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Monday, October 8, 2007

my day!

today at shop, i saw something unusual today. open e glass door, i saw a cat sleeping at my outdoor siting area. poor cat, been trap outside e whole nite, guess e nite staff e day b4 nv notice e cat den close e shuttler le.

warm a cup of hot milk, breakfast for e poor cat. tis cat really not afraid of stranger, kip following me, even wan to come in to my indoor sitting area, but i stop it. once i open e shuttler, e cat went out n play le.

heard frm alicia tt tis cat was here e past few day, so day time it will go out n play, at night it will come back n slp in my shop, so cute!

super slack day, been doing alot of craft wk wif my staff, nearly vomit blood while teaching simon hw to do. teach them how to fold e paper rose, so stars wif ribbon, and how to fold e lily flower. time pass real fast today.

finish wk le, head to interchange to buy dinner for dear, oso brought ice blended choc for him, but he still prefer e grandlink wan

afr e dinner, dear went out wif his fren to play game le, leave me alone at hm, but is ok, dear oso need to spent time wif his fren n i still hav my hmwk to rush. argghhh!!!! need to hand in tml  stress!!!!! looking forward for fri to cum real soon!!!!


  1. wah so good to cats sia! next time u come my hse pls bring along cats food ok since u so like cat! haha!

  2. no!!!! cannot!!!! ur cat too fat liao, cannot eat so much... so more ur cat damm fierce lor, i dun wan play wif him...hahahha...

  3. wah lau my cat very gd wan lor. ha. only he see fat girl then he will be fierce.
