yest wake up early wanted to go buys some boks frm MPH at parkway. ask mum to accom me to go. went all e way there den i realise tt e MPH there was close le. so eat our lunch le den go hm liao lor.
dear called me ard 3plus ask me to acomm him for his poor dear, so late still haven eat yet. when i mit him liao he receive a call n he got wk to do again le.
accom dear to bedok res, while waiting for him to get his stuff done, i went into a book store to buy some notebook n pencils. by e time dear took his lunch is ard 4plus le, i really pity him, so packed wif his wk sometime.
afr lunch head back to my hs, let dear take a quick shower before he head back to his office n going to sch later. den dear send me to tanah merah mrt station there to wait for jo.
mit jo to go lakeside there to attend mingwei grandma wake. super long journey, somemore is afr office hr, mrt was so packed, we had to stand all e way to lakeside, tiring!
on e way to lakeside receive a call frm dear, telling me tt his timetable change liao, he will b studying on tue, thu n sat, but he miss his 1st lesson last sat, he gt so pissed. but actually im very happy, cos like tt our sch schedule wun crash liao, so mean tt i wun need to wait till weekend den can c dear liao.
by e time we reach lakeside is already quite late le. saw mingwei, me n jo is like lost of words like tt, duno wat to say cos he look quite sad to us, but is ok afr awhile le. while dey start their praying session me n jo went out for our dinner, haven eat yet, so hungry.
afr e dinner went back to e wake, it getting late le, but e prayer still not finish yet, so pass a msg to hannah, ask her to inform mingwei tt we make a move 1st, cos jo still need to wake up early for sch tml.
today, wake up early wanted to go make a new pair of spect. jus in time dear call me before i left e hs, he ask me to accom him for lunch. dear was in a hurry today had a quick lunch den he drop me off at bedok mrt station den dear head back to wk le.
1st stop to century sq to do my spect n contact len, haiz, every 3yr tis will cost me a bomb.afr done wif my spect, took a train to simei east point Popular. trying to find e book im lookin for, too bad dey nv sell there.
den head to raffles city, went to MPH to look for e books, but dey told me dun hav oso. try e citylink MPH, same ans i gt again. slowing walk to marina sq to e times book shop. dey do sell e book, but is frm diff author n currently dey dun hav e stock oso. haiz.
my leg is killing me, wearing such a high heel n walk such a long distant, should hav wear my normal flat out instead. getting alittle tired, head to billy bomber, take away my fav chocolate malt drink den slowly walk to suntec to try my luck again.
stop by at suntec to look for clark n cecilia for a chat. been a long time since i last saw them le.afr e chat, took a bus to somerset forever no sense of direction wan lor, stop at e wrong stop! arghh! mus walk very far again.
still early, went to mac cafe for a drink. errr..their ice passion tea taste sux, pls dun ever try tt. it horrible. den is time for sch le.
so nervous, it had been 5yr since i last study le, feeling quite stress. wow! duno y today alot of ppl came n enrol for e course i tink, e place was so packed, faster go collect my access pass liao den head to classroom.
reach classroom den i realise tt they spell my name wrongly on e access pass. y everyone like to change my name.
the guy is like teaching us nonsense like tt. nv really into e topic, until e last 10min ask us to faster highlight e keypoint n ask us to go hm to read up ourselve. duno wat he trying to teach.
both me n dear lesson finish at e same time, den dear came n pick me up afr sch, bring me to eat my late dinner den send me hm le.
my leg really super tired today, tml need to do my own revision le.