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Monday, April 6, 2009

Unexpected Happiness

I was rather happy last week. Dear did lots of unexpected stuff that really make me overjoyed.


Firstly, dear bought a dress & a skirt for me. I love the dress. Can you imagine I’m wearing “L” size. Dear keep laughing at me. Yeah, I know, I’m putting on weight, it really time for me to go on diet now.

Last Friday I was supposed to meet dear at his house, his mum bought dinner for me too. The traffic was rather bad that day, dear keep calling to check if I’m reaching as he is waiting for me for dinner.


I always look down when I walk, while walking half way, I lift my head, dear was just in front. Isn’t it very sweet for him to walk out & wait for me? I was so happy.


Meet up the rest for movie at Vivo. Watch “Shinjuku Incident”. I can say that it is a lousy show. No action & super draggy. After movie it already 2am, head to East Coast for some food & head back home.


It Saturday, but I need to watch up early still. Need to go 扫墓. I swear the weather was damm bloody HOT. I sweat like hell.


In the noon time, dear came & pick me up. I was quite angry when Jimmy told me that dear spend 4k to input a turbo. But it not my money after all, I cannot make a big “hoo haa” over this issue. I can just say that I’m disappointed.


Who knows they gang up to bluff me. Dear knows that I will get angry if he spend lots on his car, so he wanna see my reaction, he say my face very funny, like want to kill him anytime soon.


After drop Jimmy off to get his car, we head to Kallang for KTV session. Another surprise I got from dear is after our KTV session, dear suggest to go Sakae Sushi for dinner. Dear don’t eat Japanese food, he hate seaweeds.


Keep barking dear, asking why suddenly he will eat sushi with me. The answer is, cause I like to eat. That very sweet of him. But I saw dear having a hard time swallowing down his food.


After dinner, went to buy a new necklace, of cause, dear bought that for me.

Sunday I bought Dino to grandma’s house. A tiring day for me. Dino keep coming around, playing with Jasper. But they were so cute chasing one another.

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