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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

kill me!

im feeling terrible now!!!!

my head is killing me, super bad headache!

gastric pain start again, i cant even sit straight.

wat wrong wif me, please kill me lah.


  1. u didnt take ur med huh?..tsk. Must be not enough of my tian mi mi.
    Okay mah?..please take more rest. School and work, the pressure is ther..that's why.

  2. relax! go c doctor or take med 1st take a rest put yr sch or work aside 1st! recover liao then u start! health is more impt than sch ok!
    Take care!

  3. yoyo.. must take care.. eat when time is.. dun skip meal.. i think u not enough sleep.. must rest more..

  4. Thank guy!!!! i will take care de =)
