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Sunday, June 29, 2008

my weekend

finally got back my phone yest le. so far it still wking very well. afr i got my phone head to tampines to pass e D.S back to kiwi. feel so paisae, it was wif me for mth le.

when dear finis his sch, he came n pick me up. head back to his hse to get his stuff done first, den we head to city plaza for our dinner.had mee hoon kueh for dinner.

afr dinner we saw a very old skool acarde there, there even tos pin ball machine n can u guys rem tos acarde that we went to when we are very young, collct tos ticket to exchange for winning? it was found there too..amazing!!!

afr playin wif tos old machine, dear accom me to buy foods for our tml dinner. e cashier really pissed us off. well, it make me more angry if i tink abt tt again.

afr shopping, head back to my hse, watch a vcd, "run papa run" kind of funny n touching show. it really touch a person heart if u found out wat a parent can do for their kid. afr e show, had our shower n head to bed.

so angry, it sunday today. y cant ppl b more considerate. making so much noise in e morning, renovating job shouldnt b done on sun. cannot get to slp anymore, wake up, get ready breakfast n coffee for dear.

dear busy doing wif his stuff together, but im busy too. need to season e meat, get ready for our dinner, get ready my wanton paste n make dear fav wanton for him. my hand still got e fishy smell now afr handle wif tos prawn n meat stuff.

make wanton, oxyster veggie, black pepper pork chop for our dinner. so full till now.

watching tv enjoy tis type of relaxing life now, but my poor dear, is still in my bedroom, struggling wif his wk. really wonder when tis type of non-stop stuff will come to a end for him.

i miss e time when he got so much time to accom me, no stress no wk at weekend, bring me out jus for a simple walk, go for a movie when we r free.

thinking back tt tml is a working day again feel so sian, guess i really not suitable for tis type of office life. guess need to look for something different again afr 3mth..

jus hope time fly. i really love weekend now..

Thursday, June 26, 2008

my complaint

im so tired afr wk..

not use to wake up so early, not use to stare at e desktop for 8 full hours. not use to not talkin to anyone at work, not use to squeeze wif everyone on MRT n e morning.

Like a sponge, need to adsorb so much a day. will die lor.

i suddenly miss HD so much, i miss e fun n laugher there.

i miss my darling, since i start wk till now i cannot ans his phone call during office hours, haven c him. miss him so much.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

wish me luck

some ppl ask me:

"fen, u wking in service line since u r 15, a total of 8 yrs leh. somemore u jus complete ur diploma in hospitality, y suddenly u hav such a big changes gg to wk as a OL, is not ur style of life."

guess dun need me say everyone onli got 1 person can make me hav such big changes, tt is my bf.

i wish to b like all normal ppl, wking 8-5 job, fix weekend off, dun need to wk during public holiday, most impt i will hav more time to spent wif my dear.

not knowing if im able to adapt to tis type of life, so decide to giv a try as a 3mth contract staff. no benefit, no welfare in tis current job as a part timer, jus wan to giv it a shot, as a gain of experience.

somehw my decision seen to back fire. he dun seem to quite like my choice.

jus feel kind of lost at time. i suddenly start to doubt of my decision making power, jus realise tt i simply lost e power le.

tml is e start of my new job, for e 1st day. wish me luck. hope is a gd start for me.

i pray tt everything for dear will go smooth.. i pray real hard for him to get thru his dwn period fast.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

i love off day

guess wat, i went ice ski on mon...nv guess i will even try tt in my life. kind of fun n scary experience for me.

meet up wif eeteng n junjia at bedok inter, head to katong mall there to wait for alicia, but she got something cope up n will b late. went to e coffee shop there to eat e you ji mee 1st before we head leisure park.

reach leisure park, went arcarde to play e basketball thingy, afr e game, challenge junjia in time crisis. suddenly someone hug me frm e back, scare me, lolz...it alicia, she reach le.

she want to play too, so let her play, me n eeteng went to play a toopid game...dun tok abt it.. damm funny lor, n we look like total idiot.

finish we e game, went for a grap before going for ice ski. e shoe super heavy...i simply jus wan to hug e wall n dun wan to move at e 1st start. but afr awhile, manage to handle le, though is not fast but at least need not hold on to anything le

afr ski, all head back hm. haven receive any call frm dear yet so went to his hse there to wait for him. he came n pick me up afr his wk, head back to leisure park again..for K box buffet dinner..feel so bloated.

tue, force myself to drag out of bed, need to head to east point to get my phone fix, receive a call frm dear while at e bus stop, accom him for a lunch, den he send me to sis hse .

head off frm there, went east point, den it shopping time.. everytime when i wan to buy clothes is no money..now is got money, no clothes to buy..damm sad.. in total got 3 top n 1 pant...afr shopping, went for coffee wif sis..i jus simply cant resist tiramisu, got tt as my dinner.

afr coffee, took a cab dwn to dear office, wait for him to get his stuffs done n it shopping time again. dear brought me to suntec, sayin to accom to c got clothes to buy anot, in e end turn out to b him look look see see at e tv...

feel so gd tt e past few day dun need to wk

Sunday, June 15, 2008


well, jus some update to all. i got my new job le, as a admin assistant in epson, as a contract staff. starting wk on 25th tis mth, wish me luck. hope im able to cope wif e 8 to 5 job as a OL.

let me recap wat happen recently...hmmm... thur left wk early n met up wif e girl gang...

life is like so diff to all. elaine remain unchange, kiwi got ROM last mth, ting oso gg to ROM on tis coming sept n she got into SQ, congrate to her. eileen resign frm her job n got wat she always dream of, staying at hm to b her taiati, to b exact, is b her little princess maid.

fri, i was so piss, something wrong wif my phone. left wk early n head to e singtel shop, their attitude really suck n pissed me more off. cannot get my stuff done, need to come back e nxt day again.

den afr visiting e singtel shop, went fish n  co for dinner wif hubby... while making payment, hubby ask them to kip the change, e waitress nv even pass me any mints whih wat dey always so. told hubby y tis time no sweet. guess wat, he actually tell e waitress i wan eat mints, she pass me a whole lot of sweets..so paisae!!!

afr dinner, hubby head hm n shower n we went to his fren, steven's hse for mahjong... guess wat, i nv lost tis time, i won ard 10bucks, so happy.. had a drink afr tt n head hm.

finally had a very nice slp today, slept till 2pm till hubby wake me up. receive call frm sharon, faster gt shower n went out to mit up wif her n junjia. went singtel again...haiz.. i hate their service...

well guys, guess i will still b missing in tis cyber world still, my internet connection is not up still, now is using hubby's lappy to kip u all update while he is having his shower.... arggghhh. my phone is crazy again... need to check it out again..

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


went for a job interview this morning. yap!! i got e job, a 8 to 5 job tt i always wanted to find. working admin stuffs in epson, but onli as contact staff, something like a p/t staff, 3mth contact, 5 days work week.

still haven decide if to take up the job anot.

thanks for all e volka tt all force me to drink before i left tracy's bday celebration yest, i cant wake up today n nearly late for e job interview. took a cab down to harbourfront, kenna all e ERP n peak hour charge, it cost me 20plus jus to reach there. heart super pain.

but yest was really a fun day, once a year, can sabo tracy to e max. like wat all other staffs say. it revenge for all e scolding for e past year. shall upload e photo once my internet connection is up. no time even to call e singtel ppl to fix it..haiz!!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

packed wif activities

kind of packed with activities tis weekend...thur, not working for e day. head down to haagen to do my revision for my exam. daopa curry fish head for eeteng n alicia, jus cant resist it, keep picking e food n eat.

finally sharon n junjia reach le, we head to thai express for our lunch.. yummy!!! miss their red ruby. afr lunch back to study again.

finally the rest knock off frm wk le. head to city plaza for our mee hoon kueh.. all of us is jus so craving for tt.. afr dinner, head to eat rochor du hua. soft n smooth, standard remain. i went to mit dear at grandlink, while e rest head for their mahjong game.

fri, woke up n head to airport. not for study, is for nike sale.. get to knw 2 of junjia fren, funny chaps, make us laugh thru out. no grap for e nike sale. so we head to e choc sale instead. i jus cant resist choc.brought quite alot. well afr graping e stuffs n touring e airport, time to chill out at TCC. D.S is wat all into now, sit there to play mario cart.

good time past fast, it already 7plus gg to 8 le. need to head hm n do some last min revision before my exam tml. study till 2plus at nite..so tired.

sat, up early by esther phone call, actually dun wan to go to school so early de. i guess im enuff wif e revision, but she got stuffs to ask me so head down to starbuck foe coffee n revision

finally exam is over, free frm books jus need to wait for my result n can grad frm my dip le. afr exam, no place to go, so head hm n nua. so tired watch tv half way n doze off le. wake up by andy sms, decide to change e mahjong plan to coffee session instead. got change n head out

head to makensultra at esplanade for our supper.. had a long chit chat session till dear done wif his dinner n pick me up.

sun, drag myself off bed, head to aunty hse, is my granpma 3rd death anniversary. well afr tis day, can say me n my father side relative totally are not related at all le. afr praying, head to yeye's hse, sit for awhile den dear can n pick me up n went to his hse to nua e whole day coshe hav no car to go out.

till ard 8 dear parents cum hm le, so we head to kallang kfc for our dinner. afr dinner, bark dear to bring me to mt faber. heard tt there lot of changes over there. there a henderson wave, is 64.5 above sea level. e view there is superb.. love e place. poor dear was so tired afr e walk.

anyway my internet connection is down again. guess i'll MIA for quite some time again.