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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Xmas Shopping

Went to Taka yesterday after work for my Xmas shopping. the crowd was super scary. if not becos i wanna spent my voucher away, i wun even step into Orchard during Xmas season.

Tell myself i gonna spent all my 200buck voucher away, i do not wish to come back again to squeese with everyone else.

manage to use half of my voucher on dear's father birthday gift. wanna grap something for dear on Xmas, but far too many people le, didnt manage to really go and chose the gift.

got another gift for the exchange gift, luckily i already got the gifts for my girls, if not, i believe i wun be able find any from there.

still got voucher left, guess im gonna make another trip down, but not so soon, anyway there isnt any expiry date on it.


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