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Sunday, March 27, 2011

~♥看我看的世界♥~♥Simplicity Me♥~

I feel like blogging, but suddenly a little lazy to pen down those old grandmother story. I seriously hate my netbook, it so laggy, really pissed me off at time.

Spending lots of time of my new hobby, photo taking, thanks dear for being so supportive to my new love, he offer to bring me here & there to capture those beautiful moment. Love him so much, been sharing lots of future plan together lately, really kinda looking forward to build our future together.

Let cut it short, just so photo update for this entry, please enjoy my artwork, 看我看的世界 =)

♥~♥~♥~♥~♥Simplicity Me♥~♥~♥~♥~♥

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

(-_-) ..zzZZzz..

Guess what?!? I SO FREE to blog in my office now, BUT, now is AFTER office hour!! What the hell am I doing here still at this hour?!?

The flame in me start to GROW when I start thinking about it! I still waiting for the system to generate my report out!!

Can't believe I'm actually munching chips, painting my nails the same time while waiting for the report in the office. Office after 6pm is extremely quite, I don't like this. But no choice, my boss always like to do last minute stuff, but I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Why do you want to blog, tweet, post status in Facebook?!?

Trying to seek attention?
Hoping that people shows interest on you & your day to day stuff?
Just need a space to vent your anger?
Just a memories corner?

Have you ever thought about that before you start doing any of the thing above?

For me I have a different view of the 3 society network above. Twitter is a place for me to vent anger, or update my friends on my latest "news" on the go, like what I saw now, how I feel at this very moment, where am I now etc. Like I say, is update to my friends, although I did not protected my tweet, but only some close friend of mine knows I have a Twitter & that is the place we keep in touch too.

Before Twitter even exists, I used to update all my stuff on my blog, but it rather inconvenient, you can't possibility blog every single days & have your lappy with you on the go. So I will update the most every 2 to 3 days, finger licking hot updates will be a history by the time I post an entry.

So, to me now, blog is a place for me to "store" my memories. The fast paces of working society tend to make us lose ourselves at time, by looking at those past entries help me balance up alittle, feel better in a way that this world is not so rotten after all.

I tend to update mainly happy entries in the blog, unhappy stuffs I will try not to update there, it wouldn’t do me any good remembering all the bad memories. Unless those bad memories is a lesson for me to remind myself not to committee the same mistake again.

Facebook is kind of a waste of time, even I feel that way, I can't help but at least must log in to my Facebook at least once everyday, I don't know why is it so. I should say that Facebook is a gossip place, basically when you meet up with your friends, you will update each other on the latest gossip you saw on Facebook, laugh when you saw the person you hate most had a bad day, you feel sad when your close one feel down too.

I don't understand why people want to protect Tweet & restrict inviting user to read their blog only. If you feel that there no privacy for people reading your update, firstly, you shouldn't even post anything online!! You should live in the cave man age where there no such technologies at all.

If not, do it like the young time, buy some pretty looking notebook with a pad lock at the side, write down whatever you want, you feel or you do inside & double lock it again in your drawer!! This gonna solve your problem, no one can read what you write, good idea huh?!?!

It kind of SILLY feeling that people stalk you in this cyber world, I used to feel that in the past which I feel is stupid for me to think back now, but no longer now, can you just behave like a grown-up adult, still thinking you are young?!? This is a FREE WORLD, stop being stupid!! You want to read my updates? By all mean, you are most welcome!! Reading is not enough, want to feedback somemore? Go ahead, feel free to do so!! I have nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of so why am I afraid that you want to read or even input some nasty comment.

Oh yah!! Want feedback on nasty comments? Please don't be shy, you can just post in straight on my blog entries or even the chatbox at the side. Why behave so sneaky, want to comment & don't dare to speak it right in my face?!? You wanna scold me & don't want to let me know? Don't need to be so NICE to me, don't under estimate my tolerance level, I can take more than what you can think of, COWARD.

There only 1 reason why I have set my Facebook profile as privacy setting, I did set as open setting previously, but attached a lot of unwanted attention. I'm totally cool if you want to view my photos but I'm very sure it will be a disappointment to you, I don't have those "seductive", slutty photos that try to catch people attention, showing people my boobs etc. Want to look at my status & update I'm fine too, but strangers, please don't send me any private message, acting as if you know me want me to add you in my friend list.

I'm so sorry, other than the fan pages which I click "Like", everyone in the list is my friends, there no strangers in the list & I don't add strangers! Can't you see my status is "MARRIED", then you guys should jolly well step out of my life, I'm no longer available, go look for those single babes outta, they needs those attention from you, don't keep them hanging on the shelves for too long.

Pardon me if I'm being straight & offended anyone in my blog entries, I'm giving example as this is what I see majority is doing. Anyway this is my blog, I have the freedom of speech, I not posting any political issue here that will get me into any law suit, I will only post how I feel. Don't like it, don't read it, simple as that. I'm not going to change to privacy setting for any of you Tom, Dick, Harry outta. Call me a suck-up bitch if you like, but it never my job to entertain you, strangers, that happily popup in my life from no where.

Why go bother other invaded to your privacy? If they bother to see & comment mean your existence create an invisible impact to their life, they should be afraid of you & not you the other way round.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My 26th Birthday =)

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes, I feel so blessed receiving wishes from everyone, I had officially step into my late 20th, I'm 26 now.

Thursday after work, dear came over to pick me up. I need to pack my stuff before I head over to stay at his place. Dear hand me my birthday present in advance, guess what he got for me?!? He got me a Samsung EX1 camera.

Dear knows I love photography, but I can't bear to buy a DSLR myself, but it was a sudden decision for him to buy this camera for me, he do not have enough spare cash to get me a DSLR so he got me something similar.

Samsung EX1 was a award winning camera for both 2010 & 2011. It is a compact camera but is equate with most DSLR function, damn cool ah!! I love this garget so much.

Dear bought me to Kent Ridge to try out the garget after our dinner, it a little dark for photo session but I manage to snap a few photo which I like.

Dear's mum got me a birthday cake, dear celebrate my birthday with me when the clock strike 12.

On my birthday, dear send me to work but was caught in a heavy traffic jam, in the end I was late for work. It a good day for work, I seriously shouldn't take leave on that day, system was close for stock take, so basically is totally nothing to do at office.

Suddenly the room light was off, I thought why suddenly blackout. So nice of the peeps, even after treating me to an advance birthday dinner, they still got me a birthday cake on my actual birthday. I love them so much!!

I was on half day leave, but sadly, I do not have any plan for the day, I really don't know where should I go. Since I had my camera with me, so I decide to go around the town area to do some photo taking all by myself.

My very first stop was Esplanade, a very familiar place to me, used to work there for years in the past. I love the scenery from roof terrace the most. What a noob shit, such a grown up adult I still trip & fall on the roof terrace, I landed straight on my kneel, lucky no one is there to witness that & my camera is still in my bag. I think I'll cry if I drop my camera.

After Esplanade I walk around Citylink & Marina Square before I head over to my next destination. Took Circle line to Kallang, suddenly I realise I haven't had any breakfast or lunch, feeling a little hungry, so I went for a cup of yogurt.

Along the stretch of field at the train station, I saw lots of butterflies, I was struck there at least for an hour just try & capture some nice photo of it. Since young, butterfly although all so pretty to me, but it is one of the insect I'm most afraid of, I seriously freak out when they fly close to me when I snap the photos.

But is all worth it, cos I'm really very happy with the result I got.

I walk aimless don't know where I'm heading to. Took a slow stroll, went pass the indoor stadium & I reach the Kallang river. Walk & walk, didn't realise that I walked so far away, I reach Tiong Rhu. Distance was never a problem with me, the problem is my pair of 4 inch high heels, till today my legs are feeling freaking sore still. 

I spent hours there alone, looking at the river & watch the kids playing. At time, so getaway alone, find a hidout wasn't such a bad thing after all, the only bad thing is that day is my birthday, I don't how to describle my feeling at that point of time.

Dear head over to pick me up after his work, we head over to Marine Corner for dinner. My camera battery was dead by then, went home to charge my camera & meet up the rest for movie session. Dear's mum got me a big "angpao" on my birthday, so paisae.

Saturday I send most of the day at home, feeling a little lazy to step out, evening time I went to Crystal Jade for my favourite Spicy Beef Lamian. My & dear decide to catch a movie a movie after dinner, Just the 2 of us, we watch "Gnomeo & Juliet", it is such a funny show.

After the show, we went to Demsey Hill for some Ben & Jerry ice cream, so rounding session at the west side of Singapore & it time to head home to sleep.

Today evening, dear offer to bring me out for some photo session, we went to a couple of place around the North side, pretty cool, I start to getting to love my garget more every single day, no more smart mode, I prefer to use manual mode more now, a better control on my garget.
