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Friday, May 25, 2007


today my off day again le! finally, wk for 10day straight before my tis off day.

wake up early today, cos mum oso off on today. she stay at hm till she damm bored le, so brought her out to walk walk. not much grap today, onli brought a short. den head to city plaza to look for third aunt.

nv stay out till too late cos meeting dear to play badminton. reach hm nua abit den dear came n pick me up.

so long nv exercise le, play badminton awhile den i super tired le. sweat like mad! face oso super red lor.

afr e game went for a drink. afr e drink dear send me hm to hav a quick shower. hahha, he kena force by mum to cum up awhile. den head to dear hs to watch tv.

haiz, tml gg back to wk again le, super sian! i duno i still need to stay in e hell for hw long. jus nw receive a call frm desmond. he say tat e office slot had been taken up le. but he will help me check put at other department in office.

i really damm sian liao lor. if really worst cum to worst, i tink need to stick back to my original plan to resign liao lor. but tis job really sux. we wk like donkey, i been wking for 6 fucking yr le yet we cannot compare to tos philipine worker.

their pay is much higher den our n alot of them already start to take over e shop in charge post. jus bcos dey r philipine "degree" holder. is tat stupid paper really so important???

tired! disappointed! sick of this company le!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


i really feeling super shag e past week, nv in my 6 yr in haagen dazs i had ever feel so tired before. 

totally chim xin in tis job le. i really hope to leave tis hell soon. study is wat i always wanted to do, but is oso a escape frm wk excuse.

hope time pass faster so i can go office to wk n faster go back study!!!!

Friday, May 18, 2007


TIRED~ jus too tired to do anything le!!! i need a break!!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


yest was my off, had a real gd slp. damm shiok!!!

afternoon time mit up wif dear to accom him to go to his sch to do e enrollment thing, den went to tiong bahru there to eat his lunch. place wif memories!!

afr his lunch still early, went to alot of place. went to kent ridge park, n mt faber sit sit. during day time e place is really different frm e night time, but is a beautiful place still.

time getting late le, dear need to go for his show, so he drop me off at harbour front there den i head to funan to collect my thing. still early, so i went to raffles to chat wif chyehong.

talk alot, she suggest tat ask me not to resign frm full time, she ask me go ask desmond if they need anyone in e office. den like tat i can wk full time n still got time to study le.

today wk morning. super slack, not much customers, but still time pass damm fast cos alot of thing to do in e morning. tracy late for wk again le, dun wan to wait for her till she reach so ask adelene to wait for her instead, anyway she is hourly pay.

took bus hm today, e bus super noisy!!! young kids, even bus driver cannot take it scold e primary sch kid! den wait for dear to cum n accom me

when dear left le, i duno frm where e xiao qiang cum out frm. is not xiao lor, is damm big. i dun dare to catch it. germany cockroach i still dare to catch but it american cockroach. it flying somemore lor.

call dear but he already exit PIE le, dun wan to trouble him to cum back, so i call jiejie, but she still on e bus. i super scare it kip flying lor.feel so helpless, y everytime got all tis creature no one is by my side to help me.

luckily dear cum back to catch of me cos he knw i scare!!!! super touch. really thank to my piggy!!! if not i really duno wat to do, i tink i will stare at e cockroach till jiejie cum back n help me catch!


Monday, May 14, 2007


been quite sometime since my last update. nothing much to say abt for e past week. jus super tired abt everything.

e long wking hr is really a killer. frm e start got my of day on mon! brought mum out for shopping, let her she for her mother's day present. she brought a wallet. sometime is jus tat she happy can le.

tue wking morning, sort of treasure e time wking morning, den i still got time to mit up wif my piggy, afr wk dear accom to go c lap top at court, need one for my study, sch is starting real soon le.but e lap top there is rather ex, so dear say he will bring me to funan to c nxt time.

wed, tired day!!! full shift long hr, tired!

luckily liting can n help us out on thur, is not is another full day for me again le, so can go to wk later. start wk at 7pm. catch up wif liting alotbeen mth since i last saw her. toking abt e gd old day we had at esplanade n raffles city! no more gd life for anyone of us le.

fri, super shag!!! full shift again! kind of miss my piggy even though is jus a few day nv gt to c him. so sweet of him brought lunch for me. been eating very irregularly lately, mayb is not enuff slp,tired till i oso lazy to eat. damm stone afr wk, cannot even tink properly, all i wan is i wan to slp! den dear cum n pick me up afr wk.

i really becum stone on sat le. wk morning, everyone tok to me n n need to tink very long den i can ans to them. brain is like totally not wking. i really need to slp! e past few not i dare not really dare to go into deep slp, im scare tat e alarm cannot wake me up. luckily e day is quite peaceful, not much crowd.

afr wk finally i can mit up wif dear le, whole day nv eat n i dun feel alittle hungry, can really imagine hw tired i am. force to eat abit. slp real early tat nite, before 12 i doze off already, jus wan to hav some gd slp.

who knw i really went into a deep slp, tis time round alarm ring i oso cannot hear, luckily mum c y so late i haven wake up so she cum n wake me up. seldom i will b late for wk, but today im late for 30min.

shouldnt hav cum late. alot of thing to do. e nite dey nv help me do any prepartion, i mus do all in e morning. as expected it a real busy day. wk like crazy, dishes stack up like a mountain den i mus do all e washing by myself, den is like geting close to 5pm le, mus clean up e place nice nice for tracy.sometime is really like a stress tat i duno where it cum frm, afr tat incident tat we quarrel, im very scare to hand over shift to her. sometime even slping time i will still kip tinking abt wk. tink im gg crazy soon le.

today she is not late, den dear brought me to funan. finally got my lap top le, so happy, i dunno anything abt com so dear do e choosing for me.afr buying e lap top, went to dear hs n he fix up everything for me.

haiz, nw i super sian liao lor. receive call frm tracy telling me my nxt week schedule. mon off, but is like totally aimless for e day, dear got alot of thing to do, no time to accom me, by e time he done wif his thing i tink he will b damm tired le, i oso dun wish to disturb him by den liao. den whole week wking nite n wed full shift. for e whole week can forgt abt meeting dear le, he need to wk in e day i need to wk at nite,no time for each other le, super sad!

Sunday, May 6, 2007


today at wk, do everything nice nice for tracy to cum. den receive call frm dear. so nice of him wanted to buy lunch for me.. ask e rest to go ahead wif lunch without me..waiting waiting waiting for my lunch, getting late le. i expected tat my piggy totally forgotten abt wat he had jus say le.

till ard 3plus dear call me n say he is on his way back hm, sad!! dun wan to remind him anything abt e lunch, wan to make him guilty. super hungry, can hear my stomach calling me..jus kip drinking coffee to make me full till dinner time.

finally tracy cum to wk le. we tok thing out n apologise to each other for yest incident. afr all we need to c each other everyday n we r fren for some many yrs le, no point to get angry over small matter lah n both our temper is equally bad..

den dear cum n pick me up,i suppose treat him for dinner, but in e end my piggy feel guilty. so he treat me to eat gd stuff,eat at e resturant tat he bring me b4. eat till damm full lor, so shiok!!! afr dinner head for SpiderMan3..nice show!!

afr e show, dear brought me to west coast for a stroll. time really fly, been together wif him for 1/2yr le. is like jus like a blink of eye. like so coincident lor, went back to e restaurant to hav our dinner n west coast for a stroll. nv expect time to pass so fast!!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

burst into tears

enough of all the shit at work, praying for tis day not to come till i resign n leave e hell. but wat will come u can nv stop it. me n tracy declare our war finally.

say out e unhappiness abt each other. i feel so wei qu. she say tat i leave shit afr every of my shift. hav she every tink abt e shit tat she left for me everytime. i always mus do e back up for her. tis is not my job.

if ur head is not so big, y wear such a big cap. she kip complaining tat she need to do tis n tat, but is tat her job role anot, doing all tos shit for demon tan den neglect her own shop. tis is not wat a shop in-charge will do. a shop in-charge shld put her own shop in e 1st place b4 anything, isn't it so???? isn't tat is a shop in-charge role?

i cannot do miracle myself, i onli hav 2 hand, wat she expect me to do..

i really cannot take it le n burst into tears. trying to hide my tears not letting my dear to c me cry, but still he found out le.. cry till his sleeve all wet le, feel so bad.. but luckily hav him by my side to console me.

tml wk still need to c tracy, duno hw will it b tml.