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Thursday, September 6, 2007

back to wk

back to wk starting of tis week, feel kind of fresh afr taking a short break.

been very stress lately, assisgnment is like giving me a big headache. lost touch of study for so long le, suddenly hav a problem coping wif tt.

today mit up wif sharon n merlinda for dinner, as usually it our yearly routine to celebrate e teacher day for merlinda.

went fish&co at glasshouse tis yr. im e 1st to reach today, call sharon n she say she is still on her way here, den i call merlinda.

who knw merlinda say she totally forgotten abt e mit up, she still at hm. i was like kind of disappointed at e 1st start, duno wat to say. den suddenly say appear in front of me...argh!! she bluff me.

had a long chat as usual, totally forgotten abt e time till e waitress come up to us n tell us tt they r closing le.

take a number of photo as usual, shall upload again some other time.

tired! got sch again tml le!!!


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