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Tuesday, August 28, 2007


yest nite didnt hav a gd slp, can say is like totally nv slp bah. jus simply cannot get to bed. alot of thing in my mind.

when i abt to fall aslp, den mum call me up. time to get prepare liao den go dad hs to pray liao. for very long nv go out so early le, not really use to it.

reach dad hs, went for breakfast together, den head to his hs to pray.

afr praying, mum head hm den i went out to walk walk alone. calculate e timing, so head to central to accom sis for lunch. had a quick lunch, her shop is havin a seasonal sale, is pack wif alot of customers.

den went to walk walk there myself, nothing much to walk there den head to bugis.

but once i reach bugis, receive a call frm dear, he ask me to check something at hm. so jus reach haven even buy my stuffs den head hm le.

but reach hm i cannot find e stuffs dear looking for.nua n slack at hm 1st. den dear meeting his fren tonite actually intent to continue my own shopping today but sudenly saw andy online, ask him out for coffee, ask jo along too.

at e moment i intent to head out alone, i suddenly feel so lost, i duno where i wan to head to. luckily i still hav a bunch of e buddy there for me. rem that we use to say "always last minute, but ever ready bunch of fren" but nw e other 3 went NS le, so onli left e other 3 of us le.

i miss e gd old days that e 6 of us use to had. last time each n everyone of us is like so carefree, always there for one another. hang out together nearly everyday, wk on e same shift, all off together.

while having coffee, is like back to e last time. joke n laugh ard. miss andy joke, miss jo laughter so much.

next fri going to hav a gathering, really looking forward for tt, hope tt all e 6 of us wil all turn up.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

1st day of school

yest wake up early wanted to go buys some boks frm MPH at parkway. ask mum to accom me to go. went all e way there den i realise tt e MPH there was close le. so eat our lunch le den go hm liao lor.

dear called me ard 3plus ask me to acomm him for his lunch.my poor dear, so late still haven eat yet. when i mit him liao he receive a call n he got wk to do again le.

accom dear to bedok res, while waiting for him to get his stuff done, i went into a book store to buy some notebook n pencils. by e time dear took his lunch is ard 4plus le, i really pity him, so packed wif his wk sometime.

afr lunch head back to my hs, let dear take a quick shower before he head back to his office n going to sch later. den dear send me to tanah merah mrt station there to wait for jo.

mit jo to go lakeside there to attend mingwei grandma wake. super long journey, somemore is afr office hr, mrt was so packed, we had to stand all e way to lakeside, tiring!

on e way to lakeside receive a call frm dear, telling me tt his timetable change liao, he will b studying on tue, thu n sat, but he miss his 1st lesson last sat, he gt so pissed. but actually im very happy, cos like tt our sch schedule wun crash liao, so mean tt i wun need to wait till weekend den can c dear liao.

by e time we reach lakeside is already quite late le. saw mingwei, me n jo is like lost of words like tt, duno wat to say cos he look quite sad to us, but is ok afr awhile le. while dey start their praying session me n jo went out for our dinner, haven eat yet, so hungry.

afr e dinner went back to e wake, it getting late le, but e prayer still not finish yet, so pass a msg to hannah, ask her to inform mingwei tt we make a move 1st, cos jo still need to wake up early for sch tml.

today, wake up early wanted to go make a new pair of spect. jus in time dear call me before i left e hs, he ask me to accom him for lunch. dear was in a hurry today had a quick lunch den he drop me off at bedok mrt station den dear head back to wk le.

1st stop to century sq to do my spect n contact len, haiz, every 3yr tis will cost me a bomb.afr done wif my spect, took a train to simei east point Popular. trying to find e book im lookin for, too bad dey nv sell there.

den head to raffles city, went to MPH to look for e books, but dey told me dun hav oso. try e citylink MPH, same ans i gt again. slowing walk to marina sq to e times book shop. dey do sell e book, but is frm diff author n currently dey dun hav e stock oso. haiz.

my leg is killing me, wearing such a high heel n walk such a long distant, should hav wear my normal flat out instead. getting alittle tired, head to billy bomber, take away my fav chocolate malt drink den slowly walk to suntec to try my luck again.

stop by at suntec to look for clark n cecilia for a chat. been a long time since i last saw them le.afr e chat, took a bus to somerset there.im forever no sense of direction wan lor, stop at e wrong stop! arghh! mus walk very far again.

still early, went to mac cafe for a drink. errr..their ice passion tea taste sux, pls dun ever try tt. it horrible. den is time for sch le.

so nervous, it had been 5yr since i last study le, feeling quite stress. wow! duno y today alot of ppl came n enrol for e course i tink, e place was so packed, faster go collect my access pass liao den head to classroom.

reach classroom den i realise tt they spell my name wrongly on e access pass. y everyone like to change my name.

the guy is like teaching us nonsense like tt. nv really into e topic, until e last 10min ask us to faster highlight e keypoint n ask us to go hm to read up ourselve. duno wat he trying to teach.

both me n dear lesson finish at e same time, den dear came n pick me up afr sch, bring me to eat my late dinner den send me hm le.

my leg really super tired today, tml need to do my own revision le.

Monday, August 20, 2007

my weekend

sat, wake up at 630am to wake boss up, suppose to go for a charity walk. but i really dun feel like gg. afr waking him up, went back to slp, den msg him again later tell him i gt something cope up, not attending le.

wake up liao faster get prepare to go out. head to NTUC to buy some stuffs, brought alot of cans food n maggi mee, den head to dad hs le.afr so many yrs, im already a grown up girl liao, den look at dad, he really aged alot le.

i nv really had such a long chat wif dad for so long, i guess gt more den 10yr le. sitting jus beside him onli. guess no matter hw strong a person i am, still i miss e homely feeling. even when i hear tt other ppl like my staffs n dear dey all like went out wif their family for jus a simple dinner, i already envy them so much. haiz

afr e chat, dear came n pick me up. den we head to court n ikea to walk walk. we oso had our early dinner at ikea. dear eat e fried chicken rice. i had e meatball, yummy!!! craving for chicken wing, so we oso order 2...omg, tt really super oily, dear jus cant stop complaining abt tt.

still early, so head home to nua abit first.

set off frm my hs at 8pm to catch e firework at 9pm. on e ECP pass rocher rd, dear already 1/2 sian saw so many cars liao, but still he make his way to marina sth jus bcos i wan to watch e firework.

e firework start real late, but tis yr gt a very nice pattern, a pattern of e flower. really very nice lor, but i dun manage to catch it on e camera. 15min firework end real fast, guess tt e worst nightmare le bah, is to squeeze thru e traffic jam to make it hm.

as expected, dear volcano erupt on e way back, e jam was real bad, took 1hr den reach dear hm. i duno hw to cool dear down, in case i say e wrong thing, i tink it better for me to kip my mouth shut instead.

feel kind of guilty cos dear mus go thru all e trouble jus to to bring me there to watch, c him look so tired i really feel damm bad. cum up wif decision le, tis will be e last firework i watch le. i dun wan to b so stuborn n insist, is like torturing dear like tt.

today sun, is e last day to enjoy n spent time wif dear le. nxt week onward is going to b a hactic one for both of us le. both of us need to start sch le. i still gt 2week of leave, really duno hw am i going to spent my time myself. dear wun hav time for me, he will b super packed wif his stuff oso.

cant imagine tt i can onli mit dear on e weekend. is like so use to hav him wif me nearly everyday. really so sad! 


Saturday, August 18, 2007

hair cut

finally say bye bye to my full time job, f*** all tos stupid committment, i free le. can take my 2week long break b4 i go back as a part timer.

feel so great w/o worry abt e shop. no phone call come n bother me.

today i wake up early to pamper myself wif a new hair-do. nothing interesting tis time. cut back my doll doll hair to act cute abit.

dear oso went for a new hair cut today, he look like a boy boy afr he cut e hair.lolz!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


although tis whole week wking nite dun hav time to accom my dear, still try to squeeze time to go n look for him. yest afr wk went dwn to mit dear awhile, jus awhile while i oso happy le, wait till he fall aslp den i leave.

today mit up wif dear for lunch, had a very late lunch cos he got something cope up a his work.

head to tampines to eat something gd. hahha, dear owe me tis meal de. something funny tt dear did while entering e shop, it a secret, im not goin to post it here, lolz. force dear to eat japanese food wif me, im not tt bad till force him to eat sushi wif me, we eat raman instead.

eat till damm full, yummy! den mus head to wk le. tracy was so surprise tt i came late for wk today w/o informing her,she knw tt im nv late for wk de, she still tot something bad happen to me, when she jus abt to call me i reach le.

chinese ghost festive, really alot of diff, less customer cum to eat at nite, somehow like abit of ghost town. but i tink is a gd thing for us, lolz!

haiz, whenever i hav extra money wan to pamper myself abit, there will always b something cope up n i need to spent my money else where de.

receive a call for sis, saying tt dad wan to borrow some money frm us. it not e 1st time i lend him or turn him dwn. but i dunno wat to do. by lending him e money is it helping him or making him having e same habit again, taking me for granted.

use to hate him so much, but it all in e past le, life still goes on. really duno wat to do, ask for dear idea, he ask me to decide myself, kind of sad when i tell him tt i feeling trouble nw n he tell me he going hm to watch his tv show.

haiz,feeling trouble but still mus go back to wk. try to faster get e place clear up den can faster go hm. so many familar faces here today. engchye came dwn, eric was here too. den mas went for smk at e back, she told me someone looking for me at e back, i was like wondering tis time who again.

to my surprise, dear was here to cheer me up. i really nv expect to c him here at tis time. he brought me my fav seaweed n chocolate. smile till my mouth cant close like tt. starting i still tot dear really onli care abt his show, dun care tt im troubled.

i really super touch, so sweet of dear. enough staff for tonight, ask huixin if i can leave early today. yeah!! can leave early, got some time to accom dear le.

thank u so much, my dear. ur appear, really cheer me up alot.  

Monday, August 13, 2007

my weekend

on fri, one day afr national day, is our gal gathering again, celebration for ting bday, somemore it fall on e actual day.

wking morning shift as per normal, having a bad time at wk again. super hungry, skip my lunch cos dun really hav time to eat too. waiting for sis to come dwn real soon to buy me some bread, who knw she reach quite late too.

finish wk me n sis waiting for bus opp, but waited for very long liao still no bus, getting late le, so took a cab to marina sq.

while waiting for e rest to reach, went to chocz to grap some chocolates for our chocolate freak bday ger, den head to keny rogger for dinner. eat alot, cos im really supper hngry. afr dinner went to shop for my bottom.

time flies real fast, getting late le, our eileen mummy n my sis getting tired le, but me ting n elaine still craving for dessert, so we head to xing wang for their giant mango ice n mango pudding. gossip time as usual.

den dear called, he finish his game liao going to yishun there wif his fren. asking me if i wan go, so dear came n pick me up n i left e both of them there at xing wang le. 

sat was really a very angry day,both me n tracy wking morning, counting down to finish wk, who knw chyehong called at ard 5, saying tat she cannot make it to wk, need me to stay to take over e shift.

super angry, damm piss, den call dear tell him tt i cannot mit, he sound disappointed cos dear cancel all his plan cos he know he meeting me afr my work.

in e end me n tracy came out wif a plan, since her bf finish wk at 10pm so i ask her to help me stay till 10pm, i will leave at 6 to meet dear for awhile den come back at 10pm to take over her shift.

rush to dear hs to mit him afr wk. took a cab there, e stupid cabby jus cannot shut his mouth for jus 1min, thru out e journry no peace at all, e traffic was real bad too. reach liao help dear to clean his car, slack awhile in his hs den went for dinner together den mus head back to wk n leave dear alone liao, so sad.

today, sunday, suppose to wk morning shift today but since yest take over chyehong shift so is her turn to take over mine le.

is like really had a very nice slp, wake onli when dear call me, he say he on e way to cum find me, but suddenly i hear e door knocking. wondering who will knock e door at tis hr. went to open e door, to my surprise, dear standing outside le.

hav a quick shower,grap a bread liao faster get prepare liao den went out for movie. went to watch rush hour3. super funny show, but is a short one. afr movie went to tao pa food den head back hm to nua again liao..

Friday, August 10, 2007

National day

yest was like a bad day at wk, totally forgot tt is public holiday eve, nv put 1 more staff on schedule. kena scolded by customer. haiz, jus not my day.

tt day try to figure out hw to get to dear sch, cos he goin to sch. rem he told me t he will finish his sch at 830pm. so calculate my time properly to wait for him to finish sch to give him a surprise.

it really a long journey there, somemore e traffic at city area really very bad at tt hr. half way thru jus pass orchard onli, receive a call frm dear. at tt moment of time my heart sink lor. he told me he finish sch liao.

i really super sad, tot of giving him a surprise yet i didnt make it on time. den dear ask me where am i, i like stone at a moment, duno wat to tell him n i dunno where i am somemore. finally saw some place which are i knw, faster alight n wait for dear.

is kind of giving him more trouble den surprise him lor. feel so bad. we decide to meet up at great world city for dinner instead of him come n pick me up. had keny roger for dinner, super full!!!

today is National day, public holiday n yet i can take of on tis day. no plan for today yet, stay at hm nua till evening time wait for dear over to my house. suddenly he say he wan me to cook dinner for him, but i lazy to go buy e food myself.

dear say he accom to go buy e food, so he come n pick me up n head to interchange. didnt knw tt not all HDB carpark is free on public holiday.so we make a big round n park at my old house there.

brought dear fav fish finger n my fav ice cream, faster head hm before e ice cream melt. start preparing e stuff while dear continue to play wif my com n watch tv. tt greedy monster kip coming to e kitchen to munch on e fish finger.

had our dinner n watch e NDP parade on tv at e same time, planning to walk over to a few blk away to c e firework. but when we walk under my flat we tot tt it will b better to go to concourse there to watch.

faster go hm n get change, off my com all tis n left my hs again. hope tt we can make it in time. park his car at dear office there, walk super fast to concourse there. stand there for awhile n dear decide to call his mum to check if e firework is over.

i really sad to e max le, we didnt make it on time. i didnt get to c tt, or even hear e sound of tt. really very disappointed, but still, mus really thx dear bring me all e way there. rush all the way there make him sweat alot.