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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

high high in e sky, but i'm scare

nowaday, i feel that things around me run very smooth. everything is like properly fall in the right place.

first is for my work, score 100marks for my mystery shopper. for the 1st time i got full mark for that. finally i can keep desmond tan mouth shut for the moment. but the most important part is not this, is got a 50cents pay rise. althought is just a small amount, but for a long term, it make a much different for me.

got back my first module result. yesterday i was so scare when i open my e-mail. open the mail, look through the list searching for my student I/D number. finally found my student I/D, saw my grade, i stone awhile and scream,that scare my mum and my sis.

out of 47 students, 1 score "A+", 6 score "A", 21 score "B" and the rest score "C". guess what i score?? i never expect this at all too. never will i expect i got a "A". really jump around with joy.

is like everything suddenly so smooth for me, smooth till i'm getting scare. i'm afraid of the feeling of high high in the sky, because i got the feeling i will fall down anytime. if i fall, it will surely be a very hard and painful one. i don't wish that will happen on me. i'm scare!


  1. fen.. u had study hard.. that why goty a A for ur result..

  2. ni de nu li si mei you bai fei de. zheng min ni mei you bai huo le. jia you!
