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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

gold colour 2.0L Chevrolet

yesterday after our KTV session on the way back, i'm like half awake in the car... feeling tired and cozy hugging my soft-toy feel like dozing off soon.

while on the way heading to ECP entrance at Fort Road, a bastard cut 2 lane, squeese his gold colour 2.0L Chevrolet into the 1 lane filter which we are in, as if we are total invisible.

damm the fat ass treat as nothing happen at all, dear hit on his honk like nobody business at him. nearly got into a accident and e fat ass can treat as nothing happen or even no car on the road.

stupid young punk scared the hell out of me!!! luckily dear is alert!

on the ECP, that fat ass come n tease us again, chase us on the road.. really dunno what on all this youngster mind...

BIG FUCK if u are driving a BIG car.

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