although tis whole week wking nite dun hav time to accom my dear, still try to squeeze time to go n look for him. yest afr wk went dwn to mit dear awhile, jus awhile while i oso happy le, wait till he fall aslp den i leave.
today mit up wif dear for lunch, had a very late lunch cos he got something cope up a his work.
head to tampines to eat something gd. hahha, dear owe me tis meal de. something funny tt dear did while entering e shop, it a secret, im not goin to post it here, lolz. force dear to eat japanese food wif me, im not tt bad till force him to eat sushi wif me, we eat raman instead.
eat till damm full, yummy! den mus head to wk le. tracy was so surprise tt i came late for wk today w/o informing her,she knw tt im nv late for wk de, she still tot something bad happen to me, when she jus abt to call me i reach le.
chinese ghost festive, really alot of diff, less customer cum to eat at nite, somehow like abit of ghost town. but i tink is a gd thing for us, lolz!
haiz, whenever i hav extra money wan to pamper myself abit, there will always b something cope up n i need to spent my money else where de.
receive a call for sis, saying tt dad wan to borrow some money frm us. it not e 1st time i lend him or turn him dwn. but i dunno wat to do. by lending him e money is it helping him or making him having e same habit again, taking me for granted.
use to hate him so much, but it all in e past le, life still goes on. really duno wat to do, ask for dear idea, he ask me to decide myself, kind of sad when i tell him tt i feeling trouble nw n he tell me he going hm to watch his tv show.
haiz,feeling trouble but still mus go back to wk. try to faster get e place clear up den can faster go hm. so many familar faces here today. engchye came dwn, eric was here too. den mas went for smk at e back, she told me someone looking for me at e back, i was like wondering tis time who again.
to my surprise, dear was here to cheer me up. i really nv expect to c him here at tis time. he brought me my fav seaweed n chocolate. smile till my mouth cant close like tt. starting i still tot dear really onli care abt his show, dun care tt im troubled.
i really super touch, so sweet of dear. enough staff for tonight, ask huixin if i can leave early today. yeah!! can leave early, got some time to accom dear le.
thank u so much, my dear. ur appear, really cheer me up alot.
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