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Friday, December 19, 2008

where my crave?!


eveyone who know my well enough will know that i can't resist the temptation of food. but suddenly, this week, i seem totally lost interest in that.

sitting in the "Towkay" eating our lunch, Mavis ask me a question

Mavis: for how many days had we been eating this???

Me: Hmmmm (think for a moment) since monday till now.

i can't image i had been eating the same food everyday, and that is my one & only meal for the pass 4 days. last time whenever on the way back home after work, i will be thinking what to dapao back to eat for dinner. but the past few day when i think "food" i will Erhhhh!!! better give it a miss.

for this few day, im just eating for the seak of eating. food now is just "thing" to giv me energy to move on..

where my crave?!

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