson♥

♥Dessert made our day♥

♥I love this photo of Little Ellyson♥

♥Little Ellyson love dessert too♥

♥Ellyson is simply so CUTE♥

♥Pooh that I hang in Dear's car, self blink clothes for my Pooh♥

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Miss U Cafe

Last Friday went I took a bus back from Simei & I pass by this cafe, Miss U Cafe, the shop name is so sweet, so I suggest to dear that we shall have our dinner there tonight.

I seriously love the place, it give me such a cosy feeling. But we did not take a seat in the cosy area, we still prefer to have a outdoor seat where we can smoke & enjoy our dinner at the same time.

The serving of drink & food took a little too long, dear just cant sit still chatting with me & he start playing with his handphone again.

It such a nice place to chill out, so dear decide to have a nice glass of beer to go with the atmosphere. I decide to go easy with alcohol drink, we just finished a bottle of red wine yesterday night, so I ordered a "Rambutan Lagoon", a nice drink to ease my thirst.

Dear had a Black Pepper Chicken Chop, hardly will dear say the food is nice, but after he tried a mouth, he love it. The sauce just simply go so well with the chicken & the chicken is super tender.

My main course is a half grill lobster with spaghetti, some sotong balls & if you take a closer look, you will be able to spot the top shell on my salad. All the ingredients look expensive ah?!? But you are wrong, this main cost is only at $17.90, damn worth it right?!? I swear the spaghetti is DAMN GOOD!! I love it so much!

I just can't help it & snap a few photo in the restroom, they even spend the effort to design the restroom & give you such a comfortable feel.

Overall visit to "Miss U Cafe" is a good one, I'm very sure I will visit the place again!!

Street Race

Yesterday was a crazy night, our first stop was Kranji D Resort, initial plan was to go there for a drink, but the place is really too. . . .erm. . . .for the oldies, so we decide to make a move.

Head out to expressway wanna head to Yishun, dear saw a Civic infront, cannot really tell is a Type R or Type R wanna be, so he actually drive close to it & zroom off he go.

That is really a Type R & the driver really have very short torrance limit & he start to give chase. The expressway was full of cars & both of them are really going at a super fast speed. Wanna exit at Yishun but the car was following too closely, if we jam brake, he will surely bang into us. So, sadly we exit at Kranji, AGAIN.

The corner was a scary one, the speed was too fast & dear's car ski off a little but manage to get his control back in no time. The corner is the place that really tell the driver's skill, the other Type R kinda lost to us at the corner.

After exit the corner, dear actually slow down & don't wish to play anymore, but the other driver is a total sore loser. He don't admit he lost to us, he drive so closely to us as if he trying to bang us. Dear was good at it, he blow a little & off he go. The traffic light pull them a part, lucky thing for that.

Yesterday chase really freak me out, but after yesterday, dear decided to put his re-tunning plan on a hold first, already proven his car is faster than his kind!!!