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Sunday, October 28, 2007

my weekend

friday after work, head to dear house to meet him. do a last minute study, trying my best to squeeze in all the theory into my brain. argghh!!! my brain going to explored le. destress awhile and went to play with baby. got scratch by baby, super pain.

wait for jaryl reach le, head to east coast with them to attend their friend 21st birthday at scrubby murffy. the foods there was nice. the birthday boy do alot of singing with his guitar, doing the beatbox thingy. than he suddenly say there a sound dedication from mark, at 1st i told he wanted to sing a song for dear.

after hearing wat the birthday boy say, than i realise that dear made this dedication 3 days ago. well, it a song that most of the people wont know who the singer and wont know the song name, and might not even hear the song before. but it a meaningful song to me and i love the song very much. so sweet of dear, im really so touch.

today, is my exam day again. this time round im not late like last time. i still got time to sit at mac for a cup of coffee and do some last minute revision. this time i really totally no confident in this paper. i dont expect a good grade, just a pass will do le.

saw cousin in the examination room, hopefully he is going back so i can get a free ride home. too bad, he is meeting celest at plaza. so i went shopping with salina. head to central.

drop by to say hi to cat, then we head to our shopping trip. everything is like so nice, well, it just a window shopping, no point buying thing which is a want and not a need. need to count in every single cents, shall not anyhow spent like last time le.

but still i will spent money on good foods. went for my late lunch wif salina. had my beef curry don, when u are hungry, everything just simply taste heavenly. after my main course, had my green tea ice cream with red bean paste and their mochi. that really yummy!!!

after we finish our lunch is already 3.30pm le. salina went off 1st as she going raya visiting. then i head to dear school to wait for him to finish his lesson.

poor dear, dunno what wrong with him, he got a backache. can tell that he is in great pain from his face. so head to dear house and let him take a rest 1st.

while dear having his rest, kip playing with baby. she so cute, she like to slp on my bag. the way she lay down i like a big fur ball.

after dear feeling better, went out for dinner. but half way through the journey, he suddenly feel the pain again. had a quick dinner then faster let dear go home and rest le.


  1. omg i tot that is whose fate hair huh! haha! lOl

  2. hahha, is a cat lor... really look like a fur ball rite? lolz

  3. not scare lor, is cute..u dan xiao gui

  4. haha.... when r u free next week? we go chong!

  5. y nowaday u all so siao go chiong wan... la kopi can call me lah.. chiong i tink better count me out, u guys knw i dun chiong wan lor.. i dun like tos place wan..

  6. haha work work work stress lag of fun times mah, how abt sentosa? think they r planning ba.

  7. hmmmm....u all plan 1st lor, den when time get nearer get me knw again, i'll try to arrange bah, but no promise wor!
