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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2008.................coming to an end

I'm so glad that 2008 is coming to an end.

after today end,

just 1 more day to go.

Too many thing had happen in 2008,

may it be good or bad

i won't wish to recall any of it.

Just hope that 2009 will be a better year for me.

Looking for this new start of the year.

Hopefully it will be a good year for me.

Monday, December 29, 2008

down with flu

I'm feeling so sick now. not feeling very well since Friday.

Friday, sitting in the office, wonder why i feel so much colder then normal day. till late evening, my voice start to change, den i realise i caught a cold.

Saturday, woke up early, head to tampines with mum for shopping. wanna get a pair of new Levi jean, but the size left is either too big, or too small, didn't manage to get any.

Sale! Sale! Sale! everywhere is sale now. wanna to get so many thing, but after think twice, decide to save up my $$$ for better use.

legs feel like jelly after walking sometime, keep sneezing and coughing away. decide to go for a late lunch and head back home.

nua at home, watch the Little Nonya on Mobtv till around 9 plus, receive a call from dear and time for me to step out of my house.

send his brother home and we head to have geylang area to have some shanghai food for dinner with steven and his wife. 1st time trying the "beijing roast duck", i love it... it jus go so well with the gravy.

wanna head to leisure park for bowling game. but never expect that the waiting list is so long. change of plan, steven and his wife head home, me and dear went to watch "Yes Man". Super funny show, must not miss!!

after movie, head to Loyang to "pai pai" and have a short meet up with the rest.

sunday, rot at home for the whole day. feeling so sick to move. lost my sense of taste for the time being due to the flu, jus simply dun feel like eatin anything.

Friday, December 26, 2008

A beautiful quote to share~*

Be thankful for what you have.

Be creative.

Be innovative.

Think differently and positively.

Invite others towards good with wisdom.

Live life with no excuse and love with no regrets.

When life gives you a 100 reasons to cry,

show life that you have 1000 reasons to smile.

Face your past without regret.

Handle your present with confidence.

Prepare for the future without fear.

Keep the faith and drop the fear.


Great men say,

'Life has to be an incessant process of repair and reconstruction, of discarding evil and developing goodness.... In the journey of life, if you want to travel without fear, you must have the ticket of a good conscience.'


The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling...
And even more beautiful is, knowing that you are the reason behind it!!!

Merry Christmas

Ho.. Ho.. Ho..

Merry Christmas all my Frenz. Sorry for this late wishes!!

Well, actually Christmas is nothing special for me. Is just a day of giving and receiving of gifts (suppose to be wishes)

took leave on christmas eve, so i actually miss all the fun of the gift exchanging in the office and among some good buds.

so how do i spent me X'mas eve. nothing special actually. stay at home bake some xmas cookies. guess the taste is still not up to standard yet, although dear's sis say that is very nice, but dear say he won't feel like eating that unless he is hungry.

kind of dissapointing to hear that. but is ok, at least he is speaking the truth.

in the evening time, went to fetch dear's cousin and we head to Sembawang to have our dinner, and celebrate dear's dad birthday.

went to "Bottle Tree Village" near Sembawang Park, turn in by Andrew Ave. It a place that you will never wish to go if u are not driving. it take at least 15mins walk.

go in by a super ulu road, it look extractly like those road in Malaysia. but when u reach the "bottle tree village" it look like a heavenly resort that come out from no where.

check this place out http://www.bottletree.com.sg/

the food is at a reasonable price, i guess. but the taste had nothing special about it. this place is worth making a trip down, i believe you can hardly find this type of places in our busy city. Remember to turn off ur handphone, it just too near to the sea and it will start to auto-roam.

after dinner, me and dear head for a movie at leisure park. watch "Twilight". a draggy movie, but i think it worth watching.

after movie, start to wonder if there is really such a nice guy is exisiting. willingly to giv you anything and ready to die for you. so sweet isn't it?!!?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Xmas Shopping

Went to Taka yesterday after work for my Xmas shopping. the crowd was super scary. if not becos i wanna spent my voucher away, i wun even step into Orchard during Xmas season.

Tell myself i gonna spent all my 200buck voucher away, i do not wish to come back again to squeese with everyone else.

manage to use half of my voucher on dear's father birthday gift. wanna grap something for dear on Xmas, but far too many people le, didnt manage to really go and chose the gift.

got another gift for the exchange gift, luckily i already got the gifts for my girls, if not, i believe i wun be able find any from there.

still got voucher left, guess im gonna make another trip down, but not so soon, anyway there isnt any expiry date on it.


Monday, December 22, 2008

Jo's Birthday Celebration

last friday was a celebration for our Miss Jo's 21st Birthday.

well, this time round i did not involve in any planning. guess the timing which each of us that is available is just too different le bah.

Do as i was told, finish work at 6pm. quickly head to Swiss Bake to grap a cake for our Birthday's girl. Andy came to pick me up.. Head to "Bistro One Zero Three" for our dinner. having a hard time to look for this place, it really a very inconvenience place to go if u dun have any transport.

chat awhile with some of them while waiting for the rest to reach. Thanks for the compliment for saying that i had slim down alot, but the fact is i hav put on more weight den before le. too much of snacking and lazying around le.

the variety of foods there is really limited, not much of choice. it turn out that many of us had the same food. for me, i had steak for dinner, most of them dun eat beef, so 没有福气to try this nice dishhead.

head to labrador park for the celebration. blind-fold jo while the rest getting ready. not long after, need to guild our "瞎眼猫" to walk over slowly.

removed the blind-fold, the jetty was decorated with balloons, light-sticks and sparklers. yah!! might sound alittle 孩子气to do all this at our age, but the effect is wonderful. Guys!! u all did a great job for Jo's Birthday.

after cutting the cakes all this, hop in to andy's car and went to kent ridge for a little chat there while Ah Cek they all sent Qiao Fen off. lot of things to catch up, should rather say is gossip.

after Ah Cek meet up with us, went of alittle spin and head to Mount Faber for a drink. Dunno why the weather seem to be very cold, the feel is like in genting, all of us is shivering away.

when we are about to leave the place, my tummy suddenly hurt real bad. my face turn pale, n i feel like i going to black out soon.

im very surprise, usually while sitting down, i shouldnt hav the black out feeling, but this time....well, forget it, anyway i'm fine now. feeling much better after having a warm glass of water and resting awhile.

sorry guys, i had spoil the day and make u all worry le.

anyway i hope Jo u had enjoy your day.

Friday, December 19, 2008

where my crave?!


eveyone who know my well enough will know that i can't resist the temptation of food. but suddenly, this week, i seem totally lost interest in that.

sitting in the "Towkay" eating our lunch, Mavis ask me a question

Mavis: for how many days had we been eating this???

Me: Hmmmm (think for a moment) since monday till now.

i can't image i had been eating the same food everyday, and that is my one & only meal for the pass 4 days. last time whenever on the way back home after work, i will be thinking what to dapao back to eat for dinner. but the past few day when i think "food" i will Erhhhh!!! better give it a miss.

for this few day, im just eating for the seak of eating. food now is just "thing" to giv me energy to move on..

where my crave?!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Quiet office

the whole office is like SSOoooo.... quiet!!!!

i'm so not use to it.

our department only left with me & yong,

sitting at our own desk,

busy with our own stuffs.

All the rest is having a team building session.

not that we anti-social,

but just that our is a day to day job,

die die someone must be there to do the stuffs.

for so many years i'm bound to customer service job.

tomorrow they will be off to Sentosa,

and i'll still be at my desk doing my stuffs.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


wonder around the street aimlessly,

dunno where i'm heading to.

wanna pamer myself to buy a few top,

try some, but i like none.

guess what i bought in the end.

just a pack of instant coffee-mix,

but is not for me!! 










Monday, December 15, 2008

busy weekend

Well, it just another blue-ish monday.

Last Friday, it's our company D&D. Knock off eariler den usually. 3pm sharp, log off my lappy and laze around with Eve, Shana & Mavis, start dolling up at 4plus.

Make-up is a real wonderful thing, it just simply light a person up.

this is how we look before make-up.


It took us hours to doll up. Well, believe everyone can tell the wonder of make-up.

Took a cab to Grand Hyatt Hotel, traffic was real bad, cost us a bomb to reach there.

Smoking outside of the hotel, we are like the central of attraction. People give us a strange look at our outfit. For me, i really don't like the feeling of being stared, i felt very uncomfortable.

Got a $200 Taka voucher, i don't seem to have a need of the vouchers, so i passed it to dear to get his dad's birthday present.

Saturday, woke up early, meet up with Jun Jia and Sharon for lunch.

Went Popeye at T3 for our lunch, love the whip potato but i think the chicken wasnt that nice and dun really worth the price we paying for.

went walk walk around, love the Candy House.. look so sweet, it really bring out my christmas mood.

After lunch, went Coffee Club for coffee.. Their Ice Chocolate taste suck, like drinking sugar syrup, thank god i never order that, that Jun Jia drink. Sharon had ice blend mocha anf mine is black forest, yummy.

after coffee went shopping around and head back home to wait for dear to pick me up for movie.

After movie, time still early.. wanted to go for a drink. dear crave for "Milo dinosaur", head to coffee shop, i had fry ice cream instead.. that is really nice, warm n crisy outside, cold n creamy inside..

Sunday, dear having lunch with his family. Send him off le and i can hardly get back to sleep. So wake up, made my breakfast cum lunch, and watch tv.

Rain was really heavy that day, it a good day to stay home just to relax.

Evening time, finally the rain stop for awhile. quickly ride back to dear's house to get the car, fatch dear's father at China Town and send dear's sister to Toa Payoh.

Dear's father bought crab beehoon for dinner, yum yum... after dinner went back to the room and watch dear playing his PS2, "Devil May Cry". Doze off half way, guess i really tired le.

A busy weekend i had.. need to get more sleep this couple of days.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Women And Their Zodiac Characteristics - PISCES -> WOMEN

If you were born between February 22nd and March 21st, you are a Piscean woman.

 Physical Appearance

  • Generally, Piscean women are seen to be not very tall and plumpy .
  • The eyes are quite big and protruding. Hands and feet are either strikingly beautiful or else outproportioned, big and bulky.
  • The shoulders are muscular and spherical.

Mental Attitude

  • You are philosophical, restless and honest. You can go beyond your means to help people in need.
  • Not perturbed easily, you can help even your opponents calm down by your gentle behavior .Your nature is to forgive and forget.

General Nature

  • Your mind is not very steady. It often wanders from spiritualism to materialism . This reduces your concentration thereby making it difficult to achieve your full potential. A Piscean woman may also lack in self confidence. However that does not deter her from being an expert planner .
  • You will aim very high and can develop right connections to achieve your aims. Generally, Piscians develop good connections that they encash at the right time.
  • You are either at the top of the ladder or else at the bottom of it. Generally, Pisceans being too ambitious either rise to very high positions or else turn into dreamers and are unable to fight the battle of life.
  • You will have a strong wish to go to foreign lands and visit beautiful places.


  • You may be drawn towards excesses that means you may be eating and drinking in excess, making you ill. You may suffer from varicose veins or guinea worms.
  • Problems connected with lever, ankles and feet are possible.You should take care of them.


  • Generous by nature and ever helping your friends, you are unable to save much. Though due to your mental capacity, which is far in excess of women of other signs, you have a high income level.
  • You will not like to depend on anyone for finances and you are wiling to do even extra work to keep your self financially secure.

Romance And Sex Life

  • Very romantic by nature, you dream of romance. However you may feel somewhat frustrated as the dreams seldom come true in actual life .
  • You are very suspicious, you will keep a tab on your lover and if you see him friendly with another women you feel the pinch.
  • You are loyal and once you form a relationship, you continue it for a long time though sometimes you may feel a sudden loss of interest in your partner. Many a time, Piscean women can carry two or more relationships simultaneously.
  • Having a basically shy nature, you are not the one who will make a move yourself in love life. You will expect your lover to make all the moves and you will only react to them.
  • But, sometimes you can act completely differently. With deception , you can easily control your men with your superior brain and use them for your purposes.
  • Any foreplay involving water will turn you on, feet are your hot spots.


  • You will dream of marrying a Mr. Perfect and you will want him to have all the qualities possible in a husband. But you will not be working hard to get him. Thus, chances of delay in marriage or a marriage which will not work are not ruled out. You will require a very diplomatic and well mannered husband to stay on.
  • A Piscean woman keeps good upkeep of her house. Being yourself fond of food and drinks you will stock them well for guests also.
  • For a stable married love life, you should check your dreamy nature and live in practical world.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thanks Guys!!

thanks for all the gifts that you guys got for me from HK.

this is from Loh!!

a mickey mouse nail cutter


my fav Pooh from Shana.

a Pooh pen that Yong got for me from


Pooh Key Chain from Mavis.

老婆饼 that steve got..

Gonna "smoke" my lung out..

Marlboro "BLACK", Virginia "ROSE" & Capri "SUPER SLIM".

all kept inside a zip-lock bag for me.


Love you guys, muack muack muack!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


all my lunch kaki is either too tired to even eat today, or still in HK enjoying themselve still.. so sian that i need to eat lunch alone, my intial plan was to go wonder around, just grap some snack and settle my lunch.

luckily dear was here to accompany me for lunch. had our lunch at Kim Gary. they are super slow in their cooking, made my rush my lunch and burn my tongue.

there a fat ass sitting beside dear, i was so irritated by her. i can't stand people staring at my food while i'm eating!! no manner at all.

Thanks dear to come down all the way to accompany for lunch, love you!!!

my long weekend~

back to work after my long weekend. feeling kind of lazy at work now. time for my to recap what had happen the pass few days.

friday, nothing much happen.. just hoping that work will end real soon like every other friday.. looking forward for the long weekend. meet up with Ben after his work. went for a drink at serangoon area.

had Stella Artois which the waitress recommanded. been so long since i last drink beer, it taste horrible, i swear... still prefer my hard liquior.

saturday woke up early, get myself doll up for Louis's church wedding. actually don't wish to wake dear up to send me there, but he woke up when i'm trying to cover the blanket for him.

send me to Boon Lay, poor dear waited for me for the whole hour doing nothing. somemore i forgot to take his wallet for him, he cannot even buy himself a cup of coffee while waiting.

church wedding is kind of cool, i love the marching in part, and when the ceremony is over, the ringing of the wedding bell.

Sunday, head out to watch Bolt with steven and his wife, i love the cartoon. there a cat inside the show really look like dear's cat, Jon... so cute... nice show, shouldn't miss that.

intial plan was to play bowling, but we need to wait for 1hr, so cancel the plan. me and dear wanna to head to East Coast for our early dinner, on the way there, there a BMW start to tease dear on the road.

the racing began. it really freak me out, never expect the BMW speed is not any better than our Fazer.

reach East Coast and had my favourite "wan ton mee", just cant resist that.. had a stroll after that, love the sand castle there.

Monday, luckily is not a working day.. the rain was so heavy and u wun feel like leaving your cozy bed.

but still, no choice, need to get out of my house, head to City Plaza to help Mavis to buy her top. i hate to go there on weekend and public hoilday. there so many thai people there.

after getting my stuffs, dear still not done with his lunch, so i head to Singpost there for a cup of coffee. got myself soaking wet and freezing cold.

after dear done with his lunch, he came n pick me up.. back to his house. i love the feeling of doing nothing and jus relax myself on this cozy weather, watching TV for the whole day.

Friday, December 5, 2008


I might be a strong person to you,

but i do have a weakness.

I might be a independence person to you,

but i do needs attention.

I might be the one who shower you with concern most of the time,

but i do crave to be pamper.

I might not tell you how i feel most of the time,

but i do wish to feel you cared too.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

How To Be A Better Couple

10 steps to enjoying each other better...
 1. Be realistic about each other.
Don't try to turn ur partner into something he or she is not. Let's face it, guys-there's only 1 Pamela Anderson in the world, and even she has had her implants removed! Give ur gal a break and understand that her physical appearance is NOT going to change overnite with the help of a few facials or treatments. And ladies, Brad Pitt has already been taken, so u're gonna have to do with what ur guy is like! Chill out, love each other for what u are. There is more to ur partner than what meets the eye.

2. Always talk things out.
Now guys, I know this is not ur fave pastime or mode of resolving issues, but u know what? This works with the gals. Don't make assumptions about each other's feelings. Learn to xpress urself better so that ur partner undrstands what u're angry about, or hurt about, or even happy about! When u stop talking to each other from the heart, it's the beginning of the end.

3. Do stuff together.
Make an effort to do t hings together. Do some sports or involve urselves in some shared activities; something both of u enjoy or are interested in. It could be as simple as watching movies together, or jus strolling hand-in-hand down Orchard Road. Watch soccor with him once in a while though the green patch on TV puts u to sleep in 3 seconds. And guys, do give in if ur gal asks for another day at window-shopping, rather than suggest that she go out with her girlfriends for 'that sort of activities' instead. If u're spending more time with ur friends rather than with ur partner, it's a warning sign that u're drifting apart!!!

4. Meet each other halfway.
If he agrees to throw out that rotten T-shirt with the 'The_Rock' print, u shouldn't kick up much of a fuss if he asks u to keep ur room tidy... There's gotta be a little giving and taking in a relationship, so learn to meet each other halfway.

5.Show ur love
Buy her flowers or candy or perfume everynow and then, even if u have been together for 5years. It's wonderful to continue showing someone that u care for him or her. Cook him a special meal, paint him a Valentine's Day card. Knit him mini-socks he can't wear ( like for decoration purposes => ), buy him a packet of milk for breakfast, or pack his wardrobe for him...so he knows u can still be romantic and loving despite having been together for quite a while.

6. Respect each other.
Stop making jokes about her hair or skin, or whatever it is u love to laugh at. Ask urself if she thinks if its funny. And if he has an inferiority complex about his height, stop ogling at tall guys and make him feel worse! Love is about respecting each other's feelings and being sensitive to each other at all times.

7. Bury the past.
Stop bringing up the past. Gals..don't bring up the happy things about u and ur ex to ur guy, it would jus make him jealous or unhappy. And guys, don't talk about the happy times that u had with ur ex or mention about her in ur every other sentence as it would make ur gal feel un-happy and she might think that u saying all this b'cos u are gonna get back with ur ex or not interested in her anymore.

8. Sit on ur jealousy.
All of us go thru' spells of insecurity at the beginning of the relationship, but don't translate that insecurity into jealousy. If u're gonna go through ur partner's mail and cupboard, and eavesdropping on conversations, u know something is wrong - with u!!! Jealousy is like a poison that slowly spreads thru' the relationship before finall y killing it. Trust ur partner; love has to have trust in it.

9. Keep ur commitments to each other.
If ur partner is standing u up all the time and cancelling dates and breaking promises, u need to talk! If u're in a relationship, make ur partner ur priority and don't disappoint them if u can help it. It's really terrible when someone promises to take u to dinner, and then calls to cancel it. Don't make promises u can't keep. If ur partner starts to feel that he/she is not important enough to u, u may jus lose him/her.

10. Be honest.
Honesty is not scowling at how awful she looks first thing in the morning, or telling him that he has the biceps of a fly~! When we say 'be honest', we mean expressing
ur feelings clearly, not being bitingly cruel. When u're hurt, say so, and when u're angry, tell him/her, w/o getting hysterical. If u can't be honest with ur partner, who can u be honest with? æ Love is also about honesty, and a relationship where no honesty exists probably isn't worth it!

你是不是一個好老婆?/ 你是不是一個好老公?




1 B2 C3






A Of course




















1分 B2分 C3
























Tuesday, December 2, 2008

gold colour 2.0L Chevrolet

yesterday after our KTV session on the way back, i'm like half awake in the car... feeling tired and cozy hugging my soft-toy feel like dozing off soon.

while on the way heading to ECP entrance at Fort Road, a bastard cut 2 lane, squeese his gold colour 2.0L Chevrolet into the 1 lane filter which we are in, as if we are total invisible.

damm the fat ass treat as nothing happen at all, dear hit on his honk like nobody business at him. nearly got into a accident and e fat ass can treat as nothing happen or even no car on the road.

stupid young punk scared the hell out of me!!! luckily dear is alert!

on the ECP, that fat ass come n tease us again, chase us on the road.. really dunno what on all this youngster mind...

BIG FUCK if u are driving a BIG car.

Monday, December 1, 2008

my weekend

feeling lazy on the monday morning, kind of reluctant to come to work today.. enjoy and sleep through the weekend.

thursday finish work and head to dear's house to accompany him to study.. suppose to accompany him study, but just feelin too tired and doze off real early that night.

friday, woke up early, head to Tiong Bahru to wait for dear to finish his exam. intial plan was to head to Zion Road to eat his favourite fried dumpling, but too bad, the shop was closed.

head down to Thomson to eat prata, missed the prate at Prata House, so crispy.

head to kallang to get our movie tickets, but it seem like going to rain real soon. head back home, get the car and head out again. watch "Four Christmas", not a bad show after all.

still early not knowing where to go, so head to City Plaza to play arcarde, and look for Ben for a puff.

not really feeling well on that day, so head home and rest early.

Saturday, dear came and pick me up after his work, dapao lunch and head to his house. that piggy dozed off leaving me all alone again... only left the 2 kitty to accompany me.

got real bored after 2-3hours, shake him up from his sweet dream, demand him to wake up and talk to me.

after our dinner, got really no where to go, suggest dear to bring me to Night Safari. went all the way there, saw some performance, but we decide not to go in as it was too packed.

went rounding, saw so many cars head to Marina South so we follow the crowd. didnt know that there is a Reservoir in City there. just in time to catch the firework, wondering why is firework on Saturday.