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Monday, August 20, 2007

my weekend

sat, wake up at 630am to wake boss up, suppose to go for a charity walk. but i really dun feel like gg. afr waking him up, went back to slp, den msg him again later tell him i gt something cope up, not attending le.

wake up liao faster get prepare to go out. head to NTUC to buy some stuffs, brought alot of cans food n maggi mee, den head to dad hs le.afr so many yrs, im already a grown up girl liao, den look at dad, he really aged alot le.

i nv really had such a long chat wif dad for so long, i guess gt more den 10yr le. sitting jus beside him onli. guess no matter hw strong a person i am, still i miss e homely feeling. even when i hear tt other ppl like my staffs n dear dey all like went out wif their family for jus a simple dinner, i already envy them so much. haiz

afr e chat, dear came n pick me up. den we head to court n ikea to walk walk. we oso had our early dinner at ikea. dear eat e fried chicken rice. i had e meatball, yummy!!! craving for chicken wing, so we oso order 2...omg, tt really super oily, dear jus cant stop complaining abt tt.

still early, so head home to nua abit first.

set off frm my hs at 8pm to catch e firework at 9pm. on e ECP pass rocher rd, dear already 1/2 sian saw so many cars liao, but still he make his way to marina sth jus bcos i wan to watch e firework.

e firework start real late, but tis yr gt a very nice pattern, a pattern of e flower. really very nice lor, but i dun manage to catch it on e camera. 15min firework end real fast, guess tt e worst nightmare le bah, is to squeeze thru e traffic jam to make it hm.

as expected, dear volcano erupt on e way back, e jam was real bad, took 1hr den reach dear hm. i duno hw to cool dear down, in case i say e wrong thing, i tink it better for me to kip my mouth shut instead.

feel kind of guilty cos dear mus go thru all e trouble jus to to bring me there to watch, c him look so tired i really feel damm bad. cum up wif decision le, tis will be e last firework i watch le. i dun wan to b so stuborn n insist, is like torturing dear like tt.

today sun, is e last day to enjoy n spent time wif dear le. nxt week onward is going to b a hactic one for both of us le. both of us need to start sch le. i still gt 2week of leave, really duno hw am i going to spent my time myself. dear wun hav time for me, he will b super packed wif his stuff oso.

cant imagine tt i can onli mit dear on e weekend. is like so use to hav him wif me nearly everyday. really so sad! 


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