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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Power of Speech

I saw one of my friend post this on her Facebook & I found it rather meaningful so I decide to post it here & share with other:

Girl:   "Am I pretty?"
Boy:    "NO"
Girl:   "Do you want to live with me?"
Boy:    "NO"
Girl:   "If I leave you one day will you cry?"
Boy:    "NO"

Girl felt so hurt & start to cry, boy hug on to the girl tightly & tell told her this:
"You are not pretty as you are BEAUTIFUL to me."
"I don't want to live with you cos I want to LIVE FOR YOU."
"I won't cry if you leave me cos I will DIE WITHOUT YOU. "

Isn't this sweet?!?
Although some guys might not meant what they say at that very moment, but I believe when they say this to any woman out there, it will definitely melted the woman's heart.

That is the power of speech!

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